Fighting For My Heart

(ft. Noel Robinson & Philippa Hanna) | Songs From The Soil

I tried to numb the pain

And cut off from my heart

I tried to hide the hurting

And cover up the scars

But oh Your love was chasing after me


When I thought I was worthless

A stranger to your grace

You followed me with mercy

Each time I ran away

But oh Your love was chasing after me


Oh even if I go to the highest place

Or sink to my knees and hide my face

Oh I cannot out-run I can’t escape

Your love is chasing after me

Your love keeps chasing after me


As I lift my hands to worship

I bare to you my scars

There has never been a moment

That you weren’t fighting for my heart

Oh Your love was chasing after me

Oh even if I go to the highest place

Or sink to my knees and hide my face

Oh I cannot out-run I can’t escape

Your love is chasing after me

Your love keeps chasing after me

Never abandoned

Never rejected 

I have a Father who is fighting for my 


Oh what a saviour

Oh what a healer

I have a Father who is fighting for my 


Never abandoned

Never rejected 

I have a Father who is fighting for my 


Oh what a saviour

Oh what a healer

I have a Father who is fighting for my 


And even if I go to the highest place

Or sink to my knees and hide my face

Oh I cannot out-run I can’t escape

Your love is chasing after me

Your love keeps chasing after me

Never abandoned

Never rejected 

I have a Father who is fighting for my 


Oh what a saviour

Oh what a healer

I have a Father who is fighting for my 


Never abandoned

Never rejected 

I have a Father who is fighting for my 


Oh what a saviour

Oh what a healer

I have a Father who is fighting for my 


Oh even if I go to the highest place

Or sink to my knees and hide my face

Oh I cannot out-run I can’t escape

Your love is chasing after me

Your love keeps chasing after me

Fighting For My Heart Video

Fighting For My Heart Song Meaning

Title: Fighting For My Heart: A Powerful Song of Redemption and God’s Unfailing Love

Introduction: Unveiling the Heart of “Fighting For My Heart” by Noel Robinson and Philippa Hanna

“Fighting For My Heart” is a soul-stirring Christian song performed by Noel Robinson and Philippa Hanna. This powerful worship anthem speaks to the relentless pursuit of God’s love and the redemption He offers to all who are broken and hurting. With its heartfelt lyrics and captivating melody, this song resonates deeply with believers and serves as a reminder of God’s unwavering love and grace.

Meaning and Inspiration: A Testimony of God’s Unfailing Love

“Fighting For My Heart” is a testimony of God’s unwavering love and His relentless pursuit of our hearts. It highlights the truth that no matter how far we may stray or how broken we may feel, God’s love is always chasing after us. The song portrays the image of a loving Father who fights for our hearts and never abandons or rejects us.

Inspired by personal experiences and the transforming power of God’s love, the songwriters pour their hearts into the lyrics of “Fighting For My Heart.” It serves as a reminder that we are never alone in our struggles and that God is always present, ready to fight for us and heal our wounded hearts.

Biblical References: Anchoring the Song in God’s Word

The lyrics of “Fighting For My Heart” resonate with several biblical references that reinforce its message of God’s relentless pursuit of our hearts. Let’s explore some relevant Bible verses that align with the theme of the song:

1. Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV):
“The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love, he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”

This verse reflects the idea that God fights for us, delights in us, and sings over us. It beautifully captures the essence of God’s love actively pursuing us, even when we feel unworthy.

2. Isaiah 41:10 (NIV):
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

These words of God remind us that He is always by our side, ready to strengthen and support us. The song echoes the sentiment that God fights for our hearts, offering comfort and healing in our darkest moments.

3. Psalm 147:3 (NIV):
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

This verse speaks directly to the healing and restoration that God offers to those who are brokenhearted. It aligns with the central message of “Fighting For My Heart,” reminding us that God is our ultimate healer.

The Impact of “Fighting For My Heart”: Touching Lives and Inspiring Faith

“Fighting For My Heart” has touched the hearts of countless individuals around the world. Its powerful message of redemption and God’s unwavering love resonates deeply with listeners who have experienced brokenness, pain, and the need for restoration.

The song serves as a beacon of hope, encouraging listeners to trust in God’s love and surrender their hearts to Him. It reminds us that no matter how far we may have strayed or how broken we may feel, God’s love is always pursuing us, ready to heal and restore.

The Collaborators: Noel Robinson and Philippa Hanna

Noel Robinson and Philippa Hanna, both acclaimed Christian artists, lend their powerful voices to bring “Fighting For My Heart” to life. Their collaboration infuses the song with passion and authenticity, allowing listeners to connect deeply with its message.

Noel Robinson, a well-respected worship leader, songwriter, and international speaker, has been using his musical gifts to touch lives and lead people into God’s presence for over 20 years. His passion for worship and his deep understanding of God’s love shine through in his heartfelt performance of “Fighting For My Heart.”

Philippa Hanna, an award-winning singer-songwriter known for her soulful voice and honest lyrics, adds a unique touch to the song. With her own personal journey of faith and redemption, Philippa brings an authentic and relatable perspective to the lyrics, allowing listeners to connect on a deeper level.

The Unique Melody: Creating an Atmosphere of Worship

The melody of “Fighting For My Heart” is both captivating and uplifting. It starts with a gentle and soothing tone, gradually building up to a powerful crescendo, reflecting the journey of surrender and redemption portrayed in the lyrics. The music creates an atmosphere of worship, inviting listeners to join in and experience God’s love and healing.

Conclusion: Embracing God’s Unfailing Love

“Fighting For My Heart” is more than just a song; it is a powerful declaration of God’s unfailing love and His relentless pursuit of our hearts. It reminds us that no matter how broken or lost we may feel, God is always fighting for us, ready to heal and restore. Through this song, Noel Robinson and Philippa Hanna invite us to embrace God’s love and surrender our hearts to Him, finding healing, redemption, and hope.

As we listen to “Fighting For My Heart,” may we be reminded of the truth that God’s love is always pursuing us, fighting for us, and transforming our lives. Let this song be a source of encouragement, comfort, and inspiration, as we surrender our hearts to the One who loves us unconditionally.

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