I Will Glorify Your Name

I will glorify your name,
Glorify Your name,
I will glorify Your name in all the earth.

I will magnify Your name,
Magnify Your name,
I will magnify Your name in all the earth.

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I Will Glorify Your Name Song Meaning

Title: I Will Glorify Your Name by Noel Robinson: A Song of Worship and Praise


“I Will Glorify Your Name” is a powerful worship song written by Noel Robinson, a renowned Christian worship leader and songwriter. This uplifting anthem has resonated with believers around the world, leading them into a deeper place of worship and adoration for the Lord. So, let’s dive in and discover the richness of “I Will Glorify Your Name.”

1. The Meaning of “I Will Glorify Your Name”:

The song’s title, “I Will Glorify Your Name,” encapsulates its central message of exalting and magnifying the name of God. It expresses a heart’s desire to bring honor, praise, and adoration to the Lord, acknowledging His greatness, power, and sovereignty. The lyrics serve as a proclamation of devotion and surrender to God, declaring that the singer will glorify His name in all the earth.

2. The Inspiration behind “I Will Glorify Your Name”:

While specific details about the inspiration behind the song are not readily available, it is evident that “I Will Glorify Your Name” draws inspiration from the Psalms, which are filled with expressions of praise and worship to God. Noel Robinson, as a worship leader, likely found inspiration in the Psalms’ timeless and profound expressions of adoration for the Lord.

3. Bible Verses that Relate to “I Will Glorify Your Name”:

a) Psalm 86:12 (NIV):
“I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.”

This verse echoes the central theme of the song, emphasizing the heartfelt desire to praise and glorify God’s name completely and eternally. It reveals the psalmist’s commitment to worship the Lord with every fiber of their being.

b) Psalm 34:3 (NIV):
“Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.”

This verse emphasizes the communal aspect of worship. It invites others to join in glorifying the Lord’s name, underscoring the importance of corporate worship and unity among believers.

c) Psalm 115:1 (NIV):
“Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory because of your love and faithfulness.”

This verse highlights the ultimate purpose of worship and glorification: to redirect all praise and honor to God alone. It reminds us that worship is not about ourselves but about magnifying the name of the Lord, acknowledging His love and faithfulness.

4. The Composition of “I Will Glorify Your Name”:

The musical composition of “I Will Glorify Your Name” is a fusion of contemporary gospel and worship styles. It begins with a simple and melodic introduction, gradually building in intensity as the song progresses. The chorus serves as the song’s anthem, with its powerful declaration of glorifying God’s name. The verses provide an opportunity for reflection and personal expression, leading into the dynamic chorus. Overall, the song’s composition is designed to create an atmosphere of worship and invite believers to lift their voices in praise.

5. The Impact of “I Will Glorify Your Name”:

“I Will Glorify Your Name” has had a significant impact on the global worship community. Its powerful lyrics and memorable melody have made it a staple in many churches and gatherings. The song’s message resonates with believers of all ages, reminding them of the importance of worshiping and glorifying God’s name. It has become a cherished expression of corporate praise and personal devotion, leading individuals into a deeper encounter with the Lord.


“I Will Glorify Your Name” is more than just a song; it is a heartfelt declaration of worship and adoration for the Lord. Through its powerful lyrics and emotive melody, this anthem has captured the hearts of believers worldwide, drawing them into a deeper place of intimacy with God. Inspired by the Psalms, this song encourages us to lift our voices, magnify God’s name, and surrender our lives to Him. As we join together in worship, may our hearts resound with the proclamation, “I Will Glorify Your Name” in all the earth.

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