Song for Rachel

We leave behind
All the pain of alienation,
We bring the lies we believed
Out into the light,
The love we were made to feel,
Oh Rachel dry your tears,
Your hope it will rise

Until the trumpet sounds,
Until our home comes down,
Children of Zion raise up the sound,
Until our home comes down

I turn away from the springs
That cannot hold water
I will be sustained
By the true river of life
You make my eyes to see
You are upholding me
All through the night


Set up a sign or a post
To give us direction,
Lead us by good, clear paths,
Show us the way
Our tired and restless ways
Help and defend us, please
Stay by my side


Your deliverance is coming
For us while we wait,
In the wilderness You walk before us,
Give us grace

Song for Rachel Video

Song for Rachel Song Meaning

Title: Song for Rachel by Sandra McCracken: A Message of Hope and Deliverance

“Song for Rachel” is a heartfelt and uplifting song by Christian artist Sandra McCracken. This song beautifully captures the themes of pain, hope, deliverance, and the unwavering love of God.

1. The Meaning of “Song for Rachel”:
“Song for Rachel” is a poignant reminder of the pain and alienation we experience in life. The lyrics speak of leaving behind the lies we believed and bringing them into the light. It encourages us to find solace in the love we were meant to feel and to dry our tears in the hope that rises within us.

The song also points to the ultimate deliverance and restoration that awaits believers. It reminds us to hold fast to our faith until the trumpet sounds and our heavenly home comes down. Through this song, Sandra McCracken invites us to embrace the hope and assurance of God’s promises.

2. The Inspiration Behind “Song for Rachel”:
While specific details about the inspiration behind “Song for Rachel” are not readily available, it is evident that the songwriter drew from personal experiences and biblical themes to craft this touching song.

Rachel is a biblical character who faced deep pain and sorrow. Her story is found in the book of Genesis, where she struggled with infertility and the longing for children. It is possible that Sandra McCracken resonated with Rachel’s journey and the emotions associated with longing, disappointment, and eventual restoration.

3. Bible Verses Related to “Song for Rachel”:
To better understand the biblical foundation of “Song for Rachel,” let’s explore some relevant verses that resonate with its message of hope, deliverance, and the steadfast love of God:

a. Isaiah 35:10 (ESV):
“And the ransomed of the Lord shall return
and come to Zion with singing;
everlasting joy shall be upon their heads;
they shall obtain gladness and joy,
and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”

This verse speaks of the joyful return of God’s people to Zion, accompanied by singing and everlasting joy. It parallels the lyrics of “Song for Rachel,” where the children of Zion raise up the sound until their heavenly home comes down.

b. Psalm 30:5 (ESV):
“For his anger is but for a moment,
and his favor is for a lifetime.
Weeping may tarry for the night,
but joy comes with the morning.”

This verse reflects the theme of hope and deliverance found in “Song for Rachel.” It reassures us that our sorrows and tears may endure for a night, but joy will come in the morning. It is a reminder that God’s favor and love are everlasting.

c. Isaiah 58:11 (ESV):
“And the Lord will guide you continually
and satisfy your desire in scorched places
and make your bones strong;
and you shall be like a watered garden,
like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.”

This verse echoes the imagery used in “Song for Rachel” about finding sustenance and satisfaction in the true river of life. It assures us that even in desolate and dry places, God will provide and sustain us. We will be like a well-watered garden, refreshed by His constant presence.

4. The Creative Journey of Sandra McCracken:
Sandra McCracken is a talented singer-songwriter who has released numerous albums, including “Psalms” and “God’s Highway.” Her music is deeply rooted in biblical theology and explores themes of faith, redemption, and personal experiences.

As an artist, Sandra draws inspiration from her own journey of faith and the stories found within the Bible. Her music reflects an honest and heartfelt expression of her relationship with God. While the specific story behind “Song for Rachel” may not be publicly known, it is evident that Sandra’s music resonates with listeners through its relatable themes and emotive lyrics.

5. The Impact of “Song for Rachel”:
“Song for Rachel” has touched the hearts of many listeners, offering comfort, encouragement, and a reminder of God’s unwavering love. Its message of hope and deliverance resonates with those who have experienced pain, loss, or feelings of alienation.

This song serves as a reminder that, despite the challenges we face, our hope lies in God’s promises. It encourages us to bring our burdens into His light and trust in His faithfulness. “Song for Rachel” reminds us that we are not alone and that God’s deliverance is coming for us while we wait.

“Song for Rachel” by Sandra McCracken is a powerful anthem of hope, deliverance, and the unyielding love of God. Its honest lyrics and emotive melody touch the hearts of listeners, offering solace and encouragement in times of pain and longing. Through this song, we are reminded of the biblical themes of restoration, joy, and the promise of a heavenly home. As we embrace the message of “Song for Rachel,” may we find strength and comfort in our journey of faith, knowing that our hope is secure in the unwavering love of our Heavenly Father.

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