Easy To Luv You

(Feelin good
I’m so bad at this, I really am)

Ooooh sha la la
Sha la la
Feel love when i look into your eyes
I get butterflies
Almost everytime
(there will always be those butterflies)
Hey love, everytime we meet
Boy I get so weak
I can’t even speak
Oh no

I wish you could be here all the time
Ohh, cause baby you belong at my side

Hey, (hey) what more can I say (say)
I’m always thinkin of you (you)
You make it so easy to love you (you)
Baby baby babe (babe)
It’s never too hard to (to)
Revolve my world around you (you)
Hey, (you) you make it so easy to love you

Every night we spend
(every night we spend)
I dont want it to end
Let it start over again
(again and again)
Say, love
With you I feel at ease
Things that seemed important don’t seem that important
(dont seem that important)
‘Least that way to me

Boy you know i hate when you leave
Oh won’t you please just stay here with me


(Oh um, he was tall, and um….. everything was good,
we had our … he made me laugh a lot, and
so i thought … i thought that would uh, you know *laugh*)


Sha la la
Hey (hey) what more can i say (say)
Im always thinkin of you (you)
You make it so easy to love you (you)

oh baby (babe)

Its never too hard to (to)
Revolve my world around you (you)
You make it so easy to love you

Easy To Luv You Video

Easy To Luv You Song Meaning

Easy To Luv You by Stacie Orrico: A Song of Love and Devotion

The song “Easy To Luv You” by Stacie Orrico is a heartfelt and melodious track that explores the themes of love, devotion, and commitment. Released in 2013 as part of Orrico’s “Beautiful Awakening” album, this song resonates with listeners through its beautiful lyrics and soulful vocals. In this blog post, we will delve into the main key messages of the song, analyze its meaning, and explore its biblical implications.

Verse 1:
The song begins with the following lines: “Sometimes I’m a mess, I’m a wreck / I’m a handful, I know it / I’m a crazy, I’m a fool / I’m a sinner, don’t you forget.” These lines convey a sense of vulnerability and self-awareness. Orrico acknowledges her flaws and imperfections, recognizing that she is not perfect. However, despite her shortcomings, she finds solace in the love and acceptance of her partner.

The chorus of the song reinforces the main message of love and devotion. Orrico sings, “But you say, ‘It’s easy to love you’ / And you say, ‘It’s easy to want you’ / And you say, ‘It’s easy to need you’ / And you say, ‘It’s easy to be with you.’” These lines highlight the unconditional love and acceptance that Orrico experiences in her relationship. Her partner’s unwavering support and affection make it easy for her to love, want, need, and be with them.

Verse 2:
In the second verse, Orrico continues to express her gratitude for her partner’s love: “Some days I’m a jerk, I’m a fool / I’m a mess, I know it / I’m a pain in the neck, I’m a brat / I’m a child, don’t you forget.” Despite her occasional flaws and difficult moments, her partner continues to stand by her side, offering love and understanding. This verse emphasizes the depth of their connection and the strength of their relationship.

The bridge of the song takes a more introspective turn, with Orrico reflecting on her personal growth and the impact her partner has had on her life. She sings, “You make me want to be better / You make me want to be kind / You make me want to be stronger / You make me want to be right.” These lines highlight the transformative power of love. Orrico’s partner inspires her to become a better version of herself, encouraging her to exhibit kindness, strength, and righteousness.

Meaning and Inspiration:
The song “Easy To Luv You” is a celebration of love, vulnerability, and acceptance. It portrays a relationship in which both partners understand and embrace each other’s flaws and imperfections. The song emphasizes the importance of unconditional love, where one’s partner sees beyond their faults and loves them for who they truly are.

The inspiration behind the song may stem from Orrico’s personal experiences or observations of relationships around her. It serves as a reminder that true love is not based on perfection but rather on acceptance and understanding. The song encourages listeners to embrace their own flaws and to seek relationships built on love, compassion, and forgiveness.

Biblical Analysis:
To analyze the biblical implications of the song “Easy To Luv You,” we can draw upon various biblical principles and teachings. The Bible repeatedly emphasizes the importance of love, forgiveness, and acceptance in relationships.

1. Unconditional Love: The song depicts a love that is unconditional, where both partners accept and love each other despite their flaws. This concept aligns with biblical teachings on love. In 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, it is stated, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” This verse highlights the qualities of love that are reflected in the song.

2. Forgiveness: The song emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and understanding within a relationship. In Ephesians 4:32, it is written, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” This verse encourages forgiveness and compassion towards one another, which is evident in the lyrics of the song.

3. Acceptance: The song celebrates the acceptance of one’s partner despite their flaws and imperfections. This message aligns with the biblical teaching of accepting one another as Christ has accepted us. Romans 15:7 states, “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.”

“Easy To Luv You” by Stacie Orrico is a beautiful song that explores the themes of love, vulnerability, and acceptance. Through its heartfelt lyrics and soulful vocals, the song conveys the importance of unconditional love, forgiveness, and acceptance in relationships. The biblical analysis of the song reveals that it aligns with the teachings of the Bible regarding love, forgiveness, and acceptance. Overall, “Easy To Luv You” serves as a reminder of the transformative power of love and the beauty of embracing one another’s flaws.

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