I Need You(As The Deer)

As the deer that pants for the water brook

So my heart does long for You

As the eagle flies for the open skies

So my heart does soar for You

I will praise Your name forever

I will proclaim that You are God

I will be satisfied completely

‘Cause I will worship You alone

You alone, You alone

As the desert sand longs for rain again

So my hearts does longs for You

As the darkest night yields to morning light

So my heart does yield to You

I will praise Your name forever

I will proclaim that You are God

I will be satisfied completely

‘Cause I will worship You alone

You alone, You alone

‘Cause I need You, I need You

More than air that I breathe

I need You, I need You

More than food, more than drink


I need You, I need You

More than flowers need rain

I need You, I need You

More than I can explain

I need You, I need You

I need You, I need You

As the deer that pants for the water brook

So my heart does long for You

As the eagle flies for the open skies

So my heart does soar for You

I will praise Your name forever

I will proclaim that You are God

I will be satisfied completely

‘Cause I will worship You alone

You alone, You alone

I will praise Your name forever

I will proclaim that You are God

I will be satisfied completely

‘Cause I will worship You alone

You alone, You alone

I need You, I need You

As the deer that pants for the water brook

So my heart does long for You

I Need You(As The Deer) Video

I Need You(As The Deer) Song Meaning

“I Need You (As The Deer)” is a beautiful song by Nicole C. Mullen that speaks about the longing of the human heart for God. It is a song of worship and adoration that acknowledges the deep need that we all have for the presence of God in our lives. As Christians, we recognize that we cannot live without God, and this song expresses that truth in a powerful and emotional way.

The Meaning of the Song

The song is based on the Bible verse found in Psalm 42:1 which says, “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.” This verse speaks about the deep thirst that we have for God and the longing of our souls to be in His presence. The deer in this verse is a symbol of our own souls, which are restless until they find rest in God.

The song captures this same sentiment and expresses it in a powerful and emotional way. The lyrics speak of how our hearts long for God, just as the deer longs for the water brook. It speaks of how our souls soar when we are in God’s presence, just as the eagle soars in the open sky. The song acknowledges that we need God more than anything else in this world, and that we cannot live without Him.

Inspiration and Story Behind the Song

Nicole C. Mullen is a Christian singer and songwriter who has been in the music industry for over two decades. She has won numerous awards for her music, and her songs have touched the hearts of millions of people around the world.

The inspiration behind “I Need You (As The Deer)” comes from Nicole’s own personal experience with God. She has spoken about how she has always felt a deep longing for God, and how her faith has sustained her through the ups and downs of life.

In an interview, Nicole said, “I wrote this song as a reminder to myself that I need God more than anything else in this world. I wanted to express my deep longing for Him and my desire to be in His presence. I think that this song speaks to the hearts of so many people because we all feel that same longing for God. We all need Him more than anything else in this world.”

Bible Verses Referenced in the Song

The song “I Need You (As The Deer)” is based on Psalm 42:1, which says, “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.” This verse speaks about the deep thirst that we have for God and the longing of our souls to be in His presence.

There are many other Bible verses that speak about our need for God. Here are a few:

– Psalm 63:1 – “You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.”

– Isaiah 55:1-2 – “Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare.”

– John 4:13-14 – “Jesus answered, ‘Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.’”

Practical Application of the Song

The song “I Need You (As The Deer)” is a powerful reminder of our need for God in our lives. As Christians, we recognize that we cannot live without God, and this song expresses that truth in a beautiful way.

One practical application of this song is to make time for God in our daily lives. We need to set aside time to pray, read the Bible, and worship God. We need to make our relationship with God a top priority and seek His presence in everything that we do.

Another application of this song is to remember that God is always with us, even in the midst of difficult times. When we are going through trials and struggles, we need to remember that God is with us and that He will never leave us or forsake us. We can find comfort and strength in His presence, just as the deer finds rest by the water brook.

In conclusion, “I Need You (As The Deer)” is a beautiful and powerful song that speaks to the deep longing that we all have for God. It reminds us of our need for His presence in our lives and encourages us to seek Him with all our hearts. As we listen to this song and meditate on its message, may we be drawn closer to God and find the rest and satisfaction that we so desperately need.

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