You Know My Name

Verse 1: Jimi Cravity
He knows my name
He knows my name
He knows my name
Yes, He knows my name
And oh, how He walks with me
Yes, oh, how He talks with me
And oh, how He tells me
That I am His own

Chorus 1: Tasha Cobbs Leonard
You know my name
You know my name
You know my name
You know my name
And oh, how You comfort me
And oh, how You counsel me
Yet it still amazes me
That I am Your friend

Verse 2: Tasha Cobbs Leonard & Jimi Cravity
So now, I pour out
My heart to You
Here in Your presence
I am made new
So now, I pour out
My heart to You
Here in Your presence
I am made new

Chorus 2: Tasha Cobbs Leonard
And You know my name
And You know my name
You know my name
You know my name
And oh, how You walk with me
Oh, how You talk with me
Oh, how You tell me
That I am Your own

Interlude: Tasha Cobbs Leonard
God, You know me
So I trust You in my life, yeah

Bridge 1: Tasha Cobbs Leonard
No fire can burn me
No battle can turn me
No mountain can stop me
‘Cause You hold my hand
Now I’m walking in Your victory
‘Cause Your power is within me
No giant can defeat me
‘Cause You hold my hand
No fire can burn me
No battle can turn me
No mountain can stop me
‘Cause You hold my hand
Now I’m walking in Your victory
‘Cause Your power is within me
No giant can defeat me
‘Cause You hold my hand
No fire can burn me
No battle can turn me
No mountain can stop me
‘Cause You hold my hand
Now I’m walking in Your victory
‘Cause Your power is within me
No giant can defeat me
‘Cause You hold my hand…

Bridge 2: Tasha Cobbs Leonard
You hold my hand (You hold my hand)
I don’t have to be afraid, no (You hold my hand)
I don’t have to be afraid, no (You hold my hand)
I don’t have to be afraid (You hold my hand)
You hold my hand (You hold my hand)
You hold my hand (You hold my hand)
I’m so in love with You (You hold my hand)
I’m so in love with You (You hold my hand)
You hold my hand (You hold my hand)
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh oh-oh-oh (You hold my hand)
You hold my hand (You hold my hand)
You hold my hand (You hold my hand)

Chorus 3: Tasha Cobbs Leonard
You know my name
You know my name
You know my name
You know my name
And oh, how You walk with me
And oh, how You talk with me
Oh, how You tell me
That I am Your own

You Know My Name Video

You Know My Name Song Meaning


“You Know My Name” is a powerful worship song by Tasha Cobbs Leonard. It is a declaration of our identity in God and His promise to always be with us. The song reminds us that God knows our name and walks with us, comforting and counseling us.

Main Key Messages of the Song

The main key messages of the song can be understood by examining the lyrics chronologically:

Verse 1: The opening verse of the song states, “He knows my name, Yes, He knows my name.” This line emphasizes the intimate knowledge that God has of each individual. It highlights the fact that God knows us personally, and He is intimately familiar with every detail of our lives. This knowledge brings a sense of comfort and assurance.

The next line, “And oh, how He walks with me, Yes, oh, how He talks with me,” further emphasizes the personal relationship we have with God. It speaks of the closeness and intimacy we can experience with Him. This line echoes the sentiment of Psalm 23:4, which says, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.”

The final line of the verse, “And oh, how He tells me, That I am His own,” affirms our identity as children of God. It reminds us that we belong to Him and are loved unconditionally. This echoes the biblical truth found in Isaiah 43:1, where God says, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.”

Chorus 1: The first chorus of the song reiterates the message that God knows our name. It declares, “You know my name, And oh, how You comfort me, And oh, how You counsel me, Yet it still amazes me, That I am Your friend.” This chorus emphasizes the comforting and counseling nature of God’s presence in our lives. It also highlights the incredible privilege we have of being called friends of God, as Jesus Himself declared in John 15:15.

Verse 2: The second verse of the song builds upon the themes of the first verse. It expresses the desire to pour out our hearts to God and be made new in His presence. This verse acknowledges the transformative power of God’s presence in our lives. It echoes the sentiment of Psalm 51:10, which says, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

Chorus 2: The second chorus mirrors the first chorus and emphasizes the personal relationship we have with God. It declares, “And You know my name, And oh, how You walk with me, Oh, how You talk with me, Oh, how You tell me, That I am Your own.” This chorus echoes the sentiments of the first chorus, emphasizing God’s presence and His affirmation of our identity as His own.

Bridge 1: The first bridge of the song proclaims the victory we have in God. It declares, “No fire can burn me, No battle can turn me, No mountain can stop me, ‘Cause You hold my hand.” This bridge speaks of the protection and guidance God offers His children. It echoes the words of Psalm 23:4, which says, “Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

The bridge continues, “Now I’m walking in Your victory, ‘Cause Your power is within me, No giant can defeat me, ‘Cause You hold my hand.” This line highlights the power of God within us and the assurance that we can overcome any obstacle or challenge with His help. It echoes the words of 1 John 4:4, which says, “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”

Bridge 2: The second bridge of the song reinforces the message of God’s presence and His holding our hand. It declares, “You hold my hand, I don’t have to be afraid, no, I don’t have to be afraid, no, I don’t have to be afraid, You hold my hand.” This bridge emphasizes the security and comfort we find in God’s presence. It echoes the words of Isaiah 41:10, which says, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

The Meaning of the Song

The song “You Know My Name” is a powerful reminder of our identity in God and His constant presence in our lives. It emphasizes the personal relationship we have with Him and the comfort and assurance that comes from knowing that He knows us intimately.

The song encourages us to pour out our hearts to God and be made new in His presence. It reminds us that we are not alone in our journey and that we can walk in victory because God’s power is within us.

The song also highlights the importance of recognizing and affirming our identity as children of God. It reminds us that no matter what others may call or label us, God knows exactly who He created us to be.

The inspiration or story behind the song is not explicitly mentioned, but it is clear that it is rooted in the biblical truth of God’s intimate knowledge of His children and His constant presence with them.

Biblical Analysis

The song “You Know My Name” is deeply rooted in biblical truth. It echoes various passages from the Bible that affirm God’s knowledge of His children and His constant presence with them.

The song emphasizes the biblical truth that God knows our names. In Isaiah 43:1, God declares, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” This verse highlights the personal relationship God has with His people, knowing them by name and claiming them as His own.

The song also emphasizes the theme of God walking with His children. In Psalm 23:4, David declares, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.” This verse speaks of the comfort and assurance that comes from God’s presence in our lives, just as the song expresses.

Furthermore, the song affirms our identity as children of God. In John 1:12, it is written, “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” This verse highlights the incredible privilege we have of being called children of God, a theme echoed throughout the song.

The bridge of the song speaks of God’s power within us and our victory in Him. In 1 John 4:4, it is written, “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” This verse reminds us that with God’s power within us, we can overcome any obstacle or challenge.

Overall, the song “You Know My Name” aligns with biblical truth and conveys powerful messages of God’s intimate knowledge of His children, His constant presence with them, and the victory they have in Him.

In conclusion, “You Know My Name” by Tasha Cobbs Leonard is a powerful worship song that declares our identity in God and His promise to always be with us. It emphasizes the personal relationship we have with Him, His intimate knowledge of us, and the comfort and assurance that comes from knowing that He knows us by name. The song is deeply rooted in biblical truth and aligns with the themes of God’s presence, our identity as His children, and the victory we have in Him. It serves as a reminder of the incredible privilege we have of being known and loved by God.

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