Bring It On

Verse 1
Well there’s a war goin’ on in this world of a battlefield of the mind.
The enemy’s droppin’ thought bombs. Throwing everything he can find.

Bring it on (4X)
We take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.
We’ve got the power of God to keep these things outside.
We’re more than conquerors, we’re sons & daughters of God.
We’ll win this fight in the end.

Bring it on (4X)

Verse 2
Well I gathered every thought for you, a little parable that needs to be said.
You can’t keep the birds from flyin’ in the air
But you don’t have to let ’em build a nest in your hair.

Instrumental solo

We take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.
We’ve got the power of God to keep these things outside.
We’re more than conquerors, we’re sons & daughters of God.
We’ll win this fight in the end.

Bring It On Video

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