I Will Walk

And I will walk with You,
And I will find a way to show Your Word is truth
And none shall fear, but all will know
The measure of our Father’s endless love

Consider all the works Your hands have made
The great and small, from sea to mountain range
The passion of our great Creator King
Whose glory shines in all created things (no pause)

And on the Earth, for nation, tribe and tongue
Amazing grace, extends to every one
You love them all, it was for these you died
That all who call, will find eternal life

And I will walk with You,
And I will find the way to show Your Word is truth
And none shall fear, but all will know
The glory of the Father’s endless love

Give me the faith that makes a mountain move, and to believe the gospels power to save.
To run this race, to run and not grow faint, and some to save, in Jesus’ mighty name

And I will walk with You,
And I will find the way to show your Word is truth
And none shall fear, but all will know
The glory of the Father’s endless love

I Will Walk Video

I Will Walk Song Meaning

I Will Walk: A Song of Faith and Commitment

“I Will Walk” is a worship song written by Robin Mark, a renowned Christian songwriter and worship leader. This powerful song is filled with deep theological truths and a strong message of faith and commitment to God. In this blog post, we will explore the key messages of the song, analyze its meaning, and examine its biblical foundation.

I. The Opening Lines: A Declaration of Faith and Trust
The song begins with the following lines: “And I will walk with You, and I will find a way to show Your Word is truth. And none shall fear, but all will know the measure of our Father’s endless love.” These lines reflect a firm declaration of faith and a desire to walk closely with God. The songwriter acknowledges the responsibility to demonstrate the truth of God’s Word in their life and to share His love with others.

II. Reflecting on God’s Creation and Glory
The next lines of the song state, “Consider all the works Your hands have made, the great and small, from sea to mountain range. The passion of our great Creator King, whose glory shines in all created things.” Here, the songwriter encourages listeners to reflect on the beauty and greatness of God’s creation. It emphasizes that everything, from the smallest to the largest, bears the mark of God’s handiwork. This reflection on creation leads to a recognition of God’s glory and greatness.

III. God’s Love for All People
The song continues by highlighting God’s love for all people, regardless of their nationality or background. It says, “And on the Earth, for nation, tribe, and tongue, Amazing grace extends to everyone. You love them all; it was for these you died, that all who call will find eternal life.” This verse reminds us that God’s love is all-encompassing and that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was for the salvation of all humanity. It emphasizes the importance of sharing this message of hope and eternal life with others.

IV. Faith that Moves Mountains
In the next part of the song, the lyrics express a desire for faith that can move mountains and belief in the power of the Gospel to save. It says, “Give me the faith that makes a mountain move, and to believe the Gospel’s power to save. To run this race, to run and not grow faint, and some to save in Jesus’ mighty name.” These lines reflect a deep longing for a faith that is strong and unwavering, capable of seeing miracles and bringing salvation to others. It emphasizes the need for endurance in the Christian journey and the importance of sharing the Gospel.

V. The Closing Lines: The Glory of the Father’s Love
The song concludes with a reiteration of the commitment to walk with God and the desire to display His love. It states, “And I will walk with You, and I will find the way to show Your Word is truth. And none shall fear, but all will know the glory of the Father’s endless love.” These lines reaffirm the commitment to live faithfully and to be a witness of God’s truth and love to the world.

Song Meaning and Inspiration:
The meaning of “I Will Walk” is rooted in a deep desire to live a life of faith and commitment to God. The inspiration for the song may vary from person to person, but it is clear that the songwriter was influenced by biblical themes and the call to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. The lyrics reflect a longing to walk closely with God, to demonstrate His truth and love, and to share the Gospel with others. It is a song that encourages believers to have unwavering faith, to trust in God’s power, and to be a light in the world.

Biblical Analysis:
When analyzing the biblical foundation of a worship song, it is essential to examine how well the lyrics align with the teachings of Scripture. In the case of “I Will Walk,” the song draws upon various biblical themes and truths.

1. Walking with God: The concept of walking with God is found throughout the Bible. In Genesis 5:24, it is said that Enoch walked with God, and in Micah 6:8, believers are called to walk humbly with their God. The song’s declaration to walk with God reflects the desire for a close and intimate relationship with Him.

2. Creation and God’s Glory: The song’s reflection on God’s creation and His glory aligns with biblical teachings. Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” The Bible repeatedly emphasizes the majesty and greatness of God’s creation.

3. God’s Love for All: The message of God’s love for all people is central to Christianity. John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” The song’s emphasis on God’s love extending to all nations and the call to share this love aligns with the biblical mandate to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).

4. Faith and Salvation: The desire for faith that can move mountains and belief in the power of the Gospel to save echoes biblical teachings. Jesus said in Matthew 17:20, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” The song’s emphasis on faith and the power of the Gospel aligns with these teachings.

“I Will Walk” is a powerful worship song that combines heartfelt lyrics with deep theological truths. Its main messages of faith, commitment, and a desire to walk closely with God resonate with believers. The song draws upon biblical themes such as walking with God, God’s creation and glory, God’s love for all people, and the power of faith and salvation. Overall, “I Will Walk” inspires believers to live a life of faith, to share God’s love with others, and to be a witness of His truth in the world.

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