
Verse 1
There’s a Jericho
In front of me
That’s the land
My Father promised me

Pre Chorus 1
If that’s what He said
Then I believe
Gonna march right up to the enemy
Oh and I won’t leave
Until we have the victory

Shout shout
Until the walls come down
Shout shout
Until they all fall down
Shout shout
Until the walls come down
Shout shout
Until they all fall

They’re falling doown

Verse 2
There’s a giant standing
In my way
But he doesn’t know
He’s gonna fall today

Pre Chorus 2
There’s a greater One
That fights for me
Gonna march right up to the enemy
Oh and I won’t leave
Until we have the victory

Shout shout
Until the walls come down
Shout shout
Until they all fall down
Shout shout
Until the walls come down
Shout shout
Until they all fall

They’re falling doown

I took back
I took back
I took back
What was stolen from me

I took back my joy
I took back my peace
I took back
What was stolen from me

I took back my life
I took back my hope
I took back
What was stolen from me

Shout shout
Until the walls come down
Shout shout
Until they all fall down
Shout shout
Until the walls come down
Shout shout
Until they all fall

They’re falling doown

I took back my joy
I took back my peace
I took back
What was stolen from me

I took back my life
I took back my hope
I took back
What was stolen from me

Shout! Video

Shout! Song Meaning

Title: Shout! by Lakewood Church: A Victorious Anthem of Faith

“Shout!” is a powerful Christian song by Lakewood Church that has captivated the hearts of believers worldwide. With its energetic and uplifting melody, this song serves as an anthem of faith and victory.

I. The Meaning of “Shout!” by Lakewood Church
“Shout!” is a proclamation of faith and a declaration of victory. The song encourages believers to shout out in praise and worship, knowing that God is faithful to fulfill His promises. It reminds us that no matter what obstacles or giants we may face, we can trust in the power and faithfulness of God to overcome them.

The lyrics of the song emphasize the importance of standing firm in our beliefs and marching forward with confidence. It encourages believers to shout out until the walls of opposition come down, until every stronghold is broken, and until victory is achieved. In essence, “Shout!” reminds us to keep our focus on God and trust in His ability to bring about breakthroughs in our lives.

II. The Inspiration Behind “Shout!” by Lakewood Church
While specific details about the inspiration or story behind the creation of “Shout!” are not readily available, we can surmise that the song was birthed out of the experiences and testimonies of the worship team at Lakewood Church. Lakewood Church, located in Houston, Texas, is one of the largest and most influential churches in the United States, led by Pastor Joel Osteen.

As a church known for its vibrant worship services, Lakewood Church aims to create an atmosphere where believers can encounter the presence of God. The song “Shout!” most likely emerged from a desire to inspire and encourage the congregation to lift their voices in praise and worship, trusting in the power of God to bring about transformation and victory in their lives.

III. Bible Verses Related to “Shout!” by Lakewood Church
The lyrics of “Shout!” align with several Bible verses that speak to the theme of victory and praise. Let’s explore some of these verses:

1. Joshua 6:20 (NIV):
“When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city.”

This verse is reminiscent of the story of Jericho in the book of Joshua. The Israelites were instructed to march around the city walls of Jericho for six days, and on the seventh day, they were to march around the city seven times and shout. When they obeyed, the walls of Jericho came down, and they experienced victory. “Shout!” captures the essence of this biblical account, encouraging believers to shout until the walls come down in their own lives.

2. 1 Samuel 17:45 (NIV):
“David said to the Philistine, ‘You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.’”

The story of David and Goliath is a powerful example of overcoming giants through faith in God. Despite the massive size and strength of Goliath, David faced him with unwavering confidence in the Lord’s power. “Shout!” echoes this sentiment, empowering believers to face their own giants, knowing that God fights for them.

3. Psalm 47:1 (NIV):
“Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy.”

This verse from the book of Psalms encourages believers to shout to God with cries of joy. It reminds us that praise and worship are not merely an obligation but a joyful response to God’s goodness and faithfulness. “Shout!” captures the essence of this verse, prompting believers to lift their voices in praise and worship.

4. Psalm 66:1 (NIV):
“Shout for joy to God, all the earth!”

In this psalm, the psalmist calls for all the earth to shout for joy to God. It is a call to universal praise and recognition of God’s greatness. “Shout!” aligns with the spirit of this verse, prompting believers to join in the chorus of praise and declare God’s goodness to all the earth.

“Shout!” by Lakewood Church is a captivating Christian song that serves as a powerful anthem of faith and victory. Its energetic melody and lyrics inspire believers to lift their voices in praise and worship, trusting in God’s faithfulness to bring about breakthroughs in their lives. Drawing inspiration from biblical accounts of triumph and victory, “Shout!” encourages believers to march forward with confidence, knowing that God fights for them. Let us join in the chorus of believers worldwide, declaring victory and shouting until the walls come down.

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