Take Your Shoes off Moses – HOLY GROUND

Well, God spoke to Moses at the burning bush
Burning bush, Lord the burning bush
God spoke to Moses at the burning bush
Saying I am the Lord, thy God

Take your shoes off Moses you’re on holy ground
Holy ground, you’re on holy ground
Take your shoes off Moses you’re on Holy ground
For I am the Lord, thy God

Go yonder Moses and smite that rock
Smite that rock, Lord smite that rock
Go yonder Moses and smite that rock
For I am the Lord, thy God

Take your shoes off Moses you’re on holy ground
Holy ground, you’re on holy ground
Take your shoes off Moses you’re on Holy ground
For I am the Lord, thy God

Stand still Moses see salvation work
Salvation work, see salvation work
Stand still Moses and see salvation work
For I am the Lord, thy God

Take your shoes off Moses you’re on holy ground
Holy ground, you’re on holy ground
Take your shoes off Moses you’re on Holy ground
For I am the Lord, thy God

Take Your Shoes off Moses – HOLY GROUND Video

Take Your Shoes off Moses – HOLY GROUND Song Meaning

Title: Take Your Shoes off Moses – HOLY GROUND by Southern Gospel Revival: A Powerful Anthem of Faith

“Take Your Shoes off Moses – HOLY GROUND” is a captivating Southern Gospel Revival song that resonates with believers and carries a powerful message of reverence and awe in the presence of God. This article will delve into the meaning of the song, explore any available inspiration or story behind it, and highlight relevant Bible verses that the song relates to.

1. The Meaning of “Take Your Shoes off Moses – HOLY GROUND”:
The title of the song, “Take Your Shoes off Moses – HOLY GROUND,” references the biblical account in Exodus 3:1-6, where God spoke to Moses through a burning bush. The song calls believers to recognize the holiness of God’s presence and approach Him with reverence and humility.

2. The Inspiration or Story Behind the Song:
While specific information about the inspiration behind this rendition by Southern Gospel Revival is not readily available, we can understand the song’s origin lies in the biblical account of Moses and the burning bush. The encounter between Moses and God at the burning bush is a significant event in the Old Testament, serving as a pivotal moment in Moses’ life and God’s plan of redemption for His people.

3. The Biblical Account of Moses and the Burning Bush:
The story of Moses and the burning bush can be found in Exodus 3:1-6. Moses, who was shepherding his father-in-law’s flock, came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There, he encountered a burning bush that was not consumed by the fire. Curious, Moses turned aside to see this strange sight.

As Moses approached, God called out to him from the burning bush, saying, “Moses, Moses! Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground” (Exodus 3:5).

4. The Significance of Taking Off One’s Shoes:
In the biblical account, God commanded Moses to remove his sandals because the ground he stood on was holy. This act signified reverence and respect for God’s presence. In Jewish culture, removing one’s shoes in a sacred place or before God is a symbol of humility and recognition of God’s holiness.

5. Exploring the Lyrics and Message of the Song:
The lyrics of “Take Your Shoes off Moses – HOLY GROUND” emphasize the importance of recognizing and honoring God’s holiness. The song encourages believers to approach God with reverence and awe, just as Moses did at the burning bush.

The repeated chorus, “Take your shoes off Moses, you’re on holy ground,” serves as a reminder that we, too, are called to approach God’s presence with humility and reverence. It urges us to remove the metaphorical “shoes” of pride, self-sufficiency, and worldly distractions when we come before God.

The song also highlights the powerful encounters Moses had with God, such as when God commanded him to smite the rock or witness salvation work. These references reflect Moses’ obedience to God’s instructions and the miraculous displays of God’s power and provision.

6. Relevant Bible Verses:
a. Exodus 3:1-6 – “Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. And he led the flock to the back of the desert and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. So he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed. Then Moses said, ‘I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.’ So when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, ‘Moses, Moses!’ And he said, ‘Here I am.’ Then He said, ‘Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.’”

b. Exodus 17:5-6 – “And the Lord said to Moses, ‘Go on before the people, and take with you some of the elders of Israel. Also, take in your hand your rod with which you struck the river, and go. Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock in Horeb, and you shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink.’ And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.”

c. Exodus 14:13-14 – “And Moses said to the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.’”

7. Conclusion:
“Take Your Shoes off Moses – HOLY GROUND” by Southern Gospel Revival is a powerful anthem of faith that reminds believers of the importance of recognizing and approaching God’s presence with reverence and awe. Inspired by the encounter between Moses and God at the burning bush, the song encourages us to remove the distractions of the world and humbly submit ourselves before the holy God.

As we reflect on the lyrics and biblical references, may we be reminded of the significance of taking off our metaphorical “shoes” of pride and worldly concerns when we approach God in prayer, worship, and seeking His guidance. By doing so, we acknowledge His holiness and open ourselves to experience His transformative power in our lives.

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