Count Your Blessings

Count your blessings

Name them one by one

Utashangaa what the lord has done.x2

He has done for you

He has done for you.

Dependable God, unfailing God.

Everything that I needed,

your hand has provided.

Nilipokuwa na shida,

nilipovunjika moyo,

everything that I needed,

God you have provided.

Count your blessings

Name them one by one

Utashangaa what the lord has done.x2

He has done for you.

I acknowledge you in my pain,

I will acknowledge your faithfulness,

even in my broke was,

I will acknowledge who you are.

I will declare your goodness

I will declare your mercy

Everything that I needed, God you have provided.

Count your blessings

Name them one by one

Utashangaa what the lord has done.x2

He has done for you

The joy that I have,

He has given me.

The strength that I have,

He has given me.

The hope that I have,

He has given me.

Yes, He has given me

He has given me…..

Amani moyoni

He has given me

The life that I have,

He has given me.

The fill with love

He has given me

He has given me

He has given me……….

Count your blessings

Name them one by one

Utashangaa what the lord has done.x2

He has done for you.

Count Your Blessings Video

Count Your Blessings Song Meaning

Title: Count Your Blessings by Kambua – A Song of Gratitude and Faith

Count Your Blessings is an uplifting and soul-stirring song by Kambua, a talented Kenyan gospel artist. This song encourages listeners to adopt a mindset of gratitude and reflect on the numerous blessings that God has bestowed upon us. With its powerful lyrics and captivating melody, Count Your Blessings has become a favorite among believers seeking inspiration and encouragement in their faith journey.

Understanding the Meaning:
The song’s title, “Count Your Blessings,” is derived from the popular hymn of the same name written by Johnson Oatman Jr. in 1897. It encourages individuals to take stock of their blessings and express gratitude for God’s faithfulness. Kambua’s rendition adds a contemporary touch while maintaining the timeless message of counting one’s blessings.

The Inspiration behind the Song:
While the specific inspiration or story behind Kambua’s version of Count Your Blessings is not widely known, the theme of gratitude and thanksgiving is deeply rooted in the Christian faith. The song resonates with believers who have experienced God’s goodness in their lives and wish to express their gratitude through music.

Bible Verses on Gratitude:
The concept of counting one’s blessings and expressing gratitude is found throughout the Bible. Here are a few verses that relate to the theme of Count Your Blessings:

1. Psalm 100:4 (NIV):
“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.”

This verse encourages believers to approach God with a heart full of gratitude and praise. It reminds us that thanksgiving should be an integral part of our worship.

2. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV):
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

Here, the apostle Paul instructs believers to offer thanks to God in all circumstances, whether favorable or challenging. This verse emphasizes the importance of maintaining a grateful heart regardless of the situation.

3. Colossians 3:17 (NIV):
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

This verse reminds us to offer thanks to God in everything we do, acknowledging His sovereignty and faithfulness. It encourages believers to live a life of gratitude, honoring God in all aspects of their lives.

Analysis of the Lyrics:
The lyrics of Count Your Blessings beautifully capture the essence of gratitude and God’s provision. The song reminds us to acknowledge the numerous blessings God has bestowed upon us, both big and small. Let’s analyze the lyrics further:

Verse 1:
“Count your blessings, name them one by one
You will be amazed at what the Lord has done”

These lines encourage listeners to take time to reflect on the blessings in their lives. By naming each blessing one by one, we gain a better understanding of the abundance of God’s goodness.

Verse 2:
“He has done for you, He has done for you
Dependable God, unfailing God
Everything that I needed, Your hand has provided”

In this verse, the singer acknowledges God’s faithfulness and provision. It highlights the reliability of God as the source of every need and emphasizes that He never fails to provide.

Verse 3:
“I acknowledge you in my pain
I will acknowledge your faithfulness
Even in my brokenness, I will acknowledge who You are
I will declare Your goodness, I will declare Your mercy
Everything that I needed, God, You have provided”

These lines express the singer’s commitment to recognizing God’s faithfulness even in times of pain and brokenness. It demonstrates the power of gratitude and declares that God’s provision extends beyond material needs.

“Count your blessings, name them one by one
You will be amazed at what the Lord has done
He has done for you”

The chorus reiterates the importance of counting our blessings and acknowledging God’s work in our lives. It serves as a reminder to appreciate and be amazed at the countless ways God has blessed us.

Count Your Blessings by Kambua is a powerful song that encourages believers to cultivate a heart of gratitude. It reminds us to reflect on the goodness of God and the blessings He has bestowed upon us. Through its inspiring lyrics and captivating melody, the song encourages believers to count their blessings one by one and be amazed at the Lord’s faithfulness. As we embrace the message of this song, may we continually offer thanks to God for His abundant provision and unfailing love.

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