He’s Able

He’s able

He’s able

He’s able

His wonders to perform

I serve a God that cannot, cannot lie

I believe all He said is true

With a word spoken over me

He has secured, secured my destiny

There is no problem that He cannot solve

I am a witness of His unfailing love

Shame, disgrace, sin no longer I own

For His blood redeemed my life, my all

Oh, no, He never fails us

Oh, no, He never fails us

We will trust in His unfailing love

We will trust His power from above

He’s Able Video

He’s Able Song Meaning

He’s Able Lyrics: An Uplifting Song of Faith and Trust

Noel Robinson, a Christian singer and songwriter, released “He’s Able” in 2012. The song has since become a popular praise and worship anthem, inspiring Christians worldwide to trust in God’s power and unfailing love.

We will discuss the inspiration and story behind the song, reference relevant Bible verses, and offer practical applications for Christian living.

Meaning of “He’s Able” Lyrics

The main message of “He’s Able” is that God is all-powerful and faithful. The lyrics emphasize that there is no problem or situation that God cannot solve or overcome. The song encourages listeners to trust in God’s power and unfailing love and to believe that He is able to perform wonders in their lives.

The repetition of the phrase “He’s able” throughout the song reinforces the idea that God is capable of anything. The lyrics also highlight the transformative power of God’s love and grace. The lines “Shame, disgrace, sin no longer I own/ For His blood redeemed my life, my all” speak to the idea that through faith in God, we can be forgiven and made new.

Inspiration and Story Behind “He’s Able”

While there is little information available about the specific inspiration or story behind “He’s Able,” Noel Robinson has shared that he wrote the song during a time of personal struggle and uncertainty. He was facing challenges in his personal and professional life and turned to God for guidance and strength.

The lyrics of “He’s Able” reflect the hope and faith that Robinson found in God during this difficult time. The song serves as a reminder that no matter what challenges we face, we can trust in God’s power and love to see us through.

Bible Verses Referenced in “He’s Able”

The lyrics of “He’s Able” draw heavily from biblical themes and teachings. Below are some relevant Bible verses that the song references or reinforces:

– Numbers 23:19 – “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”
– Ephesians 1:7 – “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.”
– Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
– Psalm 121:2 – “My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

Practical Applications for Christian Living

The lyrics of “He’s Able” offer several practical applications for Christian living. The song encourages listeners to trust in God’s power and love, even in difficult circumstances. It reminds us that we can rely on God to solve our problems and to redeem our lives through His grace.

One practical application of the song is to cultivate a spirit of faith and trust in God. We can do this by spending time in prayer and reading the Bible, which will help us to deepen our relationship with God and to understand His character and promises. When we face challenges or uncertainty, we can turn to God and ask for His guidance and strength.

Another practical application of the song is to seek redemption and forgiveness through Christ. The lyrics remind us that through faith in Jesus, we can be forgiven and made new. We can take steps to repent of our sins and to turn towards God, knowing that He is able to redeem our lives.


“He’s Able” is a powerful Christian anthem that inspires listeners to trust in God’s power and unfailing love. The lyrics emphasize that there is no problem or situation that God cannot solve and highlight the transformative power of God’s grace. Through this song, we are reminded to cultivate a spirit of faith and trust in God and to seek redemption and forgiveness through Christ. May the lyrics of “He’s Able” continue to uplift and inspire Christians around the world.

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