Don’t Let Me Go

Please don’t let me go

Many times I’ve strayed from Your love for me
In those times I thought that I couldn’t be
Like You said, You’d never say the word “goodbye”
Still, I’d leave, and deep inside You’d cry

I’m back for good this time, I’m back to stay
(I’m back to stay, I’m back for good)
If You’ll receive me and not turn away
(And not turn me away)
I don’t deserve it, but I need to know
(But I need to know, I need to know)
That You will keep me and never let me go
(Keep me, never, never let me go)

Don’t let me go
Can’t You hear me call
Don’t let me go
Catch me when I’m fallin’
Don’t let me go
(Won’t you keep my head)
Keep my head from turnin’
Don’t let me go
Whoa, hey, yeah

Now and then, temptation tries to come my way
To take me back to the habits of my yesterday
Not a chance, I’d trade You in for what I had
Gotta show it’s You that keeps me glad

I’m back for good this time, I’m back to stay
(I’m back to stay, I’m back for good)
If You’ll receive me and not turn away
(And not turn me away)
I don’t deserve it, but I need to know
(But I need to know, I need to know)
That You will keep me and never let me go
(Keep me, never, never let me go)

Don’t let me go
Can’t You hear me call
Don’t let me go
(Don’t let me go)
Catch me when I’m fallin’
Don’t let me go
(Won’t you keep my head)
Keep my head from turnin’
Don’t let me go
Whoa, hey

Don’t let me go
Can’t You hear me call
Don’t let me go
(Don’t let me go)
Catch me when I’m fallin’
Don’t let me go
(Won’t you keep my head)
Keep my head from turnin’
Don’t let me go, hey

So good to know that
You won’t ever leave me
So good to know that
You can be found anytime
So good to know that
Whatever comes my way
So good to know that
You will never ever leave me alone

I don’t wanna fall
Can’t you hear me call
You’re my all in all
Don’t you let me go
(Don’t let me go)
I don’t wanna fall
Can’t you hear me call
You’re my all in all
Don’t you let me go

You’re my all in all
Listen up to what I’m about to say
The one who makes the sunshine day by day
Still has enough and He cares, and if you ask
Your burdens He’ll share with no other
Than His Father, I’m assured of this, it’s no bother

Don’t let me go
Can’t You hear me calling
Don’t let me go
Catch me when I’m fallin’
(Won’t You keep my head)
Keep my head from turnin’
Don’t let me go

Don’t let me go
(Can’t You hear)
Can’t You hear me call
Don’t let me go
Don’t let me, don’t let me
Don’t let me go
(Won’t you keep my head
My head from turnin’)
Catch me when I’m fallin’…

Don’t Let Me Go Video

Don’t Let Me Go Song Meaning

Title: Don’t Let Me Go by Nicole C. Mullen: A Soul-Stirring Christian Anthem

“Don’t Let Me Go” is a soul-stirring Christian anthem by renowned gospel singer Nicole C. Mullen. This powerful song resonates with believers worldwide, reminding them of God’s unfailing love and the desire to stay connected to Him. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the song, delve into its inspiration, and highlight the Bible verses that relate to its message.

I. The Meaning of “Don’t Let Me Go”:
Nicole C. Mullen’s “Don’t Let Me Go” encapsulates the heartfelt plea of a believer to God, expressing the desire to remain in His presence and under His guidance. The lyrics convey the recognition of human frailty and the constant need for God’s strength and protection. The song serves as a reminder of our dependence on God’s unwavering love and the assurance that He will never let us go.

II. The Inspiration Behind “Don’t Let Me Go”:
While the specific inspiration behind the song remains unknown, it is evident that “Don’t Let Me Go” draws from the universal experiences of believers. Countless Christians have found themselves wandering away from God’s path, only to feel the gentle tug of His presence, urging them to return. This song captures that moment of realization and surrender, when we acknowledge our need for God’s constant presence in our lives.

III. Bible Verses Related to “Don’t Let Me Go”:
1. Psalm 139:7-10 (NIV):
“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”

This verse beautifully captures the essence of “Don’t Let Me Go.” It reminds us that no matter how far we may stray, God’s presence is always with us. We cannot escape His love, grace, and guidance.

2. John 10:28-30 (NIV):
“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.”

These verses assure us of God’s unyielding grip on our lives. When we surrender ourselves to Him, He promises to hold onto us tightly. We are secure in His hands, and no one can snatch us away from Him.

3. Isaiah 41:13 (NIV):
“For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”

This verse echoes the plea in “Don’t Let Me Go” as it portrays God taking hold of our hand and assuring us of His help. Even in moments of doubt and fear, He remains steadfast, ready to guide us through every challenge.

IV. The Message of “Don’t Let Me Go”:
“Don’t Let Me Go” conveys a powerful message of surrender and dependence on God. The lyrics express the longing to stay connected to Him, acknowledging that we are prone to wander. It serves as a heartfelt plea for God to keep us close, to catch us when we fall, and to prevent us from turning away. The song beautifully encapsulates the ongoing struggle between our human tendencies and our desire for a deeper relationship with our Creator.

V. The Impact of “Don’t Let Me Go”:
The impact of “Don’t Let Me Go” extends far beyond the Christian music community. Its universal message resonates with believers from different backgrounds and experiences. The heartfelt lyrics and soulful melody create a deep emotional connection, reminding listeners of their need for God’s constant presence and love. The song has become a source of encouragement and inspiration for those facing spiritual battles or seeking to rekindle their faith.

VI. Conclusion:
Nicole C. Mullen’s “Don’t Let Me Go” is an emotionally-charged Christian anthem that speaks to the hearts of believers worldwide. The song’s plea for God’s unwavering presence and guidance resonates with those who have experienced the tug of their own wandering hearts. Through heartfelt lyrics and powerful melodies, this song serves as a reminder of our dependence on God’s love and the assurance that He will never let us go. As we surrender ourselves to Him, He lovingly catches us when we fall and keeps us close to His heart. Let “Don’t Let Me Go” be a prayer on our lips, a reminder of our need for God’s constant presence in our lives.

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