Praise You

There is no place where You’re not there
I’ll never drift from Your love and care
There’s not a thing about me that You don’t know

The winds of the morning will take me to You
The blackes of night Your love will shine through
You are already there no matter where I may go

Even before I get to Thee
Your loving eyes will looking at me
Your even closer than the breathe that I take

Mother and father more than a friend to me
Beginning an ending and living of life to me
The song I find myself singing when I awake

So I will praise You
Lord, I praise You, now I praise You
For bearing me up and giving me wings
For lifting my sights to heavenly things
For being a song I can’t help but sing
Praise You

Look at me Lord, I’m open to You
Do anything that You wanna do
You know me even better than I know myself

I’ll not be afraid of what You can see
‘Coz you know the person inside of me
I won’t even tried to hide what You know so well

Lord just be patient with my mistakes
I wanna be Yours whatever it takes
I’ve learned a life without You is no life at all

Failures and talents, schemes I bring to You
Aspirations and dreams I sing to You
I’ll just be here, ready, wherever You call

So I will praise You
Lord, I praise You, now I praise You
For bearing me up and giving me wings
For lifting my sights to heavenly things
For being a song I can’t help but sing
Praise You
Praise You
Praise You

Praise You Video

Praise You Song Meaning

Title: Praise You by The Collingsworth Family: A Song of Devotion and Gratitude

Praise You by The Collingsworth Family is a powerful Christian song that resonates with believers who seek to express their devotion and gratitude to God. With its heartfelt lyrics and beautiful melody, this song reminds us of the omnipresence of God and the significance of praising Him in all circumstances. In this article, we will delve into the meaning of the song, explore the inspiration or story behind it (if available), and discuss Bible verses that relate to its message.

1. Understanding the Meaning of Praise You:
The song Praise You by The Collingsworth Family encapsulates the essence of praise and worship. It emphasizes the unchanging love and care of God, highlighting the fact that He is always present in our lives, regardless of our circumstances. The lyrics remind us that God knows us intimately and is aware of every detail of our lives, from the winds of the morning to the darkness of night. The song encourages us to praise God for His constant presence and unwavering love.

2. The Inspiration or Story Behind Praise You:
While the specific inspiration or story behind Praise You by The Collingsworth Family might not be readily available, we can infer that the song draws inspiration from the Bible and personal experiences of the songwriter. Many Christian songs are birthed out of personal encounters with God or reflections on His Word. It is likely that the songwriter sought to convey a message of hope, trust, and gratitude through the lyrics of this song.

3. Bible Verses Related to Praise You:
Praise You by The Collingsworth Family aligns with various Bible verses that emphasize the themes of God’s omnipresence, love, and the importance of praising Him. Here are a few relevant verses:

a. Psalm 139:7-10 (NIV):
“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”

b. Matthew 6:8 (NIV):
“Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.”

c. Psalm 139:1 (NIV):
“You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.”

These verses affirm the central message of the song, highlighting God’s omnipresence, His intimate knowledge of every aspect of our lives, and His faithful guidance.

4. Analyzing the Lyrics of Praise You:
Let’s examine some key phrases from the lyrics of Praise You by The Collingsworth Family and explore their deeper meanings:

a. “There is no place where You’re not there”:
This line emphasizes the omnipresence of God. It reminds us that no matter where we go, God is always with us. It echoes the truth found in Psalm 139:7-10, where David acknowledges that even if he goes to the heavens or the depths, God is still present.

b. “The winds of the morning will take me to You, The blackes of night Your love will shine through”:
These lines depict the idea that no matter the time of day or the circumstances we find ourselves in, God’s love and guidance are constant. It echoes the assurance that even in the darkest moments, God’s love will shine through, leading us to Him.

c. “Even before I get to Thee, Your loving eyes will look at me”:
This phrase portrays the intimate knowledge God has of us. It acknowledges that even before we approach God, He already knows us intimately. It aligns with Psalm 139:1, where David acknowledges that God has searched him and knows him fully.

d. “Mother and father, more than a friend to me, Beginning and ending and living of life to me”:
These lines depict the deep relationship we have with God. It recognizes Him as not only a friend but also as the ultimate source of life and love. It reflects the truth that God is our heavenly Father, who cares for us and guides us through every aspect of life.

5. Conclusion:
Praise You by The Collingsworth Family is a heartfelt Christian song that encourages believers to express their devotion, gratitude, and trust in God. The lyrics highlight God’s omnipresence, His intimate knowledge of our lives, and His unwavering love and care. Through this song, listeners are reminded to praise God in all circumstances, knowing that He is always with them. As we reflect on the lyrics of this song, may it encourage us to deepen our relationship with God and offer Him our sincere praise and worship.

Note: The word count of this article is 648 words. If you require a longer article, please let me know, and I will be happy to extend it accordingly.

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