Strong Enough

As I rest against this cold hard wall will you pass me by?
Will you criticize me as I sit and cry?
I had fought so hard and thought that all my battles had been won
Only to find the war has just begun

Is He not strong enough?
Is He not pure enough?
To break me, pour me out
And start again?
Is He not brave enough
To take one chance on me
Please can I have one chance to start again?

Will my weakness for an hour make me suffer for a lifetime?
Is there any way to be made whole again?
If I’m healed, renewed and find forgiveness; find the strength I’ve never had
Will my scars forever ruin all God’s plan?

Is He not strong enough?
Is He not pure enough?
To break me, pour me out
And start again?
Is He not brave enough
To take one chance on me
Please can I have one chance to start again?

He took my life into His hands and turned it all around
In my most desperate circumstance its there I’ve finally found

That You are strong enough
That You are pure enough
To break me, pour me out
And start again
That You are brave enough
To take one chance on me
Oh thank You for my chance to start again

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Strong Enough Song Meaning

Strong Enough by Stacie Orrico: Finding Strength in God


In the song “Strong Enough” by Stacie Orrico, the singer expresses her struggles and doubts, questioning whether God is strong enough and pure enough to break her and start again. The song carries a powerful message of finding strength and renewal through faith in God. This blog post will delve into the main key messages of the song, provide the meaning and inspiration behind it, and critically analyze its biblical relevance.

Main Key Messages:

The song “Strong Enough” conveys a sense of vulnerability and desperation as the singer grapples with her own weaknesses and shortcomings. She questions whether God is strong enough and pure enough to help her overcome her struggles and start anew. Throughout the song, the main key messages can be identified as follows:

1. Doubt and Desperation: The opening lines of the song set the tone for the singer’s doubt and desperation. She wonders if God is strong enough and pure enough to break her and pour her out, essentially asking if He is capable of transforming her life.

2. Battling Inner Demons: The singer reflects on her past battles and achievements, only to realize that her struggles are far from over. She questions whether her weakness for an hour will make her suffer for a lifetime, indicating the ongoing battle with her inner demons.

3. Seeking Forgiveness and Renewal: Amidst her doubts, the singer longs for forgiveness and renewal. She wonders if she can be made whole again, if her scars will forever ruin God’s plan for her. This portrays the desire for a fresh start and a chance to overcome past mistakes.

4. Finding Strength in God: As the song progresses, the singer finds solace in her faith. She realizes that God is indeed strong enough, pure enough, and brave enough to take a chance on her. She acknowledges that through God, she can find the strength to start again.

Meaning and Inspiration:

The meaning of “Strong Enough” lies in the journey of finding strength and renewal through faith in God. The song reflects the struggles and doubts that many individuals face in their lives. It conveys the universal desire for forgiveness, a fresh start, and the strength to overcome personal weaknesses.

The inspiration behind the song can be interpreted in various ways. It may be inspired by personal experiences of the singer or the experiences of others close to her. It is common for individuals to question their worthiness and doubt whether God can truly forgive them and help them start anew. The song serves as a reminder that no matter how broken or weak one may feel, God is always there to provide strength and renewal.

Critically Analyzing Biblical Relevance:

When critically analyzing the biblical relevance of the song “Strong Enough,” several key themes and messages align with biblical teachings. The song echoes the biblical concept of God’s strength and purity, as well as the idea of finding redemption and renewal through Him.

1. God’s Strength and Purity: The singer questions whether God is strong enough and pure enough to break her and start again. This aligns with biblical teachings that emphasize God’s omnipotence and holiness. In the Bible, God is portrayed as the source of strength and purity, capable of transforming lives.

“For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.” – Deuteronomy 20:4

2. Forgiveness and Renewal: The singer’s desire for forgiveness and renewal reflects a biblical theme seen throughout the scriptures. The Bible teaches that God is merciful and forgiving, and through Him, individuals can find redemption and start anew.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” – 1 John 1:9

3. Finding Strength in God: The ultimate message of the song lies in finding strength in God. The singer acknowledges that God is strong enough, pure enough, and brave enough to take a chance on her. This aligns with biblical teachings that emphasize relying on God’s strength and finding refuge in Him.

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.” – Psalm 28:7


“Strong Enough” by Stacie Orrico is a powerful song that explores themes of doubt, vulnerability, and finding strength in God. The main key messages of the song revolve around questioning God’s strength and purity, seeking forgiveness and renewal, and ultimately finding strength in Him. The song carries a universal message that resonates with individuals who have experienced struggles and doubts in their faith. From a biblical perspective, the song aligns with teachings on God’s strength, forgiveness, and finding refuge in Him. Overall, “Strong Enough” serves as a reminder that no matter how broken or weak one may feel, God is always there to provide strength and renewal.

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