As In The Days Of Noah

Time, time, is ticking by
And I can feel an explosion inside
And Time, time is ticking by
And I can feel an explosion inside

As in the days of Noah
As in the days of Noah

There will be drinking, marrying, laughing,
As in the days of Noah
What a fool, they say
To build a boat on sand
What a fool, they say.

As in the days of Noah
What a fool, they say. X2

It’s never rained before,
It’s never rained before,
It’s never rained before,

As in the days of Noah
So it will be in the coming of the Son of Man

And what a fool, they say
To fast and pray
And what a fool, they say
C’mon it’s been two thousand years
Do you really think He’s coming?
C’mon and just get real.

And remember this verse
‘And many, many scoffers will come’

As In The Days Of Noah Video

As In The Days Of Noah Song Meaning

Title: As In The Days Of Noah by Misty Edwards: A Powerful Song of Warning and Hope

“As In The Days Of Noah” is a captivating song by Misty Edwards, a talented Christian artist known for her deep and heartfelt worship songs. This song carries a powerful message that resonates with believers and non-believers alike. Inspired by the biblical account of Noah, the song serves as a warning and a reminder of the days we are living in, while also offering hope and encouragement for those who choose to heed the call.

Meaning and Inspiration:
The song draws its inspiration from the story of Noah found in the book of Genesis, chapters 6 to 9. In these passages, we learn about Noah, a righteous man who found favor with God amidst a corrupt and wicked generation. God, seeing the evil in the hearts of mankind, decided to send a flood to cleanse the earth and start anew.

The song’s title, “As In The Days Of Noah,” refers to the prophetic words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. In Matthew 24:37-39, Jesus compares the days leading up to His second coming with the days of Noah, saying, “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away.”

Through this song, Misty Edwards highlights the urgency for believers to recognize the signs of the times and to be prepared for Christ’s return. It serves as a wake-up call to the Church and a plea to embrace a lifestyle of faith and righteousness in the midst of a world that often rejects God.

Biblical References:
The lyrics of “As In The Days Of Noah” are deeply rooted in biblical truth. Here are some relevant Bible verses that the song alludes to:

1. Matthew 24:37-39 – Jesus compares the days of Noah with the days leading up to His second coming, emphasizing the importance of readiness and watchfulness.
2. Genesis 6:5-8 – Describes the wickedness of humanity and God’s decision to bring a flood upon the earth.
3. Genesis 6:9 – Introduces Noah as a righteous man who found favor with God.
4. 2 Peter 3:3-7 – Highlights the scoffers who doubt the return of Christ and warns of the coming judgment.

The song draws from these passages to convey the urgency of the times and the need for believers to live with an eternal perspective, just as Noah did. It serves as a reminder that, just as God saved Noah and his family from the flood, He will also provide a way of escape for those who trust in Him.

Lyrics Analysis:
The lyrics of “As In The Days Of Noah” reflect the intense emotions and deep conviction that Misty Edwards pours into her music. The repetition of phrases such as “And Time, time is ticking by” and “As in the days of Noah” creates a sense of urgency and anticipation throughout the song.

The line “There will be drinking, marrying, laughing” echoes the words of Jesus, emphasizing that people will continue with their daily routines, unaware of the impending judgment. Misty Edwards skillfully captures the skepticism and mockery that believers may face for their unwavering faith and dedication to God’s calling.

The phrase “What a fool, they say” repeats several times, highlighting the voice of those who mock and dismiss the warnings of God’s impending judgment. Misty Edwards challenges such skepticism, urging listeners not to be deceived by the world’s opinions but to embrace the truth.

The mention of building a boat on sand refers to Noah’s obedience in constructing the ark on dry land, despite the lack of a visible flood. This metaphor encourages believers to trust God’s promises, even when they seem impractical or nonsensical to the world.

Hope Amidst the Warning:
While “As In The Days Of Noah” emphasizes the seriousness of the times we are living in, it also offers hope and encouragement. Misty Edwards reminds us that just as God saved Noah and his family, He will also provide a way of escape for those who put their trust in Him.

The song serves as a call to action, urging believers to live with a sense of urgency, embracing a lifestyle of faith, prayer, and readiness for the return of Christ. It encourages believers to be a light in the darkness, sharing the message of salvation and hope with those who have not yet come to know Jesus.

“As In The Days Of Noah” by Misty Edwards is a powerful and thought-provoking song that draws inspiration from the biblical account of Noah. It serves as a warning to the Church and a reminder of the impending return of Christ. The song encourages believers to live with a sense of urgency, embracing righteousness, and sharing the hope of salvation with others.

Through its heartfelt lyrics and powerful melodies, “As In The Days Of Noah” challenges listeners to examine their own lives and to embrace a deeper level of commitment to their faith. Misty Edwards’ passionate delivery and biblical references make this song a timeless message for believers in every generation.

As the world continues to drift further away from God’s truth, “As In The Days Of Noah” serves as a poignant reminder to stay faithful and vigilant, knowing that our hope lies in Christ alone. Let this song stir your heart, inspire your worship, and spur you on to live a life that reflects the character and love of our Savior.

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