Desperate People

I’ve seen the God of wonders
Work miracles for me
Those with gifts and talents
Spoke prophetically
The mantles of Elijah, Paul and Timothy
I want to see that power at work inside of me

Cause I’m tired of the status quo
There’s gotta be more than this
There’s gotta be more, gotta be more
There’s gotta be more than this
Desperate people do desperate things ‘
And we’re pressing in
There’s gotta be more
Gotta be more
There’s gotta be more than this

There’s a people rising the faces shining bright
They speak the name of Jesus
As they’re walking toward the light
We are desperate people we want more more Lord
We are desperate people we want more more Lord

Desperate People Video

Desperate People Song Meaning

Title: Desperate People by Micah Stampley: A Cry for More


Desperate People is a powerful worship song by Micah Stampley that resonates with the hearts of believers who long for a deeper encounter with God. This article will delve into the meaning of the song, explore the inspiration behind it, and highlight relevant Bible verses that align with its message. With its passionate lyrics and captivating melody, Desperate People serves as a call to press into God’s presence and experience the transformative power of His love.

Meaning of the Song

Desperate People speaks to the longing within every believer’s heart for more of God’s presence, power, and purpose. It acknowledges the dissatisfaction that arises from a life lived in the status quo and expresses a deep desire for a supernatural encounter with the living God. The song calls out to God, acknowledging the need for His intervention and expressing a hunger for His transformative power.

Inspiration and Story Behind the Song

While the specific inspiration and story behind Desperate People by Micah Stampley are not widely known, the lyrics convey a universal cry of the human spirit that seeks more of God’s presence and power. Many believers can relate to this longing, as it is intrinsic to our faith journey. The song serves as a reminder that it is okay to be desperate for more of God and to earnestly seek Him with all our hearts. It encourages believers to press in and pursue a deeper relationship with Him.

Bible Verses Related to Desperate People

1. Matthew 5:6 (NIV):
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”

This verse reminds believers that those who hunger and thirst for God’s righteousness will be satisfied. It echoes the sentiment expressed in Desperate People, emphasizing the importance of spiritual hunger and the promise of fulfillment when we seek God with all our hearts.

2. Psalm 63:1 (NIV):
“You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.”

In this verse, the psalmist declares their earnest seeking of God, expressing a deep thirst and longing for Him. This aligns with the heart cry of Desperate People, as it emphasizes the desperate need for God’s presence in a spiritually dry and weary world.

3. James 4:8a (NIV):
“Come near to God and he will come near to you.”

This verse encourages believers to draw near to God, assuring them that when they take steps towards Him, He will draw near to them. It echoes the desire expressed in Desperate People, highlighting the promise of a close and intimate relationship with God when we pursue Him wholeheartedly.

Creative Relevant Subheadings:

1. The Cry for More: Exploring the Meaning of Desperate People
2. Behind the Lyrics: The Inspiration and Story of Desperate People
3. Hungering for Righteousness: Biblical Connections to Desperate People
4. Thirsting for God: The Longing Expressed in Desperate People
5. Drawing Near to God: The Promise of His Presence in Desperate People


Desperate People by Micah Stampley is a worship song that beautifully captures the cry of believers who long for a deeper encounter with God. Its passionate lyrics and captivating melody convey the universal longing for more of God’s presence, power, and purpose. Through relevant Bible verses, we see that this longing is not only valid but also encouraged in our faith journey. As we seek God with all our hearts, we can trust in His promise to satisfy our hunger and draw near to us. May Desperate People serve as a reminder to press into God’s presence and experience the transformative power of His love.

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