Last Goodbye

I’m ready to go tonight
Ready to reconcile
Worn out with all I can buy or borrow
Trade all my best laid plans,
death and the fear of man
Take from Redemption’s hand

Chorus: When it all comes to light
And I’m by your side
I am yours and you are mine
In the last goodbye

Turn all my rags to white
Turn all my words to rhyme
Turn all the sorrow to shining faces
Make all my dreams satisfied
Make all the broken things right
Make all the dead come alive

Chorus: When it all comes to light
And I’m by your side
I am yours and you are mine
In the last goodbye

It feels like a million years gone by
How long till the breaking of the skies?

Come and restore this town
Come when the trumpet sound
Come with the angels all around

When it all comes to light
On the other side
I am yours and you are mine
In the last goodbye

Last Goodbye Video

Last Goodbye Song Meaning

Last Goodbye by Sandra McCracken: A Journey of Love and Loss


In this blog post, we will delve into the beautiful and emotionally charged song titled “Last Goodbye” by Sandra McCracken. This hauntingly poignant song takes listeners on a journey of love, loss, and the bittersweet farewell of a relationship. Through a chronological analysis of the key messages in the song, we will uncover its deep meaning and explore its Biblical resonances. So, let’s embark on this musical exploration and discover the profound truths within “Last Goodbye.”

Verse 1: “I’m ready to go tonight, Ready to reconcile, Worn out with all I can buy or borrow, Trade all my best laid plans, Death and the fear of man, Take from Redemption’s hand.”

The song begins with a sense of readiness and a willingness to let go of the past. The protagonist expresses a desire to reconcile and move forward, feeling exhausted by the pursuit of worldly possessions and achievements. The mention of death and the fear of man suggests a longing for freedom from societal expectations and a recognition of the redemptive power that can be found in surrendering to a higher purpose.

Chorus: “When it all comes to light, And I’m by your side, I am yours and you are mine, In the last goodbye.”

The chorus encapsulates the essence of the song, emphasizing the transformative nature of the final farewell. It speaks of a moment when everything becomes clear and the protagonist finds solace in being reunited with their loved one. The profound declaration of belonging and unity reflects a deep spiritual connection that transcends the boundaries of mortal existence.

Verse 2: “Turn all my rags to white, Turn all my words to rhyme, Turn all the sorrow to shining faces, Make all my dreams satisfied, Make all the broken things right, Make all the dead come alive.”

In the second verse, McCracken poetically expresses a longing for transformation. The imagery of turning rags to white and words to rhyme suggests a desire to be cleansed and given a renewed sense of purpose. The longing to see sorrow turn into joy and brokenness being made whole reflects a hope for restoration and the fulfillment of dreams. The mention of making the dead come alive alludes to the power of resurrection and the ultimate victory over death.

Bridge: “It feels like a million years gone by, How long till the breaking of the skies?”

The bridge introduces a sense of longing and anticipation for a future event. The passing of time is depicted as feeling like a million years, highlighting the intensity of the waiting and the yearning for a heavenly intervention. The reference to the breaking of the skies alludes to the second coming of Christ, a moment of ultimate redemption and fulfillment.

Final Chorus: “When it all comes to light, On the other side, I am yours and you are mine, In the last goodbye.”

In the final chorus, McCracken reiterates the theme of illumination and reunion on the other side. The repetition of the declaration of belonging and unity emphasizes the eternal nature of the bond between the protagonist and their loved one. The last goodbye becomes a poignant farewell, filled with hope and the promise of a future reunion.

Meaning and Inspiration:

“Last Goodbye” is a deeply introspective and emotionally charged song that explores themes of longing, redemption, and the transformative power of love. While the specific inspiration behind the song is not explicitly stated, it resonates with universal experiences of loss and the longing for spiritual reunion. The lyrics evoke a sense of surrender and a willingness to let go of worldly attachments in order to find true fulfillment and eternal connection.

Biblical Analysis:

The song “Last Goodbye” by Sandra McCracken contains profound spiritual themes that align with Biblical teachings. The overarching message of surrendering to a higher purpose, finding redemption, and experiencing the transformative power of love resonates with Christian beliefs. Let’s explore some Biblical references that support the key messages of the song.

1. Surrender and Redemption: McCracken’s lyrics echo the Biblical concept of surrendering to God’s plan for redemption. Romans 6:13 urges believers to offer themselves to God as instruments of righteousness, surrendering their own desires and plans. The protagonist’s readiness to reconcile and trade their own plans aligns with this call to surrender to God’s will.

2. Restoration and Wholeness: The longing for restoration and the desire to see broken things made right reflect the Biblical promise of God’s redemptive power. Isaiah 61:3 speaks of God’s ability to provide beauty for ashes and turn mourning into joy. The song echoes this hope for restoration and the fulfillment of dreams.

3. Resurrection and the Second Coming: The mention of making the dead come alive in the song alludes to the Christian belief in resurrection and the second coming of Christ. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 speaks of the dead being raised and believers being caught up in the air to meet Christ. The bridge of the song captures the longing and anticipation for this future event.


“Last Goodbye” by Sandra McCracken is a deeply moving and spiritually resonant song that explores themes of love, loss, and the transformative power of surrender. Through its poignant lyrics, the song invites listeners to reflect on the universal experience of longing for reunion and the hope found in surrendering to a higher purpose. While the specific inspiration behind the song is not provided, its messages align with Biblical teachings of surrender, redemption, restoration, and the promise of eternal life. McCracken’s musical and lyrical artistry create a powerful and emotionally evocative experience that speaks to the depths of the human soul.

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