To Know You

Ooh, it’s well past midnight
And I’m awake with questions
That won’t wait for daylight
Separating fact from my imaginary fiction
On this shelf of my conviction
I need to find a place
Where You and I come face to face

Thomas needed
Proof that You had really risen
When he placed his fingers
Where the nails once broke Your skin
Did his faith finally begin?
I’ve lied if I’ve denied
The common ground I’ve shared with him

And I, I really want to know You
I want to make each day
A different way that I can show You how
I really want to love You
Be patient with my doubt
I’m just tryin’ to figure out Your will
And I really want to know You still

Nicodemus could not understand
How You could Truly free us
He struggled with the image
Of a grown man born again
We might have been good friends
‘Cause sometimes I still question, too
How easily we come to You

But I, I really want to know You
I want to make each day
A different way that I can show You how
I really want to love You
Be patient with my doubt
I’m just tryin’ to figure out Your will
And I really want to know You still

No more camping on the porch of indecision
No more sleeping under stars of apathy
And it might be easier to dream
But dreaming’s not for me

And I, I really want to know You
I want to make each day
A different way that I can show You how
I really want to love You
Be patient with my doubt
I’m just tryin’ to figure out Your will
And I really want to know You still

I want to know you
I really want to know you
Hey yeah, yeah
I really want to know you
I really want to know you
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

To Know You Video

To Know You Song Meaning

Title: To Know You: A Song of Faith and Seeking God’s Will

The song “To Know You” by Nichole Nordeman is a heartfelt expression of a believer’s desire to deepen their relationship with God. It speaks to the longing to understand God’s will and to truly know Him on a personal level.

1. Understanding the Meaning of “To Know You”:
The lyrics of “To Know You” convey a yearning to go beyond surface-level faith and to truly know God intimately. The songwriter expresses a deep desire to experience a personal relationship with God, understanding His will and purpose for their life. This longing for a deeper connection with God resonates with many believers who seek to grow in their faith.

2. Inspiration or Story Behind the Song:
While specific details about the inspiration or story behind the song might not be readily available, it is evident that the lyrics are rooted in biblical truths and experiences shared by believers throughout history. The song captures the universal desire to know God more intimately and to align one’s life with His will.

3. Biblical References:
The lyrics of “To Know You” draw inspiration from various biblical passages that emphasize the importance of seeking a personal relationship with God and understanding His will. Here are a few relevant Bible verses:

a. John 20:29 (Thomas’ Doubt):
“Thomas needed proof that You had really risen, undefeated” – This line refers to the story of doubting Thomas in John 20:24-29. Thomas wanted physical evidence of Jesus’ resurrection, and when Jesus appeared to him, he believed. This highlights the songwriter’s acknowledgment of doubt and the need for faith in the midst of seeking a deeper relationship with God.

b. John 3:1-21 (Nicodemus):
“Nicodemus could not understand how You could truly free us” – This line alludes to the encounter between Nicodemus and Jesus in John 3:1-21. Nicodemus, a Pharisee, struggled to comprehend the concept of being born again. This reference emphasizes the songwriter’s identification with Nicodemus’ struggle and the desire to grasp the transformative power of God’s love.

c. Matthew 7:7-8 (Seeking God):
“I’m just tryin’ to figure out Your will” – This line echoes Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 7:7-8, where He encourages believers to ask, seek, and knock in order to receive from God. It reflects the songwriter’s earnest desire to understand and align their life with God’s purpose.

4. Exploring the Song’s Message:
“To Know You” is a song that resonates with Christians who long for a deeper connection with God. It acknowledges the presence of doubt and questions that can arise in one’s faith journey, but ultimately affirms the desire to know God intimately. The song’s message encourages believers to seek God’s will and to cultivate a personal relationship with Him.

5. A Personal Journey of Faith:
The lyrics of “To Know You” reflect a personal journey of faith, where the songwriter openly shares their doubts and questions. This vulnerability adds depth to the song’s message, as it acknowledges that seeking God’s will is not always a straightforward path. It reminds listeners that it is normal to have questions and uncertainties, but the desire to know God should remain steadfast.

6. Applying the Song’s Message to Our Lives:
The song’s message of seeking God’s will and desiring a deeper relationship with Him is applicable to every believer. It prompts us to reflect on our own faith journey and examine how we are actively seeking to know God more intimately. It encourages us to embrace our doubts and questions, and to approach God with honesty and sincerity.

“To Know You” by Nichole Nordeman is a powerful song that encapsulates the yearning to deepen our relationship with God and understand His will. The lyrics resonate with believers who seek a personal connection with God and who long to align their lives with His purpose. By drawing inspiration from biblical references and sharing a personal journey of faith, the song encourages listeners to pursue a deeper knowledge of God and to seek His will in their lives.

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