How Good

How good, how good our God has been to us,

How great, how great his faithfulness and love.

There s no way to describe to you the awesome things he s done,

How good, how good our God has been to us

So, we have climb high mountains, we’ve crossed some deserts dry

We’ve walked through shadowed valleys and looked death in the eye

But grace has always been there, each step along the way,

Wwhen we look back on the journey all we really have to say.

The hand of God has kept us through danger fire and flood,

We’ve come through overcomers because of Calvary s blood

No weapon formed against us will prosper or prevail.

We are marching forward cause Jesus never fails.


God is so good, God is so good,

God is so good, He’s so good to me!

How Good Video

How Good Song Meaning

How Good by The Collingsworth Family: A Song of God’s Faithfulness

The song “How Good” by The Collingsworth Family is a powerful reminder of God’s goodness and faithfulness in our lives. Through its heartfelt lyrics and beautiful melody, the song takes us on a journey of reflecting on the many ways God has been good to us. In this blog post, we will explore the main messages of the song, its meaning, and analyze its biblical foundation.

Main Key Messages of the Song:

1. God’s Faithfulness:
The opening lines of the song immediately draw our attention to the goodness and faithfulness of God: “How good, how good our God has been to us, How great, how great His faithfulness and love.” These words set the tone for the entire song, emphasizing that God has been consistently faithful and loving towards us. It reminds us of the countless blessings and provisions He has bestowed upon us throughout our lives.

2. Gratitude and Reflection:
As the song progresses, it encourages us to reflect on the amazing things God has done for us: “There’s no way to describe to you the awesome things He’s done.” It serves as a reminder for us to take a moment to pause and recognize the goodness of God in our lives. It prompts us to express our gratitude for His provision and blessings.

3. Overcoming Challenges:
The song acknowledges that life is not always easy and that we face challenges along the way: “We have climbed high mountains, we’ve crossed some deserts dry, We’ve walked through shadowed valleys and looked death in the eye.” However, it also highlights that God’s grace has been with us every step of the way, helping us overcome these trials. It reminds us that even in the midst of difficulties, God is working for our good.

4. God’s Protection:
The song proclaims that no weapon formed against us will prosper or prevail because we are under God’s protection: “No weapon formed against us will prosper or prevail.” This message is rooted in biblical truth, as Isaiah 54:17 states, “No weapon forged against you will prevail.” It reassures us that God is our shield and defender, keeping us safe from harm.

5. The Unfailing Nature of Jesus:
The song concludes with the affirmation that Jesus never fails: “We are marching forward cause Jesus never fails.” This line serves as a powerful reminder of the unwavering nature of Jesus’ love and faithfulness. It reminds us that we can trust in Him and rely on His strength and guidance as we continue our journey of faith.

Meaning and Inspiration:
The song “How Good” is a testimony of God’s goodness and faithfulness in the lives of the singers and listeners alike. It encourages us to reflect on the ways God has been present in our lives, providing for us, protecting us, and guiding us through both joyful and challenging seasons. The inspiration for the song may have come from personal experiences of the songwriters or the Collingsworth Family themselves, as they have witnessed God’s faithfulness in their own lives.

Biblical Analysis:
The song “How Good” is deeply rooted in biblical truths. It aligns with various passages of Scripture that affirm God’s faithfulness, protection, and provision.

1. God’s Faithfulness:
The song echoes the sentiment expressed in Psalm 36:5, which says, “Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.” It emphasizes that God’s faithfulness is great and unchanging.

2. Gratitude and Reflection:
The Bible repeatedly encourages us to give thanks and reflect on God’s goodness. Psalm 107:8-9 says, “Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” The song aligns with this biblical principle by prompting us to reflect on the awesome things God has done for us.

3. Overcoming Challenges:
The song acknowledges the presence of challenges in our lives, but it also affirms God’s grace and help in overcoming them. This message resonates with the promise found in Isaiah 41:10, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

4. God’s Protection:
The line in the song that declares, “No weapon formed against us will prosper or prevail,” is derived from Isaiah 54:17: “no weapon forged against you will prevail.” This verse assures us of God’s protection and His ultimate victory over any opposition or attack.

5. The Unfailing Nature of Jesus:
The statement in the song, “Jesus never fails,” is consistent with the biblical truth expressed in Hebrews 13:8, which says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” It assures us that Jesus’ love and faithfulness are unchanging and dependable.

The song “How Good” by The Collingsworth Family serves as a beautiful reminder of God’s goodness and faithfulness in our lives. Its heartfelt lyrics and melodic composition inspire gratitude, reflection, and trust in God’s unfailing love. Through its biblical foundation, the song aligns with the timeless truths found in Scripture, affirming God’s faithfulness, protection, and provision. May this song continue to uplift and encourage believers to recognize and celebrate the goodness of God in their lives.

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