Hold My Mule

I feel like praising, praising him
I feel like praising, praising him
I feel like praising, praising him
Praise Him in the morning,
praise Him all day long,
I feel like praising, praising Him.

If you don’t wanna praise him don’t hinder me
If you don’t wanna praise him don’t hinder me
Praise Him in the morning,
praise Him all day long,
I feel like praising, praising Him.

Come on and praise the Lord while you have a chance
Come on and praise the Lord while you have a chance
Praise him in the morning
Praise him all day long
I feel like praising praising him.

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Hold My Mule Song Meaning

Hold My Mule by Pastor Shirley Caesar is a classic gospel song that has touched the hearts of millions of believers all over the world. It is a song that has been sung by generations of Christians and has become a staple in churches all over the world.

The Story Behind Hold My Mule

The story behind Hold My Mule is a unique one. The song was inspired by a true story that happened in a small church in North Carolina. The story goes that during a church service, a member of the congregation suddenly jumped up and began to shout, dance, and praise the Lord. The pastor, Shirley Caesar, was so moved by the woman’s passion and enthusiasm that she began to sing a song that would later become known as Hold My Mule.

The story behind the song is a testament to the power of the Holy Spirit and how it can move people to do amazing things. It is also a reminder that sometimes we need to let go of our inhibitions and allow ourselves to be moved by the Spirit.

The Meaning of Hold My Mule

The lyrics of Hold My Mule are simple, yet powerful. The song is a call to praise and worship God with everything we have. It is a reminder that God is worthy of all our praise and that we should never hold back in our worship.

The song’s title comes from a reference in the Bible, specifically in 1 Samuel 16:1-13. In this passage, Samuel is sent by God to anoint David as the new king of Israel. When he arrives, he is told by God to go to the house of Jesse and choose one of his sons to be anointed. Samuel is hesitant at first, but God tells him, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).

Eventually, Samuel chooses David, but not before Jesse brings out all of his other sons. When David is finally chosen, he is described as “ruddy, with a fine appearance and handsome features” (1 Samuel 16:12). The passage then goes on to say that “the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David” (1 Samuel 16:13).

The story of David and his anointing is a reminder that God does not judge us based on our outward appearance, but on the condition of our hearts. It is also a reminder that when we are filled with the Spirit of God, we can do amazing things.

Practical Application

So, what can we learn from the story behind Hold My Mule and the meaning of the song? First and foremost, we can learn that God is worthy of all our praise and worship. We should never hold back in our worship, but give God everything we have.

Secondly, we can learn that the Holy Spirit is powerful and can move us to do amazing things. When we allow ourselves to be filled with the Spirit, we can accomplish great things for God’s Kingdom.

Finally, we can learn that God looks at the condition of our hearts, not our outward appearance. We should never judge others based on their appearance, but instead look at their hearts and seek to love and serve them as Christ would.

In conclusion, Hold My Mule by Pastor Shirley Caesar is a powerful song that has touched the hearts of millions of believers all over the world. Its simple yet profound message is a reminder that God is worthy of all our praise and worship, and that when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we can do amazing things. Let us take this message to heart and strive to live a life of worship and service to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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