Mountains of Israel

From the beginning to the end it’s been*

This way Your promises they never change

Your people will never be put to shame

From the desert to the endless sea

Shores of Egypt to the eastern hills

The earth and the sky tremble at Your will

Wake up and call on the name of the Lord

Weak be made strong you have now been restored

Oh the darkness is light

Oh Your kingdom is now in sight

Lord God of Israel arise

Consume us now with Your fire

Every people and tribe

Mountains of Israel come alive

It’s time to bring forth new wine

From now to the end of time

Spirit pouring out from all around

Living waters now they’re raining down

The day of the Lord is at hand

Can you hear the voice in the desert calling out

Prepare the way

The way for the Lord make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God

Come like a mighty lion roar with Your glory and Your fire

Come now with Your power

Bo Yeshua Mishecheynu Your people wanna see You

Oh the darkness is light

Oh Your kingdom is now in sight it’s now in sight yeah

Mountains of Israel Video

Mountains of Israel Song Meaning

Mountains of Israel: A Song of Hope and Restoration

Paul Wilbur, a renowned Christian musician, has released many gospel songs that have inspired millions of Christians worldwide. One of his most popular songs is “Mountains of Israel,” which has touched the hearts of many believers. This song is a powerful declaration of hope and restoration for God’s chosen people, the Israelites. It speaks of the promises of God to His people and how He is faithful to fulfill them.

We will also examine the practical application of this song to Christian living.

The Inspiration Behind “Mountains of Israel”

“Mountains of Israel” was released in 2002 as part of Paul Wilbur’s album entitled “Jerusalem Arise.” The album was recorded live in Jerusalem, Israel, and it features songs that celebrate the Jewish roots of Christianity. The album’s theme is the restoration of Israel, and all the songs in it reflect this theme.

The inspiration behind “Mountains of Israel” is the biblical prophecy of the restoration of Israel. The song draws its lyrics from various passages in the Bible that speak of God’s promises to restore His people. The song’s chorus, “Mountains of Israel come alive,” is taken from the book of Ezekiel, where the prophet foretells the restoration of the land of Israel.

The Meaning of “Mountains of Israel”

The song “Mountains of Israel” is a declaration of hope and restoration for the people of Israel. It speaks of God’s promises to restore the land of Israel and His people. The song’s lyrics are a reminder that God’s promises never fail, and He is faithful to fulfill them.

The song’s opening lines, “From the beginning to the end, Your promises they never change,” speak of God’s faithfulness to His people throughout history. The Israelites have gone through many trials and tribulations, but God has always been faithful to them. The song’s chorus, “Mountains of Israel come alive,” is a declaration of the fulfillment of God’s promises to His people.

The song’s lyrics also speak of the power of God to transform and restore. The lines, “Spirit pouring out from all around, Living waters now they’re raining down,” speak of the Holy Spirit’s power to bring renewal and transformation. The song’s bridge, “It’s time to bring forth new wine, From now to the end of time,” speaks of the new season of restoration and transformation that God is bringing to His people.

Bible Verses That Inspired “Mountains of Israel”

The song “Mountains of Israel” draws its lyrics from various passages in the Bible that speak of God’s promises to restore His people. Here are some of the Bible verses that inspired the song:

Ezekiel 36:8-12: “But you, O mountains of Israel, shall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit to my people Israel, for they will soon come home. For behold, I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you shall be tilled and sown. And I will multiply people on you, the whole house of Israel, all of it. The cities shall be inhabited and the waste places rebuilt.”

Jeremiah 31:4: “Again, I will build you, and you shall be built, O virgin Israel! Again, you shall adorn yourself with tambourines and shall go forth in the dance of the merrymakers.”

Isaiah 52:7: “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns.’”

The Practical Application of “Mountains of Israel” to Christian Living

The song “Mountains of Israel” has a practical application to Christian living. It reminds us that God is faithful to His promises and that He is always working for the good of His people. It also speaks of the power of the Holy Spirit to bring renewal and transformation.

As Christians, we can take comfort in the fact that God’s promises never fail. We can trust in Him to bring restoration and transformation to our lives. We can also rely on the Holy Spirit to bring renewal and transformation to our hearts and minds.

The song’s call to “Wake up and call on the name of the Lord” is a reminder that we need to be vigilant in our spiritual lives. We need to be constantly seeking God’s presence and guidance in our lives. We need to be open to the Holy Spirit’s leading and be willing to follow wherever He leads us.


“Mountains of Israel” is a powerful declaration of hope and restoration for God’s chosen people. It reminds us that God’s promises never fail, and He is always working for the good of His people. The song’s lyrics draw from various passages in the Bible that speak of God’s promises to restore His people.

As Christians, we can take comfort in the fact that God is faithful to His promises. We can trust in Him to bring restoration and transformation to our lives. We can also rely on the Holy Spirit to bring renewal and transformation to our hearts and minds.

“Mountains of Israel” is a song of hope and encouragement for all believers. It reminds us that no matter what trials and tribulations we face, God is always with us, and He will never leave us or forsake us. We can draw strength and inspiration from this song as we continue to journey in our Christian walk.

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