Crash Landing

Verse 1:
Tear the club up – tear the freakin’ club up,
Do it for the truth not just for the thug love,
Givin’ me looks cause,- they ain’t never heard of,
Nothin’ like this but we just on the warm up (ha ha),
Word up ? motivation in my cup,
I’m an alien let me ? let me learn ya,
Been watchin’ from my spot and enough is enough,
Bout to tear it down till they screaming turn it up!,
(Turn it Up!) Crash Landing ? let the smoke clear,
No matter why I’m here ? please take me to your leader,
Got boots on the street ? propaganda on the wire,
It’s a cold cold war,- light the world on fire!

Y’all haters just can’t stand it,
We run circles round your planet,
What’s the damage ? just crash-landed in here (Awwwww Yeahhhhh! ? Let’s Work!)
Put down a little now I’m workin’ with a lot,
Put down a little now I’m workin’ with a lot,
Put down a little now I’m workin’ with a lot,
Pulled down a little now I’m workin’ WORKIN’!
(Repeat 1x)

Verse 2:
Heard it on the news – see it to believe it,
We are so extra – outta space even,
This is P-rox – this is my season,
Death to the satellite – down with the demon,
(Shonlock) ? Awww? golly gee, wally crash the party on a dolly,
Kick ? push ? paradigm shift while I ollie,
Follow me on a trolly ? maybe me and you could polly ? cause you know, I could use somebody,
Ha ha, awww?
See them catch on clique characters loose character,
When the conscious come to clash and abolish the past,
Blast! Kick ? ball ? paragraph smash,
Not much longer will this non-sense last,
Gettin’ loaded off the letters that my leader left look,
Fresh burial resurrection book,
Shook ? come and get a little better look,
Death to the flesh is all it really took


Verse 3:
Make the body rock ? make the rock,
Let the change start ? let the same stop,
(Repeat 1x)
(Mr. Del) ? Uh, kingdom come ? I’m from,
Mr. bang heads like bum pa rum pa pum pum pum,
All about the Son ? crash land for the fun,
Me and Holy South got them demons on the run ? huh,
Yeah, I get busy when I want to,
Bring me a soul and I just might front you,
I came to tear I down ? just to build it up,
Ground zero with my hero hold up catch up,
What up? Memphis in the building,
Came to represent for all God’s children,
Man I went platinum and it didn’t take a million,
Impact multiply ? goin on a zillion.


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Crash Landing Song Meaning

Crash Landing by Mr. Del:


“Crash Landing” is a song by Mr. Del, a Christian rapper and songwriter. The song is an energetic and powerful track with a unique blend of hip-hop and Christian themes. It delivers a strong message of breaking free from the constraints of the world and finding freedom in Jesus Christ. The lyrics are filled with metaphors and imagery that convey a sense of urgency and determination.

Verse 1:

In the first verse of the song, Mr. Del sets the tone by expressing his desire to tear up the club. However, he clarifies that his motivation is not just for the thrill of the moment but for the truth and love of God. He uses the metaphor of being an alien to emphasize his uniqueness and the need for others to listen and learn from his message. The line “Been watching from my spot and enough is enough” suggests a sense of frustration with the state of the world and a call to action.


The chorus of the song repeats the phrase “Y’all haters just can’t stand it” and emphasizes the idea that the truth and power of God cannot be denied. Mr. Del proclaims that he and his fellow believers are running circles around the world, highlighting their strength and determination. The repeated phrase “Put down a little now I’m working with a lot” symbolizes the idea of starting small but achieving great things through faith and God’s guidance.

Verse 2:

In the second verse, Mr. Del continues to assert his unique perspective and mission. He mentions how he heard news and saw things that made him believe and understand the need for change. The line “Death to the satellite – down with the demon” suggests a desire to break free from the negative influences and distractions of the world. He also mentions the importance of conscious awareness and the need to challenge and overcome societal norms and restrictions.


The chorus is repeated again, reinforcing the message of overcoming obstacles and the power of God’s truth. The line “What’s the damage? Just crash-landed in here” implies that Mr. Del’s mission is to cause a positive disruption and bring about transformation.

Verse 3:

In the final verse, Mr. Del expresses his determination to make an impact and bring about change. He mentions his role as a leader and his ability to inspire others. The line “Death to the flesh is all it really took” refers to the concept of dying to oneself and surrendering to God’s will. It highlights the transformative power of faith and the need to let go of worldly desires and ambitions.

Meaning and Inspiration:

The song “Crash Landing” conveys a strong message of breaking free from the constraints of the world and finding true freedom in God’s love and truth. The lyrics reflect Mr. Del’s personal experiences and observations of the world around him. The metaphor of a crash landing signifies a radical and transformative experience that shakes up one’s life and brings about a new beginning.

The inspiration behind the song may stem from the artist’s desire to challenge societal norms and inspire others to seek a deeper spiritual connection. It encourages listeners to examine their own lives and break free from the limitations imposed by society, focusing instead on the transformative power of faith in Jesus Christ.

Biblical Analysis:

From a Biblical perspective, “Crash Landing” aligns with several key themes and principles found in the Bible. The song emphasizes the need for believers to break free from the conformity of the world and live according to God’s truth. Romans 12:2 states, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

The song also emphasizes the importance of surrendering to God’s will and dying to oneself. Galatians 2:20 states, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” The line “Death to the flesh is all it really took” echoes this Biblical principle of crucifying our sinful nature and allowing Christ to live through us.

Furthermore, the song highlights the power of God’s truth and the need to proclaim it boldly. The Apostle Paul encourages believers to share the Gospel fearlessly in Ephesians 6:19-20, “Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.”

Overall, “Crash Landing” promotes a message of faith, transformation, and boldness in living out one’s beliefs. It encourages listeners to break free from the conformity of the world and embrace the transformative power of God’s truth.


“Crash Landing” by Mr. Del is a powerful Christian rap song that delivers a strong message of breaking free from the constraints of the world and finding true freedom in God’s love and truth. The song’s energetic beats and thought-provoking lyrics make it an inspiring anthem for believers seeking to live out their faith boldly. Through its metaphors and imagery, the song conveys a sense of urgency and determination to bring about positive change. With its biblical themes and principles, “Crash Landing” encourages listeners to break free from conformity, surrender to God’s will, and boldly proclaim His truth.

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