God is Helping

When You see a man that is helped by God 

You’ll see His glory all over him 

When You see a man that is loved by God 

You’ll see His glory all over him 

And You’ll know that 

The God we serve is not a joker 

And then You’ll know 

The God we serve is not a scam

He’s not a scam 

He’s not a joker

He’s not a scam 

I’m sure You know 

The God we serve He’s not a joker

When You see a man that is helped by God 

You’ll see His glory all over him 

When You see a man that is loved by God 

You’ll see His beauty all over him 

And then You’ll know 

The God we serve is not a scam

I’m sure You know 

The God we serve is not a scam

I’m sure You know 

The God we serve He’s not a joker

He’s not a scam, He’s not a joker

He is not a scam

He’s not a Scam, He’s not a joker

He is not a scam

I’m sure you know

The God we serve is not a Joke

I’m sure you know

The God we serve is not a Scam

God, God, God, God, God

I know you’re not a scam

Let them keep talking

I know you’re not a scam

I’m sure you know

The God we serve is not a joke

I’m sure you know

The God we serve is not a scam

God is helping us, God is helping Us

God is helping us, God is helping Us

I’m sure you know

The God I Serve is not a joke

I’m sure you know, I’m sure you know

He’s not a Scam


God is Helping Video

God is Helping Song Meaning

God is Helping by GUC is a powerful worship song that carries a strong message of God’s faithfulness and assistance in our lives.

Key Messages of the Song

The song begins with the lines, “When You see a man that is helped by God, You’ll see His glory all over him.” These lines emphasize the transformative power of God’s help and how it is evident in the lives of His people. The song highlights that when God assists someone, His glory becomes visible in their lives.

The next lines state, “And You’ll know that the God we serve is not a joker, And then You’ll know the God we serve is not a scam.” These words affirm the trustworthiness and reliability of God. It implies that when we witness God’s help and intervention, we can be assured that He is not playing games with us or deceiving us. He is a God who keeps His promises and genuinely helps His people.

The chorus repeats the message that God is not a joker or a scam. It reinforces the idea that God’s assistance is real and genuine. The repetition of these lines emphasizes the importance of trusting in God’s faithfulness and not doubting His help.

The second verse of the song echoes the sentiments of the first verse. It reminds us that when we see a man loved by God, we will see His glory and beauty all over him. This line emphasizes the transformative power of God’s love in a person’s life. It suggests that God’s love brings about a visible change in the lives of those who experience it.

Meaning of the Song

The song “God is Helping” carries a profound message of God’s faithfulness and assistance in our lives. It reminds us that when we experience God’s help, His glory becomes evident in our lives. The song emphasizes the importance of trusting in God’s provision and guidance, knowing that He is not playing games with us or deceiving us.

The lyrics of the song encourage believers to rely on God’s assistance and recognize His hand in their lives. It reminds us that when we see someone who has been helped by God, we should acknowledge and celebrate His faithfulness. The song serves as a reminder to always trust in God’s help, even when circumstances may seem uncertain or challenging.

Inspiration or Song Story

Unfortunately, there is limited information available regarding the specific inspiration or song story behind “God is Helping” by GUC. However, the lyrics suggest a deep personal experience of God’s faithfulness and assistance. The songwriter likely drew from their own encounters with God’s help and wanted to share that message of encouragement with others.

Biblical Analysis

To critically analyze the biblical foundation of the song, let us examine the key messages and compare them to the teachings of the Bible.

The first key message of the song is that when we see a man helped by God, we see His glory all over him. This aligns with biblical teachings, particularly in the Old Testament, where the glory of God is often described as a visible manifestation of His presence and power. For example, in Exodus 33:18-20, Moses asks to see God’s glory, and God responds by allowing Moses to see His back. Throughout the Bible, we see instances where God’s glory is displayed through His miraculous acts and interventions in people’s lives.

The second key message of the song affirms that the God we serve is not a joker or a scam. This message is consistent with the biblical teaching of God’s faithfulness and trustworthiness. In Numbers 23:19, it is written, “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” This verse emphasizes that God is not deceitful or manipulative; He keeps His promises and acts in accordance with His character.

The song also emphasizes the transformation that occurs when a person is loved by God. This aligns with biblical teachings on the transformative power of God’s love. In Romans 12:2, the apostle Paul urges believers to be transformed by the renewing of their minds. The love of God has the power to change our lives and make us new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Overall, the messages conveyed in “God is Helping” align with biblical teachings on God’s faithfulness, glory, and transformative love. The song encourages believers to trust in God’s assistance and recognize His hand in their lives, which is in line with biblical principles of relying on God’s provision and guidance.

In conclusion, “God is Helping” by GUC is a powerful worship song that carries a message of God’s faithfulness and assistance in our lives. The song reminds us to trust in God’s help, knowing that He is not playing games with us or deceiving us. It emphasizes the transformative power of God’s love and the visible manifestation of His glory in the lives of those who experience His help. The song’s messages align with biblical teachings on God’s faithfulness, trustworthiness, and the transformative power of His love.

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