Speak Into My Life

Oh Lord speak into my life
I am a living sacrifice
Your word says live and not die
Oh Lord speak into my life

Oh Lord speak into my life
(I am)
I am a living sacrifice
(your word)
Your word says live and not die
Oh Lord speak into my life

One word I?m living this moment on a word
Not just any word but a word from you
A word that says I?m healed delivered and set free
There are no more chains holding me

Could have belonged on that rocky road
If I would have kept my eyes on the problem
I would have surely fell
I heard a voice say whose report do you believe
I said oh Lord one word?s all I need
Come on and help my say oh Lord!


One word, one word, one word, one word is all I need (repeat)

Your word says live and not die
Oh Lord speak into my life (repeat 4x)

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Speak Into My Life Song Meaning

Speak Into My Life by Micah Stampley is a powerful Christian worship song that carries a heartfelt plea for God to speak and guide us in our lives. With its uplifting melody and touching lyrics, this song has resonated with many believers around the world. In this blog post, we will explore the main key messages of the song, its meaning, and its biblical foundation.

Speak Into My Life: A Cry for God’s Guidance

The song begins with the lines, “Oh Lord speak into my life, I am a living sacrifice. Your word says live and not die, Oh Lord speak into my life.” These opening lines set the tone for the entire song, expressing a deep desire for God to speak and direct our lives. The singer acknowledges that they are a living sacrifice, surrendering themselves to God’s will, and they draw strength from the promise found in God’s word that they are meant to live and not die.

Throughout the song, the singer repeats the plea for God to speak into their life, emphasizing the importance of hearing and following God’s voice. They recognize that God’s word is life-giving and transformative, and they long for that divine guidance and direction. The repetition of this plea underscores the urgency and sincerity of the singer’s desire for God’s voice to be heard in their life.

Experiencing the Power of God’s Word

One of the key messages of this song is the belief in the power of God’s word to bring life and transformation. The lyrics affirm that God’s word says live and not die, highlighting the life-giving nature of God’s truth. As believers, we understand that the Bible is not just a collection of words but a living and active force that has the power to shape and guide our lives. In Hebrews 4:12, it says, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

By seeking God’s voice and allowing His word to speak into our lives, we open ourselves up to His transformative power. God’s word has the ability to bring healing, deliverance, and freedom. In Psalm 107:20, it says, “He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.” When we invite God to speak into our lives, we are inviting His transformative power to work in us, leading us to a life that is aligned with His will.

The Inspiration Behind the Song

While the specific inspiration or story behind the song “Speak Into My Life” by Micah Stampley is not readily available, it is clear that the lyrics are born out of a deep yearning for God’s guidance and direction. The song captures the universal longing we all have to hear from God and to be led by Him in every aspect of our lives. It reflects a desire to live a life that is in alignment with God’s purposes and to experience the fullness of His blessings.

Critically Analyzing the Song’s Biblical Foundation

When evaluating the biblical foundation of a worship song, it is important to examine whether the lyrics align with the teachings and principles found in the Bible. In the case of “Speak Into My Life,” the song is firmly rooted in biblical truths.

Throughout the Bible, we are encouraged to seek God’s guidance and to listen to His voice. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” This verse emphasizes the importance of trusting God and seeking His direction in all areas of our lives. The song’s plea for God to speak into our lives aligns with this biblical principle.

Furthermore, the song highlights the power of God’s word. The Bible is filled with verses that emphasize the transformative nature of God’s truth. In Isaiah 55:11, it says, “So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” This verse affirms that God’s word has the power to accomplish His purposes and bring about transformation.


“Speak Into My Life” by Micah Stampley is a beautiful and heartfelt worship song that expresses a deep longing for God’s guidance and direction. Its lyrics reflect the universal desire to hear from God and to be led by Him in every aspect of our lives. The song’s emphasis on the power of God’s word aligns with biblical teachings and reminds us of the transformative nature of God’s truth. As believers, we can resonate with the cry of this song and join in the plea for God to speak into our lives.

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