Show Me

Show me where You are
Sh-show me where You are
Show me where You are
Sh-show me where You are

It’s 9 am again
And I’m still in bed
I cannot seem to shake
The dreams in my head
Last night on my TV
More shocking news
The great confusion of
“Evangelistic Views”

I’m no theologist
But it can’t be right
When some have everything
And others not a bite
No time for wondering
Let’s make this “pledge”
Instead of holding on
We empty out our hands

How can we tell the world
The things we know about You
When it’s so clear to see
We’ve lost the glimpse of You
I’m starting here and now
To do something about it
Help me see the aching
From Your point of view, oh!

Show me where You are
Help me love my neighbor right
Sw-show me where You are
Love me through the day and night
Show me where You are
Teach my heart to do what’s right
Sh-show me where You are
Give to me again my sight

My room is clean again
And I am well fed
Still, I can’t find the time
To share a piece of bread
Have three of everything
And nothing I can spare
Could this be apathy
Or do I really care?

I’m no theologist
But it can’t be right
When some have everything
And others not a bite
No time for wondering
Let’s make this “pledge”
Instead of holding on
We empty out our hands

How can we tell the world
The things we know about You
When it’s so clear to see
We’ve lost the glimpse of You
I’m starting here and now
To do something about it
Help me see the aching
From Your point of view, oh!

Show me
Sh-show me
Show me
Sh-show me

Show me where You are
Help me love my neighbor right
Sh-show me where You are
Oh, love me through the day and night
Show me where You are
Teach my heart to do what’s right
Sh-show me where You are
And give to me again my sight

Show me where You are
Help me love my neighbor right
Sh-show me where You are
Whoa-whoa-oh, whoa…
Show me where You are
Give to me again
Sh-show me where You are
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my sight

Where You are
Show me where You are
Show me where You are
Yeah, give it to me just one more time!
Where You are
Show me where You are
Show me where You are
Show me where You are

Where You are
Show me where You are
Show me where You are
I wanna know, whoo!
Where You are
Show me where You are
Show me where You are
Yeah, I wanna know, oh…

Where You are
Show me where You are
Show me where You are
I want you to show me
Where You are
Show me where You are
Show me in the day and night
Show me where You are…

Show Me Video

Show Me Song Meaning

Title: Show Me by Nicole C. Mullen: Inspiring Love and Compassion Through Faith

“Show Me” is a powerful and heartfelt song by Christian artist Nicole C. Mullen. With its thought-provoking lyrics and soulful melody, the song encourages listeners to love their neighbors and seek God’s guidance in serving others. This article delves into the meaning of the song, explores the inspiration behind it, and highlights relevant Bible verses that align with its message of love and compassion.

1. The Meaning of “Show Me”:
Nicole C. Mullen’s “Show Me” emphasizes the importance of actively demonstrating love and compassion towards others. It recognizes the stark contrasts in the world, where some have an abundance while others struggle to meet their basic needs. The song challenges listeners to move beyond apathy and take action to address the suffering they see around them.

2. The Inspiration Behind “Show Me”:
While there is limited information on the specific inspiration behind “Show Me,” the song reflects a timeless message found throughout the Bible – the call to love and care for others. It is likely that Nicole C. Mullen drew inspiration from her own experiences and observations of the world’s inequalities, as well as her deep faith in God.

3. Bible Verses Related to “Show Me”:
a) Matthew 25:40 – “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” This verse reminds us that acts of compassion towards those in need are seen as acts of service to God Himself.
b) James 2:14-17 – “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” This passage underscores the importance of putting our faith into action through tangible acts of love and kindness.
c) 1 John 3:17-18 – “If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” These verses emphasize the need for genuine love and compassion expressed through practical deeds.

4. Unpacking the Lyrics:
a) “It’s 9 am again, and I’m still in bed”: The song opens with a relatable scene, highlighting the everyday distractions that can prevent us from recognizing the needs of others.
b) “Evangelistic Views”: This phrase suggests the confusion and division often seen within the Christian community, where differing perspectives on faith can hinder collective action.
c) “How can we tell the world the things we know about You when it’s so clear to see we’ve lost the glimpse of You?”: This line challenges believers to reflect on their witness to the world and the need to regain a true understanding of God’s heart for humanity.
d) “I’m starting here and now to do something about it, help me see the aching from Your point of view”: The song’s conclusion expresses a personal commitment to take action and see the world through God’s eyes, acknowledging the responsibility to alleviate the suffering of others.

5. The Relevance of “Show Me” Today:
“Show Me” remains relevant today, as the world continues to grapple with issues of poverty, injustice, and inequality. The song reminds believers to prioritize love, compassion, and active service to others, regardless of their background or circumstances. By heeding the call to “show me where You are,” listeners are encouraged to seek God’s guidance and actively participate in making a positive difference in the lives of those around them.

Nicole C. Mullen’s “Show Me” is a deeply moving song that challenges listeners to love their neighbors and actively demonstrate compassion and kindness. Drawing inspiration from biblical principles, the song urges believers to put their faith into action and address the suffering they encounter in the world. By internalizing the message of “Show Me,” we can be motivated to live out our faith by showing love, mercy, and generosity to those in need.

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