Echo Holy

Gathered at the highest throne

Welcomed by a melody

An anthem I have always known

A song that’s always been in me

All glory and honor

Dominion and power

to You

A million angels fall

Face down on the floor

All to echo

Holy is the Lord

My heart can’t help but sing

With all of heaven roar

Forever echo

Holy is the Lord


Oh, forever echo holy is the Lord

Memorized by every heart

Written in eternity

Every lifted voice a part

Joining in the symphony

All glory and honor

Dominion and power

to You

All wisdom and wonder

belong to no other

but You

Standing at

The end of time


Before the throne of grace

Majesty before my eyes

Let it take my breath away

Echo Holy Video

Echo Holy Song Meaning

Title: Echo Holy by Red Rocks Worship: A Heavenly Anthem of Worship and Adoration

Echo Holy, a captivating song by Red Rocks Worship, is a powerful anthem that invites believers to join in the heavenly chorus of worship and adoration. This article explores the meaning behind the song, the inspiration or story behind its creation, and references to Bible verses that the song relates to. Let us dive into the depths of this uplifting and awe-inspiring worship song.

1. The Meaning Behind Echo Holy:
Echo Holy is a song that expresses the eternal truth that God alone deserves all glory, honor, and power. It echoes the angelic declaration of the holiness of the Lord and invites believers to join in this heavenly proclamation. The song emphasizes the majesty and splendor of God, acknowledging His dominion and authority over all creation. It serves as a reminder that our hearts are made to worship and adore the Lord, joining the heavenly chorus in declaring His holiness.

2. The Inspiration or Story Behind Echo Holy:
While specific details about the inspiration or story behind Echo Holy may not be readily available, it is evident that the song was birthed out of a deep desire to exalt and praise God. The lyrics and melody reflect a heartfelt longing to join the heavenly hosts in worshiping the Lord. It is likely that the songwriters drew inspiration from their personal encounters with God’s presence and the awe-inspiring reality of His holiness.

3. Biblical References:
Echo Holy resonates with several Bible verses that emphasize the holiness and glory of God. Let us explore some of these references:

– Revelation 4:8: “Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.’”

This verse describes the heavenly creatures continually praising God, echoing His holiness day and night. It serves as a direct reference to the song’s core theme of joining the heavenly chorus in declaring the holiness of the Lord.

– Psalm 99:9: “Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his holy mountain, for the Lord our God is holy.”

This verse highlights the call to exalt and worship God at His holy mountain. It underscores the song’s invitation to lift our voices in adoration and join the heavenly praise of our holy God.

– Isaiah 6:3: “And they were calling to one another: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.’”

Isaiah’s vision of the seraphim worshiping God in the temple echoes the song’s emphasis on the holiness and glory of the Lord. It reminds us that God’s glory fills the entire earth, and we are called to join in worshiping Him.

4. Creative Subheadings:
a) The Heavenly Anthem of Echo Holy
b) Unveiling the Meaning Behind Echo Holy
c) Discovering the Inspiration Behind Red Rocks Worship’s Echo Holy
d) Echo Holy: A Biblical Journey into Worship and Adoration
e) Joining the Heavenly Chorus: Bible Verses that Echo Holy

5. The Heavenly Anthem of Echo Holy:
Echo Holy, with its captivating melody and heartfelt lyrics, serves as a heavenly anthem that resonates with believers around the world. The song’s message of exalting God’s holiness and joining the heavenly chorus in worship strikes a chord deep within our souls. As we lift our voices and hearts, we echo the eternal truth that God alone is worthy of all honor, glory, and power.

6. Unveiling the Meaning Behind Echo Holy:
In Echo Holy, Red Rocks Worship beautifully captures the essence of worshiping a holy God. The song emphasizes that our purpose as believers is to echo the heavenly declaration of God’s holiness. It reminds us that worship is not confined to a specific time or place but is a continuous outpouring of adoration towards our Creator. Echo Holy encourages us to align our hearts with heaven’s anthem, lifting our voices in praise and worship.

7. Discovering the Inspiration Behind Red Rocks Worship’s Echo Holy:
While the exact inspiration behind Echo Holy may not be widely known, it is evident that the songwriters were deeply moved by the holiness of God. They desired to create a song that would lead people into a place of reverence and awe, where they could join the heavenly hosts in worshiping the Lord. The melody and lyrics of Echo Holy were carefully crafted to capture the beauty and grandeur of God’s holiness, inspiring believers to offer Him their highest praise.

8. Echo Holy: A Biblical Journey into Worship and Adoration:
Echo Holy draws heavily from biblical themes and concepts related to worship and adoration. The song echoes the heavenly vision described in the book of Revelation, where the creatures surrounding the throne of God continually proclaim His holiness. It also reflects the psalmist’s exhortation to worship at God’s holy mountain and the prophet Isaiah’s encounter with the seraphim declaring God’s holiness.

9. Joining the Heavenly Chorus: Bible Verses that Echo Holy:
The lyrics of Echo Holy find resonance in various Bible verses that emphasize the holiness and glory of God. These verses serve as a foundation for the song’s message and provide biblical context for the worship experience it seeks to evoke. By referencing and meditating on these verses, believers can deepen their understanding and connection to the song.

Echo Holy by Red Rocks Worship is a powerful anthem that invites believers to join in the heavenly chorus of worship and adoration. The song’s captivating melody and heartfelt lyrics inspire reverence and awe, leading us to echo the eternal truth that God alone is worthy of all honor, glory, and power. Drawing inspiration from biblical themes and verses, Echo Holy encourages us to align our hearts with heaven’s anthem and offer our highest praise to our holy God. May this song continue to stir our spirits and draw us closer to the One who is worthy of all worship.

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