Well Done – Well Done My Good and Faithful One

What will it be like when my pain is gone

And all the worries of this world just fade away?

What will it be like when You call my name

And that moment when I see You face to face?

I’m waiting my whole life to hear You say

Well done, well done

My good and faithful one

Welcome to the place where you belong

Well done, well done

My beloved child

You have run the race and now you’re home

Welcome to the place where you belong

What will it be like when tears are washed away

And every broken thing will finally be made whole?

What will it be like when I come into Your glory

Standing in the presence of a love so beautiful?

I’m waiting my whole life for that day

I will live my life to hear You say

Well done, well done

My good and faithful one

Welcome to the place where you belong

Well done, well done

My beloved child

You have run the race and now you’re home

Welcome to the place where you belong

What will it be like when I hear that sound?

All of heaven’s angels crying out:

Singing holy holy, holy are You Lord

Singing holy holy, holy are You Lord

Singing holy holy, holy are You Lord

Waiting my whole life for that day

Until then I’ll live to hear You say

Well done, well done

My good and faithful one

Welcome to the place where you belong

Well done, well done

My beloved child

You have run the race and now you’re home

Welcome to the place where you belong

Well Done – Well Done My Good and Faithful One Song Meaning

Well Done – Well Done My Good and Faithful One by The Afters is a powerful Christian song that conveys a message of hope, redemption, and the ultimate reward for a life well-lived in service to God. The song speaks to the longing we all have to hear those words “well done” from our Heavenly Father, and it reminds us of the eternal home that awaits us in His presence.

I. Introduction to the Song
The song begins by painting a picture of a future time when all the pain, worries, and struggles of this world will fade away. The lyrics ask what it will be like when we hear our name called by Jesus and see His face, and it expresses the anticipation and longing we have for that moment. The first verse sets the tone for the rest of the song, creating a sense of longing and anticipation for the ultimate reward that awaits us.

II. The Reward for Faithfulness
The chorus of the song repeats the phrase “well done” multiple times, emphasizing the importance of hearing those words from God. The lyrics describe it as a reward for being a good and faithful servant, and it welcomes the listener to the place where they truly belong. This section of the song is a reminder that our faithfulness in this life will be rewarded in the next, and it serves as a source of encouragement for believers to continue running the race and serving God faithfully.

III. The Fulfillment of All Things
The second verse of the song shifts the focus to the ultimate fulfillment that will take place in the presence of God. It speaks of tears being washed away and broken things being made whole. The lyrics describe it as a moment of glory and being in the presence of a love so beautiful. This section of the song reminds us that all the pain and brokenness of this world will be transformed and redeemed in the presence of God, and it gives us hope for a future where everything will be made right.

IV. The Heavenly Sound
The bridge of the song paints a vivid picture of the heavenly realm, where the angels cry out in worship and adoration of God. The lyrics describe the angels singing “Holy, Holy, Holy are You Lord,” and it creates a sense of awe and reverence for the greatness and holiness of God. This section of the song serves as a reminder that our ultimate goal is to be in the presence of God, worshiping Him for all eternity.

V. Inspiration and Song Story
The inspiration behind the song “Well Done” comes from the desire to capture the anticipation and longing we all have to hear those words from God. In an interview, lead singer Josh Havens stated, “Someday we’re all gonna leave this world. We’re gonna leave behind the pains, the heartache, all the struggles of this world. It’s all gonna be washed away and we’re gonna go before Jesus. We’re gonna find ourselves in a place where we belong more than we’ve ever belonged before. A place where we’re more at home than we’ve ever felt before. A place where we’re going to experience a love unlike we’ve ever known before.”

VI. Biblical Analysis
The song “Well Done” aligns with biblical teachings and conveys important truths about the Christian faith. The message of the song is rooted in the concept of rewards and eternal life mentioned in various passages of the Bible.

1. Matthew 25:21 – “His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’”

This verse directly references the phrase “well done” and emphasizes the reward that awaits those who have been faithful in serving God. The song echoes this sentiment, reminding listeners of the ultimate reward for a life lived in devotion to God.

2. Revelation 21:4 – “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

The second verse of the song aligns with this biblical passage, depicting a future where tears are washed away and broken things are made whole. It speaks of the complete restoration and redemption that will take place in the presence of God.

3. Revelation 4:8 – “The four living creatures, each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within. And they do not rest day or night, saying: ‘Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!’”

The bridge of the song references the angels crying out “Holy, Holy, Holy are You Lord,” which echoes the worship of the heavenly creatures described in Revelation. This section of the song aligns with the biblical idea of eternal worship and adoration of God in His presence.

Overall, “Well Done” by The Afters is a biblically sound song that conveys important truths about the Christian faith. It reminds listeners of the reward for faithfulness, the ultimate fulfillment in the presence of God, and the eternal worship that awaits us. The song serves as a source of encouragement and hope for believers, reminding them of the ultimate goal of hearing those words “well done” from their Heavenly Father.

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