Beautiful God

Hey Hey Hey ah 

Oh God You’re beautiful 

I see Your handiworks 

In the things You’ve created 

And Your mighty power in Your name 

You are invincible 

So beautiful and great 

There is nothing You can’t do 

You call light out of darkness 

Yes You walked upon the sea 

You bring life to the dead 

Oh God You are amazing 

You call light out of darkness 

Yes You walked upon the sea 

You bring life to the dead 

You just dey blow my mind 

Beautiful God You reign 

Beautiful God You reign 

Excellent God You reign 

Excellent God You reign 

I see Your handiworks 

In the things You’ve created 

And Your mighty power in Your name 

You are invincible 

So beautiful and great 

There is nothing You can’t do 

You call light out of darkness 

Yes You walked upon the sea 

You bring life to the dead 

Oh God You are amazing 

You call light out of darkness 

Yes You walked upon the sea 

You bring life to the dead 

You just dey blow my mind 

Beautiful God You reign 

Beautiful God You reign 

Excellent God You reign 

Excellent God You reign 

Beautiful God

You reign over the heavens 

You reign over the earth

You kingdom has no ends 

Beautiful God 

You light up every darkness

You calm the raging sea 

Your kingdom has no end 

Beautiful God Video

Beautiful God Song Meaning

Title: Beautiful God by The Keeper’s Music: Celebrating the Majesty and Power of the Almighty

Beautiful God, a worship song by The Keeper’s Music, is a soul-stirring anthem that exalts the majestic and powerful nature of God. With its captivating melodies and heartfelt lyrics, the song invites listeners to marvel at the beauty and greatness of our Creator.

1. The Inspiration behind Beautiful God:
The Keeper’s Music, a talented group of Christian musicians, drew inspiration from their personal encounters with God’s glory and the wonders of His creation. As they contemplated the heavens, the earth, and the miraculous works of the Almighty, they were moved to express their awe and admiration through the song Beautiful God.

2. The Meaning of Beautiful God:
The song Beautiful God is an expression of reverence and adoration towards God’s beauty, power, and creative abilities. It acknowledges that God’s handiwork is evident in all aspects of creation, from the intricate details of nature to the supernatural acts performed by His divine intervention.

3. Biblical References:
The lyrics of Beautiful God align with several Bible verses that highlight God’s beauty, power, and creative prowess. These verses deepen our understanding of the song’s message and provide a biblical foundation for our worship.

a. Psalm 19:1 (NIV):
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”

This verse reminds us that the beauty and splendor of the heavens testify to the greatness of our God. It affirms that creation itself is a proclamation of God’s glory and serves as a testament to His creative power.

b. Psalm 89:8-9 (NIV):
“O Lord God Almighty, who is like you? You are mighty, O Lord, and your faithfulness surrounds you. You rule over the surging sea; when its waves mount up, you still them.”

These verses emphasize God’s authority and power over creation. They showcase His ability to calm the raging sea and bring order to chaos. Beautiful God echoes this truth by acknowledging God’s ability to bring life to the dead and perform the extraordinary.

c. Isaiah 40:26 (NIV):
“Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.”

This verse invites us to ponder the vastness of God’s creation and marvel at His ability to sustain and govern it all. Beautiful God echoes this sentiment by celebrating the beauty and wonder of God’s handiwork.

4. The Lyrical Essence of Beautiful God:
In the song Beautiful God, the lyrics paint a vivid picture of God’s creative genius and sovereignty. The song acknowledges that God can call light out of darkness, walk upon the sea, and bring life to the dead. It encapsulates the awe-inspiring nature of our Creator and invites us to join in worship and adoration.

5. The Impact of Beautiful God:
Beautiful God has the power to ignite a sense of wonder and reverence within the hearts of believers. As we meditate on the lyrics and reflect on the biblical references, we are reminded of God’s incomparable beauty and His indescribable power. This realization leads us to respond in worship, gratitude, and surrender.

Beautiful God, a worship song by The Keeper’s Music, serves as a powerful anthem that magnifies the beauty, power, and creative genius of our God. Inspired by personal encounters with His glory, the song invites listeners to marvel at the wonders of His creation and worship Him with sincere hearts. Through biblical references, we discover that the song aligns with scriptural truths that highlight God’s sovereignty, creativity, and ability to perform the extraordinary. As we engage with Beautiful God, may we be reminded of the magnificence of our Creator and respond with heartfelt worship and adoration.

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