I Owe You Everything

Verse 1:

For the prayers that you have answered,

For the mountains, you have moved,

For the questions you have settled, Lord,

It’s the least that I can do

To serve you with my whole heart and though I can’t repay the debt of love I owe you,

I’ll try to anyway…


I owe you everything.

I owe you all of me.

My life, my breath, my praise, my worship,

I give it as an offering.

Oh, I could never do enough,

In exchange for all, you’ve done.

You have made me something out of nothing

I owe you everything.

Verse 2:

When I pray in expectation,

And your answer is to wait.

Helping me to be more patient, Lord,

And trust in you by faith.

I know that you are working, your purpose for my good.

And those long-awaited blessings remind me as they should…

I owe you everything.

I owe you all of me.

My life, my breath, my praise, my worship,

I give it as an offering.

Oh, I could never do enough,

In exchange for all, you’ve done.

You have made me something out of nothing…

I owe you everything.


Should I lose all my possessions,

And my world come tumblin’ down.

My soul is save in you and I know without a doubt…

I owe you everything.

I owe you all of me.

My life, my breath, my praise, my worship,

I give it as an offering.

Oh, I could never do enough,

In exchange for all, you’ve done.

You have made me something out of nothing…

I owe you everything.

Oh, I could never do enough,

In exchange for all, you’ve done

You have made me something out of nothing.

Oh, you have made me something out of nothing.

I owe you everything…

I Owe You Everything Video

I Owe You Everything Song Meaning

Title: I Owe You Everything by The Collingsworth Family: A Song of Gratitude and Surrender


“I Owe You Everything” is a powerful Christian song performed by The Collingsworth Family. This inspiring track delves into the depths of gratitude and surrender to God, acknowledging His faithfulness, answered prayers, and the countless blessings bestowed upon us.

With heartfelt lyrics and a captivating melody, this song resonates with believers who understand the debt of love we owe to our Creator. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the song, the inspiration or story behind it, and the Bible verses that relate to its message.

1. The Meaning of “I Owe You Everything”:

The song “I Owe You Everything” encapsulates the essence of a believer’s response to God’s unending love, grace, and mercy. It is a declaration of gratitude and surrender, acknowledging that everything we have and are is due to God’s provision and faithfulness.

The lyrics convey the understanding that no matter what we do, we can never repay God for His goodness and blessings. Instead, we offer our lives, praise, worship, and everything we have as an offering of gratitude and surrender.

2. The Inspiration and Story Behind the Song:

While specific details about the inspiration and story behind “I Owe You Everything” are not readily available, we can speculate that the Collingsworth Family, like many Christian artists, are inspired by their personal faith journeys and encounters with God’s goodness.

The song’s message aligns with the core principles of Christianity – recognizing God’s sovereignty, grace, and provision in our lives. It serves as a reminder to continually surrender our lives to God and acknowledge His role as the source of everything we have.

3. Bible Verses Related to “I Owe You Everything”:

The lyrics of “I Owe You Everything” find their roots in various Bible verses that emphasize gratitude, surrender, and acknowledging God’s blessings. Here are a few relevant scriptures:

a) Romans 12:1-2 (NIV):
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”

This verse highlights the concept of surrendering our entire lives to God as an act of worship. It reminds us that our response to God’s mercy and love should be a complete offering of ourselves.

b) Psalm 116:12 (NIV):
“What shall I return to the Lord for all his goodness to me?”

This verse poses a rhetorical question that resonates with the theme of the song. It acknowledges the debt of gratitude we owe to God for His goodness and prompts us to reflect on how we can respond to His faithfulness.

c) Psalm 103:2 (NIV):
“Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits.”

This verse encourages us to remember and acknowledge God’s blessings and benefits in our lives. It reminds us to praise and worship Him for His goodness and faithfulness.

4. Analyzing the Lyrics:

Let’s explore the lyrics of “I Owe You Everything” and extract the key themes presented in each section.

Verse 1:
The opening verse expresses gratitude for God’s answered prayers, the mountains He has moved, and the questions He has settled. It acknowledges that despite our inability to fully repay God, we are called to serve Him wholeheartedly.

The chorus emphasizes the debt of love we owe to God and our commitment to offer our lives, breath, praise, and worship as an offering. It acknowledges that no matter how much we do, it can never be enough in exchange for all that God has done for us.

Verse 2:
The second verse focuses on the experience of waiting and trusting in God’s timing. It acknowledges that even when prayers are not answered immediately, God is still working for our good. It reinforces the understanding that God’s timing and purpose surpass our own, and we should trust in Him.

The bridge addresses the possibility of losing worldly possessions and reminds us that our true treasure lies in our soul’s salvation. It reinforces the idea that even in the face of adversity and loss, our debt of gratitude to God remains, and our surrender to Him is unwavering.


“I Owe You Everything” by The Collingsworth Family is a profound song that encapsulates the essence of gratitude and surrender to God. It serves as a reminder that we can never fully repay God for His blessings, but we can offer our lives and everything we have as an act of worship.

Through this song, we are encouraged to reflect on God’s goodness, His faithfulness in answering prayers, and His continuous provision in our lives. It reminds us to surrender ourselves to Him, acknowledging that we owe Him everything.

As we listen to this song, let it inspire us to live a life of gratitude, surrender, and worship, recognizing God’s sovereignty and provision each day. May we be reminded of the debt of love we owe to our Creator, who has made us something out of nothing.

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