Out Of My Belly

Out of my belly
Shall flow rivers
Rivers of living waters
Iya iya eh

Out of my belly
Shall flow rivers
Rivers of living waters
Iya iya eh

La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la

Out of my belly
Shall flow rivers
Rivers of living waters
Iya iya eh

Out of my belly
Shall flow rivers
Rivers of living waters
Iya iya eh

La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la

Let it flow
Let it flow
Let it flow
Oh let it flow right here right now

Let it flow
Let it flow
Let it flow
Let it flow
From your Inside

Let it flow
Let it flow
Let it flow right here right now
And as the river flows
It begins to bring every dead thing to life
It’s a life giving river
Oh let it flow
Right here
Right now

And as the river flows
It begins to bring every dead thing to life
It’s a life giving river
Oh let it flow
Right here
Right now

Out of my belly
Shall flow rivers
Rivers of living waters
Iya iya eh

Out of my belly
Shall flow rivers
Rivers of living waters
Iya iya eh

Out of my belly
Shall flow rivers
Rivers of living waters
Iya iya eh

La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la

Out of my belly
Shall flow rivers
Rivers of living waters
Iya iya eh
Out of my belly
Shall flow rivers
Rivers of living waters
Iya iya eh

Out Of My Belly Video

Out Of My Belly Song Meaning

Title: Out of My Belly by Prospa Ochimana: A Life-Giving Anthem of God’s Overflowing Blessings

Out of My Belly by Prospa Ochimana is a powerful and uplifting Christian song that has captivated the hearts of believers around the world. This unique worship anthem is filled with deep spiritual meaning and draws inspiration from biblical references, particularly the concept of rivers of living water flowing out of one’s belly. In this article, we will explore the significance and message of the song, dive into its inspiring story, and uncover the Bible verses that resonate with its lyrics.

1. The Inspiration behind Out of My Belly:
Prospa Ochimana, a renowned Nigerian gospel artist, wrote and composed Out of My Belly as a declaration of God’s abundant blessings and a reminder of the believer’s role as a vessel of His life-giving power. The song was birthed out of a deep desire to see the manifestation of God’s promises and to experience a tangible outpouring of His Spirit.

2. The Meaning of Out of My Belly:
The central theme of Out of My Belly is the concept of rivers of living water flowing out of one’s belly. This powerful imagery is derived from the words of Jesus in John 7:38, where He says, “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” The song encapsulates the idea that as believers, we are carriers of God’s life-giving power and are called to release His blessings and transformational love into the world.

3. Biblical References in Out of My Belly:
The lyrics of Out of My Belly are deeply rooted in biblical truths and draw inspiration from various passages of Scripture. Here are some key Bible verses that relate to the song:

a. John 7:38-39: “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” This verse forms the foundation of the song’s message and serves as a powerful reminder of our role as conduits of God’s blessings.

b. Ezekiel 47:1-12: This passage describes a vision of a river flowing from the temple, bringing life and restoration wherever it goes. The song echoes the imagery of this river and the transformative power it carries.

c. Psalm 46:4-5: “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.” This verse speaks of a river that brings joy and refreshment to God’s people, mirroring the theme of Out of My Belly.

4. The Message and Impact of Out of My Belly:
Out of My Belly serves as a powerful declaration of faith and a reminder of our identity as believers. The song urges us to tap into the abundant resources of God’s Spirit within us and release His life-giving power into the world. It encourages us to believe in the transformative work of God and reminds us that we have been called to be vessels of His blessings and love.

The impact of Out of My Belly has been profound, with countless testimonies of lives being touched and transformed through its uplifting message. The song has become an anthem of hope and a source of encouragement for believers, reminding them of the power they carry within them to bring about change and revival.

5. The Healing Power of Out of My Belly:
One of the key aspects of Out of My Belly is its emphasis on healing. The lyrics speak of the rivers of living water flowing from within, bringing healing and restoration to every dead thing. This concept aligns with the biblical promise of God’s healing power, as seen in Isaiah 58:8: “Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear.”

The song serves as a reminder that God’s healing power is available to us and that we have the authority to release it through our lives. It encourages believers to have faith in God’s ability to heal and to be conduits of His healing touch to a hurting world.

Out of My Belly by Prospa Ochimana is a song that carries a powerful message of God’s overflowing blessings and the believer’s role as a vessel of His life-giving power. Inspired by biblical references and the concept of rivers of living water flowing out of one’s belly, this anthem has touched the hearts of believers worldwide. Through its lyrics, the song encourages us to tap into the abundant resources of God’s Spirit within us and release His blessings and healing into the world. It serves as a reminder of our identity as carriers of God’s transformational love and a call to be instruments of His revival. Let us embrace the message of Out of My Belly and allow God’s rivers of living water to flow through us, bringing life, healing, and restoration wherever we go.

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