Your Grace

Your mercies endures forever

Your mercies are new every morning

You’re so gracious, so kind

So full of love

Your tender mercies

Are rich towards me

Your mercies endures forever

Your mercies are new every morning

You’re so gracious, so kind,

So full of love

Your tender mercies

Are rich towards me


Your grace overwhelms me

Your love overwhelms me

Who are my without your grace

Your grace overwhelms me

Your love overwhelms me

Who are my without your grace

Your grace overwhelms me

Your love overwhelms me

Who are my without your grace

Your grace overwhelms me

Your love overwhelms me

Who are my without your grace

Thank you for your grace

Thank you for your grace

Thank you for your grace

Verse 2

What greater love than this

That a man should

Lay down his life for me

For a debt he did not owe

Eh yah ah

Look what you blood has done

I am no longer the same

Now I stand boldly, righteous,

Completely forgiven

Darling, darling jesus

I am nothing without your grace

Nothing without your grace

Pre – chorus:

You’re so gracious, so kind,

So full of love

Your tender mercies

Are rich towards me


Your grace overwhelms me

Your love overwhelms me

Who am I without your grace

Your grace overwhelms me

Your love overwhelms me

Who are my without your grace

Your grace overwhelms me

Your love overwhelms me

Who are my without your grace


I’m nothing without your grace

I’m nothing without your grace

I’m nothing without your grace

I’m nothing without your grace

Nothing without your grace

Nothing without your grace

Nothing without your grace

Nothing without your grace

Nothing without your grace

Nothing without your grace

Nothing without your grace

Nothing without your grace

Nothing without your grace

Nothing without your grace

Nothing without your grace

Nothing without your grace

Everything by your grace

Everything by your grace

Everything by your grace

Everything by your grace

Everything by your grace

Everything by your grace

Everything by your grace

Everything by your grace


You’re so gracious, so kind,

So full of love

Your tender mercies

Are rich towards me


Your grace overwhelms me

Your love overwhelms me

Who am I without your grace

Your Grace Video

Your Grace Song Meaning



The song “Your Grace” by Judikay is a powerful worship song that expresses gratitude and awe towards God’s amazing grace. Released in 2021 as a track on her album “From This Heart,” the song has resonated with many listeners and has become a favorite in the Christian music community.

Key Messages of the Song

“Your Grace” is a song that highlights the enduring and abundant grace of God. The main key messages of the song can be understood chronologically from the lines.

The song begins with the acknowledgment of God’s enduring mercies that last forever. The lyrics state, “Your mercies endure forever, your mercies are new every morning.” This line emphasizes the faithfulness of God’s love and mercy, which are renewed every day. It highlights the unchanging nature of God’s grace and His willingness to forgive and show kindness to His children.

The next set of lines in the song acknowledges God’s kindness and love. It says, “You’re so gracious, so kind, so full of love.” These words express the overwhelming nature of God’s character, portraying Him as a loving and compassionate Father.

The following lines highlight the richness of God’s tender mercies towards His children. It states, “Your tender mercies are rich towards me.” This line emphasizes the abundance of God’s grace and His willingness to pour out His blessings upon those who seek Him.

The chorus of the song repeats the phrase “Your grace overwhelms me, your love overwhelms me.” This repetition emphasizes the overwhelming nature of God’s grace and love. It expresses a sense of awe and gratitude towards God’s immense blessings.

The bridge of the song emphasizes the dependency of the singer on God’s grace. It states, “I am nothing without your grace.” These words reflect the understanding that apart from God’s grace, we are nothing and can do nothing.

Meaning of the Song

The song “Your Grace” carries a profound meaning that resonates with believers. It serves as a reminder of the unchanging and abundant grace of God. It expresses the gratitude and awe that believers feel towards God for His love, mercy, and blessings.

The inspiration or story behind the song is not explicitly mentioned, but it is clear that it is rooted in the biblical understanding of God’s grace. The lyrics reflect a deep personal experience and relationship with God, where the singer acknowledges their complete dependence on His grace and expresses gratitude for His overwhelming love.

Biblical Analysis

In critically analyzing the song’s biblical foundation, it is important to align its messages with the teachings and principles found in the Bible. Let’s examine some biblical references that support the key messages of the song.

The idea of God’s enduring mercies is found throughout the Bible. In Lamentations 3:22-23, it says, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” This verse echoes the lyrics of the song, emphasizing the unchanging nature of God’s love and mercy.

The concept of God’s grace and kindness is also prevalent in the Bible. In Ephesians 2:8-9, it says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” This verse highlights the gracious nature of God’s salvation, emphasizing that it is not earned but given freely by His grace.

The idea of God’s tender mercies and His abundance is seen in Psalm 103:8, which says, “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.” This verse reflects the lyrics of the song, emphasizing the richness of God’s tender mercies towards His children.

The understanding that believers are nothing without God’s grace can be found in various biblical passages. In John 15:5, Jesus says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” This verse highlights the dependency of believers on Christ and the need for His grace to bear fruit in their lives.


The song “Your Grace” by Judikay is a powerful worship song that expresses gratitude and awe towards God’s enduring and abundant grace. Its main key messages highlight the faithfulness of God’s love, His kindness, the richness of His mercy, and the dependency of believers on His grace. The song’s biblical foundation is supported by various passages that emphasize God’s enduring mercies, His grace, and the dependency of believers on Him. Overall, “Your Grace” serves as a reminder of the unchanging and overwhelming love of God and encourages believers to express their gratitude and dependence on His grace.

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