That’s Not The God I Know


A nameless being high upon a throne,

with a kingdom and a crown all his own.

Unmoved by the sorrow that we bear,

that s not the God I know.

Unable to be touched by all the needs,

of those crying out to him down on their knees.

Not hearing or answering a prayer,

that s not the God I know.


The One I know will go, to the darkest place to reach you

No matter how far, He’ll come to where you are to meet you.

The One I know will stay when others go away and leave you

If you think that God is far away and cold, that s not the God I know.


Seeing me so lost without a hope,

He left the 99 safe in the fold

To search until he found and brought me home

Yes that s the God I know

He left the 99 safe in the fold

To search until he found and brought me home

Yes that s the God I know

That’s Not The God I Know Video

That’s Not The God I Know Song Meaning

Title: That’s Not The God I Know by The Collingsworth Family: A Profound Reflection on God’s Unchanging Love


“That’s Not The God I Know” is a powerful song performed by The Collingsworth Family, a renowned Christian music group. This song beautifully captures the essence of God’s unwavering love, compassion, and willingness to reach out to those in need. It serves as a reminder that despite the hardships and challenges we face, God is always near, ready to comfort and guide us. In this article, we will dive deeper into the meaning of the song, explore its inspiration, and connect it to relevant Bible verses.

Meaning of the Song:

“That’s Not The God I Know” is a profound testimony to the true character of God. It emphasizes that God is not distant, unfeeling, or unresponsive to our needs. Instead, He is a God who actively seeks us out in our darkest moments, offering solace, hope, and redemption. The lyrics challenge the misconceptions that may arise from our limited understanding of God, inviting us to embrace His relentless pursuit of a relationship with us.

Inspiration and Story Behind the Song:

While specific details about the inspiration and story behind “That’s Not The God I Know” are not readily available, we can infer that the song draws inspiration from the Bible and personal experiences. The lyrics reflect the songwriter’s deep understanding of God’s nature, drawing from scriptural truths that reveal His love, grace, and faithfulness.

Bible Verses Related to the Song:

1. Psalm 34:18 (NIV):
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

This verse resonates with the message of the song, emphasizing God’s proximity to those who are hurting. It assures us that God is intimately aware of our pain and stands ready to offer comfort and healing.

2. Luke 15:4-7 (NIV):
“Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’”

This parable of the lost sheep beautifully illustrates the message conveyed in the song. It highlights God’s relentless pursuit of the one who has gone astray, demonstrating His unwavering love and desire to restore the broken.

3. Isaiah 41:10 (NIV):
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

This verse assures us that God is not distant or uninvolved in our lives. He promises to be with us, providing strength and assistance in times of trouble. It reinforces the message of the song that God is always present, even when we may feel alone.

Exploring the Lyrics:

Verse 1: A nameless being high upon a throne, with a kingdom and a crown all his own. Unmoved by the sorrow that we bear, that’s not the God I know.

In this verse, the songwriter challenges the perception that God is distant and unsympathetic to our pain. The lyrics emphasize that God is not an indifferent ruler but a loving Father who deeply cares about our sorrows and burdens.

The phrase “that’s not the God I know” serves as a powerful statement, inviting listeners to reconsider their understanding of God’s character. It encourages us to let go of preconceived notions and embrace the truth of God’s relentless love.

Chorus: The One I know will go to the darkest place to reach you. No matter how far, He’ll come to where you are to meet you. The One I know will stay when others go away and leave you. If you think that God is far away and cold, that’s not the God I know.

The chorus reinforces the central message of the song, highlighting God’s unwavering commitment to His children. It reminds us that God is not limited by distance or circumstance. He is willing to go to the darkest places to find us, staying by our side when others abandon us.

The repetition of the phrase “that’s not the God I know” throughout the chorus further emphasizes the importance of understanding God’s true nature. It challenges any misconceptions we may have and invites us to experience His love firsthand.

Verse 2: Seeing me so lost without hope, He left the 99 safe in the fold. To search until he found and brought me home, yes, that’s the God I know.

This verse beautifully portrays the image of God as the Good Shepherd, leaving behind the ninety-nine sheep to search for the one who is lost. It reflects the parable mentioned earlier, emphasizing God’s relentless pursuit of our hearts.

The lyrics affirm that God does not abandon us in our brokenness. Instead, He actively seeks us out, bringing us back into His loving embrace. It’s a powerful reminder that no matter how lost we may feel, God is always ready to guide us home.


“That’s Not The God I Know” by The Collingsworth Family is a heartfelt song that challenges misconceptions about God’s character. It invites us to embrace the truth that God is not distant, unfeeling, or unresponsive to our needs. Through powerful lyrics and a moving melody, the song reminds us of God’s unwavering love, His relentless pursuit of a relationship with us, and His desire to bring us back into His fold. By understanding the true nature of God, we can find comfort, hope, and strength in His presence, knowing that He is always near, even in our darkest moments.

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