Redeemer lives

Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning?

And who told the ocean you can only come this far?

And who showed the moon where to hide till evening?

Whose words alone can catch a falling star?

Well I know my Redeemer lives

I know my Redeemer lives

All of creation testifies.

this life within me cries

I know my Redeemer Lives


The very same God

that spins things in orbit

runs to the weary, the worn and the weak

and the same gentle hands that hold me when I’m broken

they conquered death to bring me Victory

Now I know, my Redeemer lives

I know my Redeemer lives

let all creation testify

Let this life within me cry

I-I-I know

My Redeemer

He lives

to take away my shame

and He lives

forever I’ll proclaim

about the payment for my sin

was the precious life He gave

but now He’s alive and

there’s an empty


And I know

my Redeemer He lives

I know

my Redeemer lives

let all creation testify

Let this life within me cry

I-I-I know my Redeemer

I know

my Redeemer lives

I know my Redeemer lives

I know, That I know, that I know, that i know, that I know

He lives

Because He lives I can face tomorrow

He lives

I know, I know

He lives

I spoke with Him this morning!

He lives

The tomb is empty

He lives

I’m going to tell everybody!

Redeemer lives Video

Redeemer lives Song Meaning

Title: The Redeemer Lives by Nicole C. Mullen: A Song of Hope and Faith


The song “Redeemer Lives” by Nicole C. Mullen is a powerful Christian anthem that resonates with believers around the world. Its message of hope, redemption, and the victorious life found in Christ is beautifully expressed through heartfelt lyrics and a captivating melody. In this article, we will explore the meaning of the song, its inspirational origins, and the biblical references that it relates to.

1. Understanding the Meaning of “Redeemer Lives”:

The central theme of “Redeemer Lives” is the belief in the resurrection and victory of Jesus Christ. The song acknowledges the power and authority of God as the Creator of the universe, who orchestrates the movements of the sun, the ocean, and the moon. It declares the certainty of Christ’s resurrection and proclaims the hope and assurance that believers have in Him.

The term “Redeemer” refers to Jesus Christ, who redeemed humanity through His sacrificial death and resurrection. The lyrics affirm the belief that Jesus conquered death, offering eternal life and victory over sin. This powerful truth is the foundation of the Christian faith and is celebrated joyfully in the song.

2. The Inspirational Story Behind “Redeemer Lives”:

“Redeemer Lives” was written and performed by Nicole C. Mullen, a renowned Christian singer-songwriter. The inspiration behind the song came from a personal experience in her life. Nicole, in a moment of personal struggle and doubt, sought solace in the truth of Christ’s resurrection and the assurance of His redeeming love.

The song became an anthem of hope and encouragement for Nicole and many others who faced similar challenges. Its uplifting message and powerful declaration of faith resonated deeply with listeners worldwide, making it one of Nicole C. Mullen’s most celebrated and beloved songs.

3. Biblical References in “Redeemer Lives”:

The lyrics of “Redeemer Lives” are rooted in biblical truths and draw inspiration from various passages throughout the Bible. Here are a few key verses that the song relates to:

a) Job 19:25:
Job 19:25 says, “I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end, he will stand on the earth.” This verse is a significant source of inspiration for the song. It declares the unwavering faith of Job in the midst of his suffering and affirms his confidence in the living Redeemer.

b) Isaiah 53:5:
Isaiah 53:5 prophesies about the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, stating, “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds, we are healed.” This verse emphasizes the sacrificial nature of Jesus’ death and highlights the healing and redemption available through Him.

c) Romans 8:11:
Romans 8:11 speaks of the resurrection power of Christ, stating, “And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.” This verse affirms the believer’s assurance of resurrection and new life in Christ, which echoes the message of “Redeemer Lives.”

4. The Message of Hope and Encouragement:

“Redeemer Lives” serves as a powerful reminder of the hope and encouragement found in Christ. It proclaims that the same God who created the universe holds the weary, the worn, and the weak in His gentle hands. The lyrics affirm that Jesus conquered death, bringing victory and triumph over sin.

The song’s message resonates with believers, reminding them that no matter the struggles they face, they can find strength and confidence in the living Redeemer. It encourages listeners to trust in God’s faithfulness, knowing that He is always present and active in their lives.

5. Impact and Reception:

“Redeemer Lives” has had a profound impact on listeners worldwide. Since its release, the song has become a staple in worship services, conferences, and Christian gatherings. Its uplifting melody and powerful lyrics create an atmosphere of praise and adoration, lifting hearts and spirits.

Nicole C. Mullen’s passionate delivery and heartfelt performance further enhance the song’s impact, allowing listeners to connect with its message on a deeper level. The powerful declaration of faith in the living Redeemer has inspired countless individuals, offering comfort, hope, and a renewed sense of purpose.


“Redeemer Lives” by Nicole C. Mullen is a timeless Christian anthem that celebrates the hope and victory found in Jesus Christ. Its powerful message, rooted in biblical truths, provides a source of encouragement and strength for believers facing various challenges. The song’s origins in Nicole C. Mullen’s personal experience add depth and authenticity to its lyrics, resonating deeply with listeners worldwide.

Through its heartfelt melody and powerful declaration of faith, “Redeemer Lives” reminds us of the assurance we have in the resurrection and redemption accomplished by Jesus Christ. It encourages us to trust in the living Redeemer, who holds the power to bring healing, restoration, and victory in every area of our lives.

As we sing along to the lyrics of “Redeemer Lives,” let us be reminded of the eternal truth that our Redeemer lives, and through Him, we have the hope of new life, forgiveness, and the promise of everlasting joy.

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