God of Vengeance

God of Vengeance

Has won my Battle for me

God of Miracles

Has won my Battle for me

God of Vengeance

Has won my Battle for me

God of Miracles

Has won my Battle for me

I’m a Winner Man, I’m a Winner Man

He has won my Battle for me

I’m a Winner Man, I’m a Winner Man

Has won my Battle for me

He entered hell, he took the Keys

He gave me oh

I’m Free indeed

He entered hell, he took the Keys

He gave me oh

I’m Free indeed

Only you deserve the Worship

From my Heart

Only you deserve the Worship

From my Heart

He entered hell, he took the Keys

He gave me oh

I’m Free indeed

He entered hell, he took the Keys

He gave me oh

I’m Free indeed

God of Vengeance

Has won my Battle for me

God of Miracles

Has won my Battle for me

God of Vengeance

Has won my Battle for me

God of Miracles

Has won my Battle for me

I’m a Winner Man, I’m a Winner Man

He has won my Battle for me

I’m a Winner Man, I’m a Winner Man

He has won my Battle for me

Won, won, won, won, won it

Won, won, won, won, won it

He entered hell, he took the Keys

He gave me oh

I’m Free indeed

He entered hell, he took the Keys

He gave me oh

I’m Free indeed

God of Vengeance Video

God of Vengeance Song Meaning

Title: God of Vengeance by GUC: A Powerful Anthem of Victory


In the world of gospel music, there are songs that resonate deeply with believers, reminding them of the power and faithfulness of God. One such song is “God of Vengeance” by GUC. This powerful anthem of victory celebrates the triumph of God over every battle and the miraculous freedom He brings to His children. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the song, its inspiration, and the biblical references that underpin its powerful message of hope and deliverance.

1. The Meaning of “God of Vengeance”:

The song “God of Vengeance” speaks of the victorious nature of God. It acknowledges that God is not only a God of miracles but also a God who fights on behalf of His people. The term “vengeance” in this context does not refer to human revenge but rather to God’s righteous judgment and intervention on behalf of His children.

The song reminds believers that no matter the battles they face, God is the one who fights for them. It encourages them to trust in His sovereignty, knowing that He has already won the victory.

2. The Inspiration and Story Behind “God of Vengeance”:

While specific details about the inspiration and story behind “God of Vengeance” are not readily available, the lyrics themselves provide a glimpse into the heart of the songwriter. It is evident that the songwriter was inspired by the biblical truth that God is a mighty warrior who fights on behalf of His people.

The song’s lyrics also reflect a personal experience of victory and deliverance. It is likely that the songwriter encountered a situation where they witnessed God’s miraculous intervention, leading them to pen this powerful anthem of gratitude and praise.

3. Biblical References:

“God of Vengeance” draws heavily from biblical references, reinforcing its message with the timeless truths found in scripture. Here are some key verses that align with the song’s theme:

a. Romans 12:19 (NIV):
“Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.”

This verse emphasizes that vengeance belongs to God alone. Instead of seeking revenge, believers are called to trust in God’s righteous judgment and allow Him to fight their battles.

b. Exodus 14:14 (NIV):
“The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

In the midst of the Israelites’ escape from Egypt, Moses reassured the people that God Himself would fight on their behalf. This verse serves as a powerful reminder that God is not only a deliverer but also a warrior who fights for His people.

c. 2 Chronicles 20:15 (NIV):
“Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.”

This verse captures the essence of “God of Vengeance.” It reminds believers that no matter the size or intensity of their battles, they need not fear or be discouraged. The battle ultimately belongs to God, who is more than capable of securing victory.

4. The Lyrical Journey of “God of Vengeance”:

The lyrics of “God of Vengeance” beautifully depict the journey of a believer from a place of desperation to a place of victory. The song acknowledges the battles faced by God’s children but confidently declares that God has already won the victory.

The lyrics speak of the freedom found in Christ, emphasizing that Jesus entered hell, took the keys of death and sin, and set believers free. This powerful imagery reflects the biblical truth that through His death and resurrection, Jesus conquered sin and death, offering salvation and deliverance to all who believe in Him.

5. The Power of Worship:

“God of Vengeance” is more than just a song; it is a powerful act of worship. It invites believers to acknowledge God’s sovereignty, to declare His triumph over every battle, and to celebrate the miraculous freedom found in Him.

As believers lift their voices in worship through this song, they are reminded of God’s faithfulness, His mighty power, and His unending love. In the presence of such worship, chains are broken, hearts are healed, and lives are transformed.


“God of Vengeance” by GUC is a remarkable anthem of victory that stirs the hearts of believers. Its profound lyrics, inspired by biblical truths, remind listeners of the power and faithfulness of God. As they sing this song, believers are encouraged to trust in God’s sovereignty and to find hope in His ability to fight their battles.

In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, “God of Vengeance” serves as a reminder that we serve a God who is not only a God of miracles but also a God who fights on behalf of His children. Through this song, GUC invites believers to embrace their identity as winners in Christ, knowing that God has already secured their victory.

So, let us join together in worship, declaring the goodness and faithfulness of our God, the ultimate “God of Vengeance” who has won our battles and set us free.

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