That’s the Place I’m Longing to Go

Where no sorrows ever told
Where nobody will grow old
Where the pains of the heart are no more

Where the orphan has a home
Where nobody feels alone
That’s the place my soul is longing for

Where the angels sing so sweetly without ceasing
And the rivers of joy ever flow
Where my Saviour calls His own
Where I’ll stand before the throne
That’s the place I’m longing to go

Where there’ll be no broken home
Where no discord’s ever sown
Where no sin ever lies at the door
Where no loved ones ever stray
And we watch them slip away
That’s the place my soul is longing for

Where no tears ever fall
Where death angels never call
Where the crate never hangs on the door
Where the hungry never cry
Where we’ll never wave goodbye
That’s the place my soul is longing for

Where the angels sing so sweetly without ceasing
And the rivers of joy ever flow
Where my Saviour calls His own
Where I’ll stand before the throne
That’s the place I’m longing to go
That’s the place I’m longing to go

That’s the Place I’m Longing to Go Video

That’s the Place I’m Longing to Go Song Meaning

Title: That’s the Place I’m Longing to Go by The Collingsworth Family: A Song of Heavenly Hope

“That’s the Place I’m Longing to Go” is a heartfelt Christian song performed by The Collingsworth Family. This beautiful composition speaks of the eternal hope and longing for heaven, where sorrows cease, loved ones are reunited, and joy abounds.

1. The Meaning Behind the Song:
“That’s the Place I’m Longing to Go” reflects a deep yearning for a heavenly home, where all pain, suffering, and brokenness will be replaced with eternal joy, peace, and harmony. The song paints a vivid picture of a place where there are no tears, no sorrows, and no growing old. It speaks to the innate desire within every believer to be united with God and experience the fullness of His presence.

2. The Inspiration and Story Behind the Song:
While the specific inspiration and story behind “That’s the Place I’m Longing to Go” by The Collingsworth Family are not readily available, the lyrics resonate with the teachings and promises of the Bible. The song captures the universal longing of believers for a heavenly dwelling place, drawing inspiration from the hope found in scripture.

3. Bible Verses Related to the Song:
The lyrics of “That’s the Place I’m Longing to Go” align with several Bible verses that emphasize the hope and anticipation of a heavenly home. Here are a few key references:

– Revelation 21:4 (ESV): “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
– 1 Corinthians 2:9 (NIV): “However, as it is written: ‘What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived’—the things God has prepared for those who love him.”
– John 14:2-3 (NLT): “There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.”

4. Exploring the Lyrics:
The lyrics of “That’s the Place I’m Longing to Go” beautifully describe the attributes and blessings of the heavenly realm. Let’s delve into the verses and explore their deeper meanings:

Verse 1:
“Where no sorrows ever told,
Where nobody will grow old,
Where the pains of the heart are no more.”

These lines evoke a vision of a place free from suffering and the passage of time. It speaks of a realm where sorrows are unknown, and the burdened hearts find eternal solace.

Verse 2:
“Where the orphan has a home,
Where nobody feels alone,
That’s the place my soul is longing for.”

These lines resonate with the biblical promise of God’s care for orphans and the lonely. It reflects the longing for a place where everyone finds belonging and companionship, a true heavenly home.

“Where the angels sing so sweetly without ceasing,
And the rivers of joy ever flow,
Where my Savior calls His own,
Where I’ll stand before the throne,
That’s the place I’m longing to go.”

The chorus paints a picture of perpetual worship and overflowing joy in the presence of God. It expresses the desire to stand before the throne of grace and be united with the Savior, basking in the everlasting glory of His presence.

Verse 3:
“Where there’ll be no broken home,
Where no discord’s ever sown,
Where no sin ever lies at the door.”

These lines capture the longing for an end to broken relationships and the absence of strife. It speaks to the yearning for a place untouched by sin, where harmony prevails and love reigns supreme.

Verse 4:
“Where the hungry never cry,
Where we’ll never wave goodbye,
That’s the place my soul is longing for.”

These lines evoke the promise of a place where hunger, both physical and emotional, ceases to exist. It speaks to the longing for a realm where goodbyes are never uttered, and separation is no more.

“That’s the Place I’m Longing to Go” by The Collingsworth Family is a song that beautifully captures the yearning for a heavenly home. Through its lyrics, it paints a vivid picture of a realm where sorrows are replaced with joy, brokenness with wholeness, and separation with eternal unity. Drawing inspiration from biblical promises, the song invites believers to anticipate their future dwelling place, where God’s presence and blessings will be fully experienced. May this song inspire us to fix our eyes on the eternal hope that awaits us and to live faithfully until we reach that glorious destination.

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