Everlasting God

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord

Wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord

Wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord

Our God, You reign forever

Our hope, our strong deliverer

You are the everlasting God

The everlasting God

You do not faint, you won’t grow weary

You’re the defender of the weak

You comfort those in need

You lift us up on wings like eagles

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord

Wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord

Wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord

Our God, You reign forever

Our hope, our strong deliverer

You are the everlasting God

The everlasting God

You do not faint, you won’t grow weary

You’re the defender of the weak

You comfort those in need

You lift us up on wings like eagles

You are the everlasting God

The everlasting God (strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord)

The everlasting God (wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord)

The everlasting

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord

Wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord

Wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord

You are the everlasting God

(The everlasting God) the everlasting god

(The everlasting God) I will wait up on the lord

Rise up with wings like eagles (the everlasting God)

The Lord is the everlasting God

The creator of all the Earth

He never grows weak or weary

No one can measure the depths of His understanding

He gives power to the weak, and strength to the powerless

Even youth will become weak and tired

And young men will fall in exhaustion

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength

They’ll soar high on wings like eagles

They’ll run and not grow weary

They’ll walk and not faint

Everlasting God Video

Everlasting God Song Meaning

Title: Everlasting God by Lincoln Brewster: Finding Strength in Waiting Upon the Lord

Everlasting God by Lincoln Brewster is a powerful worship song that has touched the hearts of many believers around the world. With its uplifting melody and profound lyrics, this song reminds us of the everlasting nature of God and the strength we can find in waiting upon Him. In this article, we will explore the meaning of the song, delve into the inspiration behind it, and discover the Bible verses that the song relates to.

1. The Meaning of Everlasting God:
The song’s title, “Everlasting God,” immediately captures our attention. It highlights the eternal nature of God, emphasizing that He is not bound by time or limited in strength. As the chorus repeats, “Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord,” it reminds us that our strength comes from God, and it is renewed as we patiently trust in Him.

This song encourages believers to have faith and hope in God’s unfailing power and love. It reminds us that even in our moments of weakness, God is our defender, comforter, and deliverer. By waiting upon the Lord, we can find the strength to overcome challenges and soar high on wings like eagles, as mentioned in Isaiah 40:31.

2. The Inspiration Behind Everlasting God:
The inspiration behind Everlasting God can be traced back to the Bible, specifically Isaiah 40:28-31. These verses beautifully capture the essence of the song, highlighting God’s everlasting nature and the strength He provides to those who trust in Him.

Additionally, the songwriter, Lincoln Brewster, may have drawn personal inspiration from his own journey of faith. As a prominent worship leader and musician, Brewster has faced his own struggles and challenges. Through his music, he seeks to encourage and uplift others, reminding them of the faithfulness and power of God.

3. Bible Verses that Relate to Everlasting God:
To better understand the message conveyed in Everlasting God, let’s explore the Bible verses that relate to this song:

a. Isaiah 40:28-31 (NIV):
“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

These verses beautifully capture the essence of the song, emphasizing God’s everlasting nature, His unwavering strength, and His ability to renew the strength of those who put their hope in Him. This passage serves as a reminder that we can find strength and resilience by waiting upon the Lord.

b. Psalm 46:10 (NIV):
“He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’”

This verse encourages believers to be still and acknowledge the sovereignty of God. It reminds us to trust in His plans and timing, knowing that He will be exalted and glorified in all circumstances. Waiting upon the Lord requires patience and surrender, as we trust in His perfect will.

c. Lamentations 3:25-26 (NIV):
“The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.”

These verses remind us of the goodness of God towards those who put their hope in Him. It encourages believers to wait quietly and patiently for His salvation, knowing that He is faithful to fulfill His promises. Waiting upon the Lord is an act of faith, demonstrating our trust in His perfect timing.

4. The Impact of Everlasting God:
Everlasting God has had a significant impact on both individuals and congregations. The song’s powerful message and uplifting melody have resonated with believers, reminding them of the unchanging nature of God and the strength they can find in Him.

Through the lyrics, Everlasting God encourages listeners to shift their focus from their own limitations to the limitless power of God. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and that God is always ready to provide strength and comfort.

This song has been sung in countless worship services, conferences, and gatherings, creating an atmosphere of reverence and trust in God’s faithfulness. It serves as a reminder that waiting upon the Lord is not passive but an active choice to trust in His plan and rely on His strength.

Everlasting God by Lincoln Brewster is a powerful worship song that reminds believers of the eternal nature of God and the strength that comes from waiting upon Him. Inspired by Isaiah 40:28-31, this song encourages listeners to trust in God’s unfailing power and find renewed strength in Him.

As we sing the lyrics, “Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord,” we are reminded that our strength is not dependent on our own abilities but on the everlasting God who never grows weary. By waiting upon Him, we can soar high on wings like eagles, finding comfort, and deliverance in His presence.

May this song continue to inspire and uplift believers, reminding them of the faithfulness and power of our Everlasting God.

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