Follow Me

Lord I want to follow you (oh with a heart that’s)
Pure and holy (Lord I want to follow you, your love is)
Never failing (let me be)
Let me be an example (of who you are)
Of who you are (bearing fruit for your kingdom is the treasure)
Treasure of my heart

I wanna be caught up in your dwelling place (I want to follow you)

I may not know everything
And sometimes I don’t get it all right
Yet my heart may fail thee
I know my spirit is contrite
In the midst of this human frailty
Lord please be my guide

Lord I want to follow you (oh with a heart that’s)
Pure and holy (Lord I want to follow you)
Never failing (Your love’s never failing, let me be)
Let me be an example (of who you are, who you are)
Of who you are (bearing fruit for your kingdom is the treasure)
Treasure of my heart

I wanna be caught up in your dwelling place (want to follow you)

I wanna follow you wherever you go
Step by step each moment
You’re the shepherd I know
Lord please guide me in the right way (right way)
That will lead to your holy place
I love you (I love you), I love you (I love you)
For in you the joy never ends

Lord I want to follow you (oh with a love that’s pure)
Pure and holy (Hallelujah! Lord I want to follow you)
Never failing (your love is never failing, let me be)
Let me be an example (let me be an example of who you are)
Of who you are (who you are, who you are)
(Bearing fruit for your kingdom is the treasure)
Treasure of my heart

I wanna be caught up in your dwelling place (want to follow you)

Open my eyes that I might see (that I might see)
What you really are to me
Don’t wanna take advantage of your grace
(I don’t wanna take advantage of your grace)
Lead me to your most holy place
(Sing it again y’all, open my eyes yeah)
Open my eyes that I might see (everytime I
Look the other way I don’t know which way to go)
What you really are to me (I don’t wanna take)
Don’t wanna take advantage of your grace (lead me to)
Lead me to your most holy place (open my eyes, my eyes)
Open my eyes that I might see (directly Lord)
What you really are to me (I don’t wanna take)
Don’t wanna take advantage of your grace (lead me to)
Lead me to your most holy place (open my eyes yeah)
Open my eyes that I might see (what you really are)
What you really are to me (I don’t wanna take advantage of your grace)
Don’t wanna take advantage of your grace (lead me to your holy place)
Lead me to your most holy place (yeah, yeah)

Every step I take, every breath I breathe
I want to follow you
Every step I take, every breath I breathe (I wanna follow you)
Want to follow you (every step, oh my God)
Every step I take,
Every breath I breathe (I don’t wanna move without you Jesus)
I want to follow you (no no, no no)
Every step I take,
Every breath I breathe (every step I take,
Every move I make, has to be a step towards you)
Want to follow you
Every step I take, every breath I breathe
I want to follow you (I wanna)
Every step I take, every breath I breathe (wanna follow you)
Want to follow you

Somebody lift up their hands and give God glory
Lord I give you praise in the spirit
God because every step I make every move I take
I wanna follow you Lord
I’ve gone my own direction
I’ve done my own thing
Every step I made in error
Lord ?
Oh yeah…

Follow Me Video

Follow Me Song Meaning

Title: Follow Me by Marvin Sapp: A Heartfelt Call to Follow Jesus


“Follow Me” by Marvin Sapp is a powerful Christian worship song that calls believers to wholeheartedly follow Jesus Christ. With its uplifting melody and heartfelt lyrics, the song resonates with Christians who desire to live a life of purity, holiness, and obedience to God’s Word. In this article, we will explore the meaning of the song, the inspiration behind it, and the Bible verses that it relates to.

I. The Meaning of “Follow Me”:

The song “Follow Me” encourages believers to walk closely with Jesus, seeking to live a life that reflects His character. It emphasizes the importance of having a pure and holy heart, one that is never failing in its commitment to follow Christ. The lyrics express a deep desire to be an example of who Jesus is, bearing fruit for His kingdom.

This call to follow Jesus is not a mere suggestion but a command that Jesus Himself gave to His disciples. In Matthew 16:24, Jesus said, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” Following Jesus requires surrendering our own desires, taking up our cross (symbolizing self-denial and sacrifice), and obediently following His teachings and example.

“Follow Me” reminds us that following Jesus is not just about attending church or participating in religious activities. It is a daily commitment to live out our faith in every aspect of our lives, seeking to honor God in everything we do.

II. The Inspiration and Story Behind “Follow Me”:

While specific details about the inspiration and story behind “Follow Me” are not widely known, the song’s lyrics reflect the teachings and principles found throughout the Bible. Marvin Sapp, a renowned gospel artist, has a deep love for God and a passion for leading people into God’s presence through his music. It is likely that his personal relationship with Jesus and his desire to encourage believers played a significant role in inspiring this song.

The theme of following Jesus is a recurring message in Marvin Sapp’s music, and “Follow Me” beautifully captures the essence of what it means to be a true disciple of Christ. Its heartfelt lyrics and powerful melody make it a favorite among believers who long to live a life fully surrendered to Jesus.

III. Bible Verses that “Follow Me” Relates to:

1. Matthew 4:19 – “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”
This verse captures the very moment when Jesus called His disciples to follow Him. It reminds us that following Jesus involves being His witnesses and sharing the Gospel with others.

2. Matthew 16:24 – “Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.’”
This verse highlights the cost of discipleship. Following Jesus requires self-denial and a willingness to carry our cross, which may involve sacrifice and hardship.

3. John 8:12 – “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.’”
In this verse, Jesus declares Himself as the light of the world. Following Him leads to a life filled with His light, truth, and eternal life.

4. John 10:27 – “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”
As Jesus describes Himself as the Good Shepherd, He assures us that His sheep (His followers) will hear His voice and obediently follow Him. This verse emphasizes the importance of having a personal relationship with Jesus and being attentive to His leading.

5. 1 Peter 2:21 – “To this you were called because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.”
This verse encourages believers to follow the example of Jesus in His suffering and sacrificial love. It reminds us that following Jesus involves imitating His character and actions.

IV. Conclusion:

“Follow Me” by Marvin Sapp is a heartfelt call to follow Jesus wholeheartedly and live a life that reflects His character. The song’s lyrics inspire believers to have a pure and holy heart, to be an example of who Jesus is, and to bear fruit for His kingdom. It reminds us that following Jesus is not a passive endeavor but an active and ongoing commitment to walk closely with Him, obey His teachings, and share His love with others.

As we listen to “Follow Me” and meditate on its message, may it ignite a deeper desire within us to follow Jesus with unwavering devotion. May we surrender our own desires and take up our cross daily, seeking to honor God in every area of our lives. Let us remember that as we follow Jesus, we have the assurance of His guidance, His light, and His eternal life.

So, let us respond to the call of Jesus, saying, “Lord, I want to follow you with a heart that’s pure and holy. Let me be an example of who you are, bearing fruit for Your kingdom. May my life be a testimony of love and obedience to You, for You are the treasure of my heart.”

“In every step I take, every breath I breathe, I want to follow You, Lord. Lead me to Your most holy place. Open my eyes that I might see what You really are to me. Don’t let me take advantage of Your grace. Guide me in the right way that leads to Your holy presence. I love You, Lord. Amen.”

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