When He Comes Down

When Jesus was here
He gave us the words of eternal life
He gave us His peace
And He said, I ll not leave you alone
And though I wasn t there
When the multitude watched him ascend
Two angels in white announced
He would come back again

What a blessing it was
To be part of that crowd
Gathered there that day
To see Him go up
And in clouds see Him taken away
But I know in my heart
That a greater blessing waits now for me
Oh, cause I m part of that crowd
That s been watching the sky faithfully

My eyes shall see King Jesus
When He comes in clouds of glory
If I am sleeping, I ll be awakened from the grave
And if I remain, I ll hear the trumpet s joyful sound
I didn t see Him go up
But I ll see Him when He comes down

I ll be like Him
I ll be like Him
Though I don t know just what I ll be
I ll be like Him
I ll be like Him (I ll be like Him)
I ll be like Him (I ll be like Him)
Though I don t know (Don t know)
just what I ll be (Just what I ll be), I ll be like Him
I shall see Him as He is
And that s good enough for me
I ll be like Him
When He Comes Down

My eyes shall see King Jesus
When He comes in clouds of glory
If I am sleeping, I ll be awakened from the grave
And if I remain, I ll hear the trumpet s joyful sound
I didn t see Him go up
But I ll see Him when He comes down

And if I remain, I ll hear the trumpet s joyful sound
I didn t see Him….I didn t see Him
Oh, I didn t see Him go up
But I ll see Him when He comes down
When He comes down

When He Comes Down Video

When He Comes Down Song Meaning

Title: When He Comes Down by The Hoppers: A Song of Hope and Anticipation


“When He Comes Down” is a powerful and inspiring song performed by The Hoppers, a renowned Southern Gospel music family group. This song encapsulates the hope and anticipation Christians have for the second coming of Jesus Christ. With its touching lyrics and uplifting melody, “When He Comes Down” reminds believers of the promise of eternal life and the joyous reunion that awaits them when Jesus returns.

Meaning and Inspiration:

The song “When He Comes Down” is a beautiful expression of the Christian faith and the anticipation of the glorious return of Jesus Christ. It speaks of the belief that one day, all believers will witness the triumphant return of Jesus in the clouds of glory.

The inspiration behind this song lies in the biblical teachings about the second coming of Christ. The lyrics convey the hope and excitement that Christians have for the fulfillment of God’s promises. The anticipation of being united with Jesus and experiencing the fullness of His glory is a central theme in this song.

Biblical References:

The song “When He Comes Down” aligns with various Bible verses that speak about the second coming of Jesus. These verses provide a solid foundation for the hope and belief expressed in the lyrics. Some relevant biblical references include:

1. Acts 1:9-11 – “After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. ‘Men of Galilee,’ they said, ‘why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.’”

This passage from the book of Acts describes the ascension of Jesus into heaven and the promise that He will return in a similar manner. The song draws inspiration from this event and the reassurance that Jesus will come again.

2. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 – “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.”

This passage speaks about the future resurrection of believers and their gathering with the Lord in the clouds. The lyrics of “When He Comes Down” echo this biblical truth and the joyous anticipation of being reunited with Jesus.

3. John 14:1-3 – “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”

Jesus’ own words in the Gospel of John provide comfort and hope to believers. The lyrics of the song reflect the assurance that Jesus is preparing a place for His followers and will return to take them to be with Him.

The Significance of the Song:

“When He Comes Down” holds great significance for Christians as it reminds them of the ultimate hope they have in Jesus Christ. The song encourages believers to remain steadfast in their faith and eagerly await His glorious return.

The lyrics serve as a reminder of the promises found in the Bible and the assurance that Jesus will fulfill them. It encourages believers to keep their focus on eternity and live in anticipation of the day when they will see King Jesus coming in the clouds of glory.

Creative Subheadings:

1. The Journey of Faith:
– Anticipating the Second Coming of Jesus
– The Hope of the Believers

2. Drawing Inspiration from Biblical Events:
– The Ascension of Jesus
– The Promise of His Return

3. Biblical Promises and Hope:
– Resurrection and Gathering of Believers
– A Place Prepared by Jesus

4. The Reunion with Jesus:
– Eagerly Awaiting the Glorious Day
– The Joyous Expectation of His Return


“When He Comes Down” by The Hoppers is a heartfelt song that captures the essence of Christian hope and anticipation for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Inspired by biblical teachings, the lyrics remind believers of the promised fulfillment of God’s Word and the joyous reunion that awaits them when Jesus returns.

Through its powerful message and uplifting melody, “When He Comes Down” encourages Christians to remain steadfast in their faith and eagerly await the triumphant return of their Savior. It reminds them to keep their focus on eternity and live in anticipation of the day when they will see King Jesus coming in the clouds of glory.

As believers embrace the lyrics of this song, they are reminded of the biblical promises and teachings that point to the certainty of Jesus’ return. “When He Comes Down” serves as a source of comfort, inspiration, and hope, reminding Christians to live with an eternal perspective and eagerly anticipate the glorious day when they will be united with Jesus forever.

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