
If You are not going with me 

I’m not moving from here

It’s Your presence I need 

So I won’t fail again 

If You are not going with me 

I’m not moving from here

It’s Your presence I need 

Me don’t lose track of the amount of time ? 

I am not good as people think I am 

And to be honest my strength is all gone 

Only a few will understand this 

But on the stride You never left me God 

And I am close to the promised land 

And so just You know I am not crossing over 

If You are not holding my hand 

Cause I am smart enough to know that 

I am nothing without You Lord 

Sometimes I get distracted by Your promises 

Cause over there the look on beyond You look good 

And I will be living the way I should 

But even if me I didn’t gossip ?

So I sing 

If You are not going with me 

I’m not moving from here

It’s Your presence I need 

So I won’t fail again 

If You are not going with me 

I’m not moving from here

It’s Your presence I need 

Many are the plans of a man 

He knows not what tomorrow brings 

Sure are the plans of the Lord 

So I will trust You in everything 

Hold me out won’t move without 

You are the end from the beginning 

Trust Your words and You’ll always 

Keep me within 

If You are not going with me 

I’m not moving from here

It’s Your presence I need 

So I won’t fail again 

No matter what the light looks bright on the other side 

In the secret place of Your tabernacle me I hide 

Me live without the Lord 

Me would I rather die 

Me say me no move 

And your presence hold me no lose …

If You are not going with me 

I’m not moving from here

It’s Your presence I need 

So I won’t fail again 

If You are not going with me 

I’m not moving from here

It’s Your presence I need 

If You’re not going Sam is not going 

If You’re not moving Sam is not moving 

Presence Video

Presence Song Meaning

Presence by Samuel Medas: A Song of Faith and Dependence on God


In the world of Christian music, there are songs that touch the heart and soul, bringing a sense of peace, hope, and trust in God. One such song is “Presence” by Samuel Medas. This powerful song captures the essence of faith and the need for God’s presence in our lives. In this article, we will delve into the meaning of the song, explore the inspiration behind it, and highlight relevant Bible verses that resonate with its message.

Meaning of the Song:

“Presence” is a heartfelt cry for God’s presence in the life of the singer. It expresses a deep longing for God’s guidance, strength, and companionship. The lyrics reveal a recognition that without God, the singer is nothing and cannot move forward. The song emphasizes the importance of relying on God’s presence to navigate through life’s challenges and uncertainties.

Inspiration and Story Behind “Presence”:

While specific details about the inspiration and story behind “Presence” are not readily available, we can infer that Samuel Medas drew from personal experiences and a deep relationship with God. Many Christian songs are born out of personal encounters with God or through moments of reflection on His faithfulness.

The lyrics of “Presence” reflect a level of vulnerability and honesty, suggesting that the song may have been inspired by a season of struggle, doubt, or a desire for a deeper connection with God. It is common for Christian musicians to draw inspiration from their personal journeys and use their music as a form of worship and expression.

Bible Verses Related to the Song:

1. Exodus 33:15 – “Then Moses said to him, ‘If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.’” This verse echoes the sentiment of the song, emphasizing the importance of God’s presence in our lives. Just as Moses recognized the necessity of God’s presence, so do the lyrics of “Presence” by Samuel Medas.

2. Psalm 139:7-10 – “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.” These verses highlight the omnipresence of God and His unwavering presence in our lives. The lyrics of “Presence” reflect the desire to remain in God’s presence and to be guided by His hand.

3. Matthew 28:20 – “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” This verse reassures believers of Jesus’ constant presence in their lives. It echoes the sentiment expressed in “Presence,” where the singer acknowledges the need for God to be with them on their journey.

4. Isaiah 41:10 – “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” This verse reminds us of God’s promise to be with us and provide us with strength and support. The lyrics of “Presence” reflect a dependence on God’s presence for guidance and strength.

The Power of God’s Presence:

The song “Presence” beautifully captures the power and significance of God’s presence in our lives. It reminds us that we are not meant to navigate life’s challenges alone but to rely on the strength and guidance that comes from being in His presence.

In the presence of God, we find comfort, peace, and direction. He is our refuge and our source of strength. Just as the lyrics of “Presence” express a deep longing for God, we too should seek His presence in our lives.

The Importance of Trust and Faith:

“Presence” also underscores the importance of trust and faith in our relationship with God. The lyrics reveal a recognition that without God’s presence, the singer is unable to move forward. This acknowledgment reflects a deep trust in God’s guidance and a reliance on His strength.

As believers, we are called to trust in God’s plans and timing, even when the path ahead is uncertain. The lyrics of “Presence” serve as a reminder that our faith in God’s presence sustains us, giving us the courage to face any situation that comes our way.


“Presence” by Samuel Medas is a powerful Christian song that resonates with believers seeking a deeper connection with God. Its lyrics express a longing for God’s presence, emphasizing the importance of relying on Him for guidance, strength, and companionship. Through this song, we are reminded of the significance of God’s presence in our lives and the need to trust in His plans and timing.

Drawing inspiration from personal experiences and a deep relationship with God, Samuel Medas has crafted a song that speaks to the hearts of believers. By reflecting on relevant Bible verses, we can further appreciate the profound message conveyed in “Presence” and the biblical principles it draws upon.

Let “Presence” be a reminder to us all that in God’s presence, we find the strength, guidance, and peace we need to navigate life’s challenges. May we continually seek His presence and trust in His faithfulness, knowing that He is with us always.

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