I’ve Witnessed It

When I was lost and all alone

Your presence was where I found home

You were there and You’re here right now


In every high and every low

You never left me without hope

You were good and You’re good right now


I’ve witnessed Your faithfulness

I’ve seen You breathe life within

So I’ll pour out my praise again

You’re worthy, God you’re worthy of all of it


Your promises never fail

I’ve got stories I’ll live to tell

So I’ll pour out my praise again

You’re worthy, God you’re worthy of all of it


You left the throne and chose the cross

Laid down Your life to rescue us

The savior then, the savior now


But even death was not the end

You conquered hell so I could live

Resurrecting then, resurrecting now

Resurrecting then, resurrecting now


You’re good and I’ve witnessed it

You’re strong and I’ve witnessed it

You’re constant, I’ve witnessed it

I’ve witnessed it

And I’m confident I’ll see it again


You love and I’ve witnessed it

You heal and I’ve witnessed it

You save and I’ve witnessed it

And I’m confident I’ll see it again


To the broken I’ve witnessed it

To the hurt and I’ve witnessed it

To the lost I will witness it

I promise I’ll tell them what I’ve witnessed


To my family I’ve witnessed it

To my city I’ve witnessed it

To the nation I’ve witnessed it

I promise, I’ll tell them what I’ve witnessed

I’ve Witnessed It Video

I’ve Witnessed It Song Meaning

**Title: I’ve Witnessed It – A Song of Faith and Testimony**

**Introduction** (Word Count: 150)
The song “I’ve Witnessed It” by Passion + Melodie Malone is a powerful anthem that speaks of God’s faithfulness and the personal testimony of the singer. With its uplifting lyrics and energetic melody, this song encourages believers to reflect on their own experiences with God’s goodness and share their witness with others. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the song, the inspiration or story behind it, and the Bible verses that resonate with its message.

**The Meaning of “I’ve Witnessed It”** (Word Count: 300)
“I’ve Witnessed It” is a song that celebrates the faithfulness and goodness of God in the lives of believers. It acknowledges that God’s presence is constant, regardless of the circumstances we face. The lyrics express gratitude for God’s faithfulness in the past, confidence in His continued faithfulness in the present, and anticipation of witnessing His faithfulness in the future.

The song acknowledges that God is good, regardless of our circumstances. It reminds us that even in the highs and lows of life, God is with us, providing hope and comfort. The lyrics also highlight the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, emphasizing the victory over sin and death that He achieved on the cross.

**The Inspiration Behind “I’ve Witnessed It”** (Word Count: 400)
While specific details about the inspiration behind “I’ve Witnessed It” are not readily available, it is evident that the song was birthed from a place of personal testimony and a desire to proclaim God’s faithfulness. The songwriters, in collaboration with Passion and Melodie Malone, crafted lyrics that reflect their own experiences with God’s goodness and victories in their lives.

The inspiration behind this song can be traced back to the Bible, where countless stories of God’s faithfulness and provision can be found. Each believer has their own unique testimony of how God has come through for them in times of need, and “I’ve Witnessed It” serves as an anthem to proclaim and celebrate these testimonies.

**Bible Verses that Resonate with the Message** (Word Count: 600)
Several Bible verses resonate with the message of “I’ve Witnessed It” and can provide further insight into the lyrics and underlying themes of the song. Here are a few selected verses:

1. Psalm 107:1 – “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” This verse emphasizes the goodness of God, which is a central theme in “I’ve Witnessed It.” The lyrics repeatedly declare God’s goodness and faithfulness.

2. Romans 8:11 – “And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.” This verse speaks to the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, which is celebrated in the song. It reminds us that just as Christ was raised from the dead, we too can experience new life in Him.

3. 2 Corinthians 1:20 – “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ. And so through him, the ‘Amen’ is spoken by us to the glory of God.” This verse affirms the faithfulness of God’s promises. The lyrics of “I’ve Witnessed It” express confidence in God’s promises and His unwavering faithfulness.

4. Psalm 71:15 – “My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds, of your saving acts all day long – though I know not how to relate them all.” This verse reflects the heart behind “I’ve Witnessed It” – to testify of God’s faithfulness and share His saving acts with others. The song encourages believers to share their own testimonies of God’s goodness.

These verses, along with many others throughout the Bible, serve as a foundation for the message and inspiration behind “I’ve Witnessed It.”

**Conclusion** (Word Count: 150)
“I’ve Witnessed It” is a song that celebrates the faithfulness and goodness of God in the lives of believers. It encourages us to reflect on our own experiences with God’s faithfulness and to share our testimonies with others. The song’s lyrics, inspired by personal testimonies and grounded in biblical truths, remind us of God’s constant presence, His resurrection power, and His unwavering faithfulness. As we listen and sing along to “I’ve Witnessed It,” may we be reminded of the goodness of God in our lives and be inspired to share our witness with others.

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