Gifts From You

Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you
Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you
Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you
Wrapped up in skin of every shade and hue

Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you
Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you
Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you

Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you
Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you
Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you
Wrapped up in skin of every shade and hue

I got my mama, my daddy, grandpa, granny
Inlaws, and outlaws, uncles and my aunties
Got my nieces, nephews, cousins out the wazoo
Got my sisters and brothers
And a handsome husband too

Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you
Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you
Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you
Wrapped up in skin of every shade and hue

I got my mama, my daddy, grandpa, granny
Inlaws, and outlaws, uncles and my aunties
Got my nieces, nephews, cousins out the wazoo
Got my sisters and brothers
And a pretty wife too

Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you
Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you
Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you
Wrapped up in skin of every shade and hue
Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you
Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you
Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you
Wrapped up in skin of every shade and hue

Gifts From You Video

Gifts From You Song Meaning

Gifts From You: Celebrating Diversity and Unity


In this blog post, we will explore the beautiful song titled “Gifts From You” by Nicole C. Mullen. This powerful song celebrates the diversity and unity found within the body of Christ. We will analyze the main key messages of the song chronologically and delve into its meaning, potential inspiration, and the biblical foundation of its lyrics.

Verse 1 – Embracing Diversity:

The song begins with the line, “Got a Christmas tree full of gifts from you.” This immediately sets the tone for the song, emphasizing the idea that each person is a unique and valuable gift from God. The following lines, “Wrapped up in skin of every shade and hue,” highlight the beauty of diversity within the human race. It is a powerful reminder that God created us all in His image, regardless of our external appearances.

Verse 2 – The Importance of Family:

The second verse of the song focuses on the importance of family and the close relationships we have with our loved ones. Nicole sings, “I got my mama, my daddy, grandpa, granny, Inlaws, and outlaws, uncles and my aunties.” This line reflects the bond that is formed within families and how they contribute to shaping our character and identity. The inclusion of various family members showcases the diverse roles and connections we have with one another.

Verse 3 – Extended Family and Community:

Moving beyond immediate family, the third verse expands the circle of relationships to include extended family and the wider community. “Got my nieces, nephews, cousins out the wazoo, Got my sisters and brothers,” Nicole sings. This demonstrates the importance of community and the connections we have with our relatives, friends, and neighbors. It emphasizes that our gifts and blessings extend beyond our immediate family and into a larger network of relationships.

Verse 4 – Love and Acceptance:

The fourth verse of the song brings attention to the different types of relationships we have in our lives. Nicole sings, “And a handsome husband too.” This line represents the love and acceptance found within marriage relationships. In a broader sense, it symbolizes the various forms of love and companionship we experience in our lives. It highlights the beauty of diverse relationships and celebrates the different ways in which love is expressed.

Verse 5 – The Power of Unity:

The final verse of the song reinforces the theme of unity and the power that comes from embracing diversity. “Wrapped up in skin of every shade and hue,” Nicole sings once again, reminding us that our differences should be celebrated rather than divisive. The repetition of this line emphasizes the importance of unity within the body of Christ, where people from all walks of life come together in love and acceptance.

Meaning and Inspiration:

The song “Gifts From You” carries a meaningful message of celebrating diversity and unity within the body of Christ. It encourages us to recognize and appreciate the unique gifts and qualities that each individual brings to the table. By emphasizing the beauty of diversity, the song inspires us to embrace one another and create a community that reflects the love and acceptance of God.

While the specific inspiration behind this song may not be readily available, it is clear that Nicole C. Mullen drew from her own experiences and observations of the diversity within the Christian community. The lyrics reflect a deep understanding and appreciation for the different roles, relationships, and connections we have with one another.

Biblical Analysis:

The song “Gifts From You” aligns with several biblical principles and teachings. First and foremost, it echoes the truth that every person is created in the image of God. In Genesis 1:27, it states, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” This verse affirms the inherent value and worth of every human being, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or background.

Furthermore, the song emphasizes the importance of unity within the body of Christ. In Ephesians 4:3, the apostle Paul writes, “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” This verse encourages believers to actively seek and maintain unity within the church, recognizing that diversity is a beautiful reflection of God’s creation.

The song also celebrates the concept of family and community, which are deeply rooted in biblical teachings. In Romans 12:10, the apostle Paul urges believers to “love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.” This verse emphasizes the importance of loving and honoring our family members, both biological and spiritual, recognizing the unique gifts and contributions they bring.


“Gifts From You” by Nicole C. Mullen is a powerful song that celebrates the diversity and unity found within the body of Christ. Through its lyrics, it reminds us of the inherent value and worth of every individual, regardless of their background or appearance. The song encourages us to embrace one another in love and acceptance, recognizing the unique gifts and qualities that each person brings. Ultimately, it aligns with biblical principles of unity, love, and the recognition of our shared identity as children of God.

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