Moya Wami

Hlazi intliziyo yami, Jesu (Cleanse my heart, Jesus!) x4

Iguqulw’intando yami (Change my will)

Mayiveliswe nayeyakho (To be like Yours)

Hlazi intliziyo yami wena Jesu (Cleanse my heart Jesus)

Moya Wami uyakulangazelela (My Spirit longs for You)

Ufuna wena (It needs You)

Moya wam’ uyakulangazelela (My soul longs for You)

Hay’ wena Simakade (Ancient of Days)

Moya Wam’ uyakulangazelela (My Spirit longs for You)

Ufuna wena (It needs You)

Moya wam’ uyakulangazelela (My soul longs for You)

Simakade (Ancient of Days) (Repeat)

Moya Wami Song Meaning

Title: Moya Wami by Lebo Sekgobela: A Soul-Stirring Song of Longing and Cleansing


“Moya Wami” is a powerful worship song by Lebo Sekgobela, a renowned South African gospel artist. The song’s title translates to “My Spirit” in English, and it beautifully captures the essence of longing for God’s presence and surrendering our hearts to Him. With its soulful melody and heartfelt lyrics, “Moya Wami” has touched the hearts of many believers, drawing them closer to God and inspiring a deeper connection with Him.

Meaning and Inspiration

“Moya Wami” is a heartfelt cry from the depths of the soul, expressing a longing for God’s presence and a desire to be cleansed and transformed by Him. The song beautifully portrays the need for a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit, who brings about spiritual renewal and a deep sense of connection with God.

The inspiration behind “Moya Wami” stems from the biblical understanding of the Holy Spirit’s role in the life of a believer. In the Bible, the Holy Spirit is often referred to as the Comforter, Teacher, and Guide. The song seeks to create an atmosphere of surrender and openness to the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives, inviting Him to cleanse and transform our hearts.

Bible Verses Related to “Moya Wami”

1. Psalm 51:10 (NIV)
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

This verse speaks to the longing for a pure heart and a renewed spirit, which aligns with the theme of “Moya Wami.” The song echoes the psalmist’s plea for God to create in us a clean heart and a steadfast spirit.

2. Ezekiel 36:26 (NIV)
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”

This verse reflects the desire for a transformation of the heart, a central theme in “Moya Wami.” The song expresses the yearning to have our hearts softened and molded by God, allowing Him to replace our hardened hearts with hearts that are receptive to His leading.

3. James 4:8 (NIV)
“Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

This verse emphasizes the importance of drawing near to God and purifying our hearts. “Moya Wami” echoes this call to come closer to God and allow Him to cleanse our hearts, removing any impurities and double-mindedness.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of “Moya Wami” beautifully express the longing for God’s presence and the surrendering of our hearts to Him. While not providing a full translation of the lyrics, below are some key phrases and their meaning:

1. “Hlazi intliziyo yami, Jesu” (Cleanse my heart, Jesus)
This phrase is a plea to Jesus to cleanse and purify the heart, removing any impurities and sin. It reflects the desire to be made pure and holy in God’s sight.

2. “Mayiveliswe nayeyakho” (To be like Yours)
This line expresses the desire to be transformed into the likeness of God, aligning our will with His. It signifies surrendering our own desires and embracing God’s perfect will for our lives.

3. “Moya Wami uyakulangazelela” (My Spirit longs for You)
This phrase encapsulates the central theme of the song, expressing the deep longing for God’s presence and the desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

4. “Ufuna wena” (It needs You)
This line conveys the recognition that our souls are incomplete without God. It acknowledges that only in Him can we find true fulfillment and satisfaction.


“Moya Wami” by Lebo Sekgobela is a soul-stirring worship song that resonates with believers who long for a deeper connection with God. Its heartfelt lyrics reflect the yearning to be cleansed and transformed by the Holy Spirit, inviting God’s presence into our lives. Through its powerful message and beautiful melody, “Moya Wami” encourages believers to draw near to God, seeking His cleansing and renewal. As we surrender our hearts to Him, we can experience the profound joy and peace that comes from a deep and intimate relationship with our Creator.

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