Flow To You

Flow to you, Flow to you.

Let the river of my worship flow to you.

Lord, I pray in all I do.

Let the river of my worship, flow to you.

Like streams in the valley, they swell with the rain.

Let the songs of my heart, let them raise to bless your


Flow to you, Flow to you Lord, let my worship flow to You.

Flow to you, Flow to you.

Let the river of my worship flow to you.

Lord I pray, in all I do, let the river of my worship flow

to you.

Like streams in the valley, they swell with the rain.

Let the songs of my heart, raise to bless your name.

Flow to you, Flow to you.

Lord let my worship flow to you. (Repeat) Let all my


Let all my praise!

Flow to you.

Flow to you.

Let all my worship!

Let all my praise!

Flow to you.

Flow to you. (Repeat) Let all my worship!

Let all my Praise flow to You.

Nobody but you (Repeat)

Flow To You Video

Flow To You Song Meaning

Title: Flow to You by Paul Morton: A Worship Anthem Touching the Hearts of Believers


“Flow to You” is a powerful worship song written and performed by Paul Morton. This soul-stirring anthem has touched the hearts of many believers worldwide with its heartfelt lyrics and anointed melody. In this article, we will explore the meaning of the song, its inspiration, and the biblical references that it relates to.

1. The Meaning of “Flow to You”:

“Flow to You” is a song that expresses the deep desire to worship and honor God. It is a plea for the Holy Spirit to flow through every aspect of our lives, saturating our worship and drawing us closer to God’s presence. The song acknowledges that our worship should not be limited to a mere routine or musical performance but should be a heartfelt expression of love and adoration towards our Creator.

2. The Inspiration Behind “Flow to You”:

While the exact inspiration behind “Flow to You” is not widely known, it is evident that the song was birthed out of a genuine love for God and a desire to experience His presence in a powerful way. Paul Morton, a renowned gospel artist, has a reputation for writing and performing songs that resonate with believers on a deep spiritual level. “Flow to You” is no exception, as it has become a worship anthem that stirs the hearts of worshippers worldwide.

3. Biblical References in “Flow to You”:

The lyrics of “Flow to You” align with several biblical references that emphasize the importance of worship and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Here are a few key verses that resonate with the message of the song:

a. Psalm 42:1-2 (NIV):
“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?”

This verse portrays the longing and thirst for God’s presence, which is beautifully captured in the lyrics of “Flow to You.” It reflects the deep yearning to be in communion with God and experience the refreshing flow of His Spirit.

b. John 4:23-24 (NIV):
“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

This verse highlights the importance of true worship that is led by the Holy Spirit. “Flow to You” echoes this sentiment by emphasizing the need for the Spirit’s flow in our worship, acknowledging that our worship should be more than a superficial act, but a genuine expression of our love and reverence for God.

c. Ephesians 5:18-19 (NIV):
“Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord.”

These verses exhort believers to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to let their worship be an overflow of their hearts. “Flow to You” resonates with this call, reminding us that true worship comes from a heart that is surrendered to God and filled with His Spirit.

4. The Power of “Flow to You” in Worship:

“Flow to You” has become a powerful tool in worship services, leading believers into a deeper experience of God’s presence. The repetitive nature of the song’s lyrics, combined with its heartfelt melody, creates an atmosphere conducive to worship. It allows worshippers to meditate on the flow of the Holy Spirit and surrender their hearts to God’s leading.

The song’s impact extends beyond the music itself. It serves as a reminder of the significance of worship in the life of a believer and encourages individuals to approach God with a genuine heart, seeking His presence and allowing His Spirit to flow through every aspect of their lives.


“Flow to You” by Paul Morton is a worship anthem that has touched the hearts of believers worldwide. Its heartfelt lyrics, inspired by a deep desire for God’s presence, resonates with the biblical references that emphasize the importance of worship and the flow of the Holy Spirit. This powerful song serves as a reminder to approach God with a genuine heart, seeking His presence, and allowing His Spirit to flow through every aspect of our lives. As we surrender ourselves in worship, may the river of our worship truly flow to the One who deserves all our praise and adoration.

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