Through Eternity

Verse 1:

You’ve been here

Before time began

Yet you still know my name

You existed through eternity

Yet you still know my name

You’ve been here

Before time began

Yet you still know my name

You existed through eternity

Yet you still know my name

Pre – chorus:

Elohim, Elyon

You remain the same

Elohim, Adonai

What an awesome God you are

Yeah, yeah

Repeat verse 1:

You’ve been here

Before time began

Yet you still know my name

You existed through eternity

Yet you still know my name

You’ve been here

Before time began

Yet you still know my name

You existed through eternity

Yet you still know my name

Pre – chorus:

Elohim, Elyon

You remain the same

Elohim, Adonai

What an awesome God you are


This kind of love, I’ve never seen

This kind of love

No man can give

This kind of love, I’ve never seen

This kind of love

No man can give

This kind of love, I’ve never seen

This kind of love

No man can give

This kind of love, I’ve never seen

This kind of love

No man can give

This kind of love, I’ve never seen

This kind of love

No man can give

Verse 2:

I’m satisfied with the love you give

Satisfied forever

Satisfied with the love you show

Satisfied forever

I’m satisfied with the love you give

Satisfied forever

Satisfied with the love you show

Satisfied forever

I’m satisfied with the love you give

Satisfied forever

Satisfied with the love you show

Satisfied forever

Pre – chorus:

Elohim, Elyon

You remain the same

Elohim, Adonai

What an awesome God you are


This kind of love, I’ve never seen

This kind of love

No man can give

This kind of love, I’ve never seen

This kind of love

No man can give

This kind of love, I’ve never seen

This kind of love

No man can give

Repeat verse 2:

I’m satisfied with the love you give

Satisfied forever

Satisfied with the love you show

Satisfied forever

Ah ah ah, ah ah ah

Satisfied forever

Ah ah ah, ah ah ah

Satisfied forever

Ah ah ah, ah ah ah

Satisfied forever

Ah ah ah, ah ah ah

Satisfied forever


This kind of love, I’ve never seen

This kind of love

No man can give

This kind of love, I’ve never seen

This kind of love

No man can give

This kind of love, I’ve never seen

This kind of love

No man can give

This kind of love, I’ve never seen

This kind of love

No man can give

I’m satisfied with the love you give

Satisfied forever

Satisfied with the love you show

Satisfied forever

This kind of love, I’ve never seen

This kind of love

No man can give

This kind of love, I’ve never seen

This kind of love

No man can give

Pre – chorus:

Elohim, Elyon

You remain the same

Elohim, Adonai

What an awesome God you are

Elohim, Elyon

You remain the same

Elohim, Adonai

What an awesome God you are


This kind of love, I’ve never seen

This kind of love

No man can give


My father could not give it

My mother could not give it

My aunties could not give it

Nobody could give it

This kind of love, I’ve never seen oh

This kind of love

This kind of love

No man can give


Elohim, Elyon

You remain the same

Elohim, Adonai

What an awesome God you are

Elohim, Elyon

You remain the same

Elohim, Adonai

What an awesome God you are

Through Eternity Video

Through Eternity Song Meaning

**Title: Through Eternity by GUC: An Eternal Love That Transcends Time**


In the realm of Christian music, there are songs that have a deep impact on our spiritual journeys. One such song is “Through Eternity” by GUC, a Nigerian gospel music minister. This powerful worship anthem captures the essence of God’s eternal love and how it transcends time. With its heartfelt lyrics and captivating melody, “Through Eternity” has touched the hearts of many believers around the world.

**The Meaning Behind the Song**

“Through Eternity” reflects the unchanging and unconditional love of God that has been present even before time began. It emphasizes the fact that God knows us intimately, even though He exists outside the boundaries of time. The song reminds us that no matter how much time passes or how distant we may feel, God’s love remains constant and unwavering.

**The Inspiration and Story Behind “Through Eternity”**

While information about the specific inspiration and story behind “Through Eternity” is limited, we can gather insights from the lyrics themselves. GUC’s music is often characterized by deep spiritual revelations and encounters with God. It is likely that this song was birthed from a personal experience or revelation of God’s timeless love.

GUC is known for his anointed worship leading and his desire to lead people into a deep encounter with God. His songs are often soaked in the presence of the Holy Spirit and carry a prophetic anointing. It is evident that “Through Eternity” was crafted with the intention of drawing listeners closer to God and reminding them of His eternal love.

**Biblical References**

The lyrics of “Through Eternity” resonate with several biblical references that highlight God’s eternal nature and His love for humanity. Here are a few relevant verses:

1. Psalm 90:2 (NIV): “Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” This verse establishes God’s eternal existence and sets the foundation for understanding His timeless love.

2. Psalm 139:1-4 (NIV): “You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely.” These verses emphasize God’s intimate knowledge of us, even before we were formed.

3. Romans 8:38-39 (NIV): “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” These verses affirm the enduring nature of God’s love, which nothing can separate us from.

**Analyzing the Lyrics**

Let’s dive deeper into the lyrics of “Through Eternity” to gain a better understanding of the song’s message and significance.

*Verse 1:*

“You’ve been here
Before time began
Yet you still know my name
You existed through eternity
Yet you still know my name”

In these opening lines, GUC acknowledges the timeless nature of God and His intimate knowledge of each individual. It establishes the foundation of God’s eternal love that surpasses time and space.


“Elohim, Elyon
You remain the same
Elohim, Adonai
What an awesome God you are”

The pre-chorus exalts God by addressing Him with different names, emphasizing His unchanging nature and His supremacy over all creation. It highlights the awe-inspiring greatness of God, whose love extends beyond our comprehension.


“This kind of love, I’ve never seen
This kind of love
No man can give”

The chorus expresses the extraordinary nature of God’s love, which surpasses human understanding. It emphasizes that no human love can compare to the depth and breadth of God’s love.

*Verse 2:*

“I’m satisfied with the love you give
Satisfied forever
Satisfied with the love you show
Satisfied forever”

In this verse, GUC expresses contentment in God’s love. It reflects a deep satisfaction that can only come from experiencing the eternal love of God. It speaks of a love that fills every longing and satisfies the deepest parts of our souls.

**Theological Reflection**

“Through Eternity” serves as a theological reflection on God’s eternal nature and His love for humanity. It reminds us that God’s love is not bound by time or limited by human understanding. His love is all-encompassing, unchanging, and everlasting. It is a love that reaches into the depths of our being and brings us true satisfaction.

The song also highlights the divine attributes of God, such as His omniscience (knowing us intimately), His omnipresence (existing through eternity), and His immutability (remaining the same). These attributes affirm God’s sovereignty and His ability to love us unconditionally.


“Through Eternity” by GUC is a powerful worship song that encapsulates the timeless and boundless love of God. Its heartfelt lyrics and captivating melody draw us into a deeper understanding of God’s eternal nature and His relentless love for humanity. As we meditate on the lyrics and reflect on the biblical references, may we be reminded of the incomparable love that God has lavished upon us, a love that transcends time and lasts through eternity.

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