Touch Me

I don’t wanne go the same way i came

Touch me with Your hands, Jesus

I don’t wanne go the same way i came

Touch me with Your hands, Jesus

Touch me with Your hands, Jesus

Touch me with Your hands, Jesus

Touch me with Your hands, Jesus

Touch me with Your hands, Jesus

Touch me with Your hands, Jesus

Touch me with Your hands, Jesus

Touch me with Your hands, Jesus

Touch me with Your hands, Jesus

I don’t wanne go the same way i came

Touch me with Your hands, Jesus

I don’t wanne go the same way i came

Touch me with Your hands, Jesus

Touch me with Your hands, Jesus

Touch me with Your hands, Jesus

Touch me with Your hands, Jesus

Touch me with Your hands, Jesus

Oohhh oooh ooooh ooohh

Oohhh oooh ooooh ooohh

Oohhh oooh ooooh ooohh

Oohhh oooh ooooh ooohh

So i strech out my hands

And i touch You now

I strech out my hands

And i touch You now

I strech out my hands

And i touch You now

I strech out my hands

I strech out my hands

I strech out my hands

i touch You now

I strech out my hands

I touch You now

I strech out my hands

i touch You now

I strech out my hands

I strech out my hands

I strech out my hands

i touch You now

I strech out my hands

i touch You now

I strech out my hands

i touch You now

I strech out my hands

I strech out my hands

I strech out my hands

i touch You now

I strech out my hands

i touch You now

I strech out my hands

i touch You now

I strech out my hands

I strech out my hands

I strech out my hands

i touch You now

I strech out my hands

i touch You now

I strech out my hands

i touch You now

I strech out my hands

I strech out my hands

I strech out my hands

i touch You now

I strech out my hands

i touch You now

I strech out my hands

i touch You now

I strech out my hands

I strech out my hands

Oohhh oooh ooooh ooohh

Oohhh oooh ooooh ooohh

Oohhh oooh ooooh ooohh

Oohhh oooh ooooh ooohh

Oohhh oooh ooooh ooohh

Oohhh oooh ooooh ooohh

Oohhh oooh ooooh ooohh

Oohhh oooh ooooh ooohh

I don’t wanne go the same way i came

Touch me with Your hands, Jesus

I don’t wanne go the same way i came

Touch me with Your hands, Jesus

Touch Me Song Meaning

Touch Me by MOG Music is a soulful Christian worship song that has been making waves since its release. The song is a beautiful reminder of the power of God’s touch and the transformative effect it can have on our lives. The lyrics are simple yet powerful, and they resonate with listeners on a deep spiritual level.

Meaning of the Song

The lyrics of Touch Me by MOG Music focus on the theme of the transformative power of God’s touch. The song speaks to the listener’s desire for a deeper connection with God and the longing for His presence. The chorus of the song is particularly powerful, with the singer pleading with God to touch him: “Touch me with Your hands, Jesus, I don’t wanna go the same way I came.” The lyrics are a beautiful expression of our need for God’s touch and the transformative effect it can have on our lives.

The Inspiration Behind the Song

While the exact inspiration behind Touch Me by MOG Music is not known, it is clear that the song was inspired by the songwriter’s personal relationship with God. The lyrics are a reflection of the songwriter’s desire for a deeper connection with God and the transformative effect that His touch can have on our lives. The song speaks to the universal human experience of longing for something more, for a deeper connection with the divine.

Bible Verses Referenced in the Song

The lyrics of Touch Me by MOG Music are full of references to the Bible and the Christian faith. One of the most powerful verses referenced in the song is Psalm 51:10, which says, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” This verse speaks to the transformative power of God’s touch and the desire for a deeper connection with Him. Other verses referenced in the song include Psalm 63:1, which says, “You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water,” and Isaiah 64:8, which says, “Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.”

Practical Application of the Song to Christian Living

The message of Touch Me by MOG Music is one that is relevant to all Christians. The song is a powerful reminder of our need for God’s touch and the transformative effect it can have on our lives. As Christians, we are called to seek a deeper connection with God and to allow His touch to transform us from the inside out. This means opening ourselves up to His presence, spending time in prayer and worship, and seeking His guidance in all aspects of our lives.

One practical way to apply the message of Touch Me by MOG Music to our daily lives is to make time for daily prayer and reflection. By taking a few minutes each day to connect with God, we can cultivate a deeper sense of His presence in our lives and open ourselves up to His transformative touch. We can also seek out opportunities to worship with others, whether it be through attending church services or joining a worship group. By surrounding ourselves with other believers who share our desire for a deeper connection with God, we can encourage one another in our faith and support each other in our spiritual journeys.

In conclusion, Touch Me by MOG Music is a powerful Christian worship song that speaks to the universal human experience of longing for a deeper connection with the divine. The song’s lyrics are a beautiful expression of our need for God’s touch and the transformative effect it can have on our lives. As Christians, we are called to seek a deeper connection with God and to allow His touch to transform us from the inside out. By making time for daily prayer and reflection and seeking out opportunities to worship with others, we can cultivate a deeper sense of His presence in our lives and open ourselves up to His transformative touch.

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