People Get Ready

I can hear the rhythm
of the Lion of the tribe of Judah

He’s doing a new thing
So we’re singing a new song

He’s not a baby in a manger anymore
He’s not a broken man on a cross
He didn’t stay in the grave
And He’s not staying in heaven forever!

He’s alive
He’s alive
He’s alive
He’s alive!

People get ready!
Jesus is coming!

We join in the song of the ages
It’s a new song
It’s a new song
It’s a new song

We say to the One who was slain,
“You have proven Your love,
And You have shown us, shown us
That You can be trusted.”

So take the scroll and open
And open, and open the seals
We trust You, Jesus
And we want you to come back
So take the scroll and open the seals
So take the scroll and open the seals

I can hear the rhythm
of the Lion of the tribe of Judah

He’s doing a new thing
So we’re singing a new song

He’s not a baby in a manger anymore
He’s not a broken man on a cross
He didn’t stay in the grave
And He’s not staying in heaven forever!

He’s alive
He’s alive
He’s alive
He’s alive!

People get ready!
Jesus is coming!

People walking around
With their fingers in the their ears
Singing, “Da da da da da.”
“I don’t want to hear the sound of the coming King.”

But He says, he says,
“Well, I have held my peace for
A long, long, long, long time
And in my silence you thought
That i was all together like you.
And in your heart you were settled in complacency
You said, ‘He won’t even respond.’
You said, ‘He’s not interested.”
You said, ‘He’s dead and gone.”
But I’ve been silent for such
A long, long, long, long time
But I’m about to gasp, to pant,
To cry out, to cry out,
I’m going to shout!”

Once again I’m going to shake
Everything that can be shaken
Once again I’m going to break
Everything that can be broken

Are you ready?
Are you ready for this?

Are you ready?
Are you ready?

People get ready!
Jesus is coming!

He’s coming!
He’s coming!
He’s coming!
He’s coming!!!

People Get Ready Video

People Get Ready Song Meaning

“People Get Ready” is a powerful song by Misty Edwards that carries a message of urgency and anticipation for the return of Jesus Christ. Through its lyrics and melody, the song encourages believers to prepare their hearts and lives for the coming of the Lord. In this blog post, we will explore the main key messages of the song, its meaning, inspiration, and critically analyze its biblical foundation.

I. The Rhythm of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah
The song begins by mentioning the rhythm of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. This line refers to Jesus Christ, who is often symbolized as the Lion of Judah in the Bible (Revelation 5:5). The rhythm signifies a movement, a stirring in the spiritual realm, as Jesus is preparing to do a new thing.

II. Singing a New Song
As the rhythm of Jesus’ presence is felt, the song calls for a response from believers. They are urged to sing a new song, a song that aligns with the new work that God is doing in their lives and in the world. This emphasizes the importance of being open to the leading of the Holy Spirit and embracing the changes that God wants to bring about.

III. Jesus’ Identity and Mission
The lyrics make it clear that Jesus is no longer a baby in a manger or a broken man on a cross. This points to the fact that Jesus has already fulfilled His mission on earth – being born, dying for our sins, and rising from the dead. He is no longer in the grave, and He is not staying in heaven forever. This line serves as a reminder of Jesus’ victory over sin and death, as well as His imminent return.

IV. He’s Alive!
The repetition of the phrase “He’s alive” emphasizes the reality of Jesus’ resurrection and His continued presence and power. It is a declaration of faith and a reminder that Jesus is not a historical figure, but a living and active Savior who is still at work in the world today.

V. Jesus is Coming
The main message of the song is captured in the line “People get ready, Jesus is coming!” This serves as a call to action for believers to prepare themselves for the imminent return of Jesus. It carries an urgency and a sense of anticipation, urging people to align their lives with God’s purposes and to be ready for His coming.

The inspiration or story behind the song “People Get Ready” by Misty Edwards is not explicitly mentioned. However, it draws upon biblical themes of Jesus’ identity, mission, and His promised return. The song’s message aligns with the biblical teachings of being watchful, ready, and prepared for the second coming of Christ.

Now, let us critically analyze the biblical foundation of the song. The central theme of “People Get Ready” is the anticipation of Jesus’ return and the call for believers to prepare themselves. This theme is deeply rooted in the Bible and is supported by various passages.

One of the key biblical references that support the song’s message is found in the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus Himself speaks about His return and the need for readiness in Matthew 24:42-44, where He says, “Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming… Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

The apostle Paul also encourages believers to be prepared for Christ’s return in 1 Thessalonians 5:2-6, stating, “For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night… But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief. For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness. So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober.”

Additionally, the concept of singing a new song is rooted in the Psalms. Psalm 96:1 says, “Oh sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth!” This verse calls believers to offer a fresh expression of praise and worship to God, aligning with the idea of embracing the new work that God is doing.

The lion imagery in the song, representing Jesus as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, is derived from Revelation 5:5, which states, “And one of the elders said to me, ‘Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.’”

In conclusion, “People Get Ready” by Misty Edwards is a powerful and biblically grounded song that calls believers to prepare themselves for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Its key messages revolve around the urgency of being ready, the anticipation of Jesus’ return, and the need to align one’s life with God’s purposes. The song draws inspiration from biblical passages that emphasize the importance of readiness and vigilance. As believers, we are called to heed this message, keeping our hearts and lives prepared for the glorious return of our Savior.

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