House of Broken Dreams

Hear the whistle blow
It echoes down my soul
It’s something I have always known
Nothing sounds so sad
A cry to the unknown
The fundamental sigh of all who’ve gone this way before

Lay me down to sleep
Come and comfort me
I’ll sleep in peace
In a house of broken dreams

I’m old enough to know
That dreams are quickly spent
Like a pouring rain on warm cement
Or fingerprints in dust
Nectar on the wind
Save them for tomorrow and tomorrow lets you down again

Lay me down to sleep
Come and comfort me
I’ll sleep in peace
In a house of broken dreams

Give me the reasons to go on
Soften the sorrow that shatters and bends
And mend broken dreams

Sentimental hearts
Hungry for the past
Penniless at the wishing-well
Memories will last
And cover certain scars
Acquired in the daily grind of being what we are

Lay me down to sleep
Come and comfort me
I’ll sleep in peace
In a house of broken dreams

House of Broken Dreams Video

House of Broken Dreams Song Meaning

House of Broken Dreams by The Williams Brothers: Exploring the Depths of Despair


House of Broken Dreams is a poignant and soul-stirring song by The Williams Brothers. With its haunting melody and heartfelt lyrics, the song delves into the depths of despair and the longing for hope and comfort. In this blog post, we will explore the main key messages of the song, analyze its meaning, and critically examine its biblical implications.

Verse 1: Hear the whistle blow, it echoes down my soul

The opening lines of the song immediately draw the listener into a somber atmosphere. The whistle represents a cry or call that resonates deep within the singer’s soul. It suggests a longing or yearning for something beyond the present circumstances. The use of the word “echoes” implies that this cry has been heard before, indicating a recurring theme of sadness and longing.

The main key message in this verse is the recognition of the soul’s deep longing for something more, something beyond the brokenness of life. It speaks to the universal human experience of feeling lost and searching for solace.

Verse 2: Lay me down to sleep, come and comfort me

In this verse, the singer expresses a desire for comfort and peace. The act of laying down to sleep symbolizes surrender and vulnerability. It is a plea for someone or something to come and bring solace in the midst of turmoil.

The key message here is the need for comfort and rest in the face of broken dreams. It speaks to the human longing for a refuge, a safe place where one can find solace and peace.

Chorus: I’ll sleep in peace, in a house of broken dreams

The chorus encapsulates the central theme of the song – finding peace amidst broken dreams. It acknowledges the reality of shattered hopes and dreams, yet suggests that even in the midst of brokenness, there is still the possibility of finding peace and rest.

The main key message in the chorus is the affirmation that peace can be found even in the midst of broken dreams. It challenges the notion that brokenness and despair are all-consuming, offering a glimmer of hope in the midst of darkness.

Verse 3: Give me the reasons to go on, soften the sorrow that shatters and bends, and mend broken dreams

In this verse, the singer pleads for reasons to keep going, to find purpose and meaning in the midst of sorrow. The use of the word “soften” suggests a desire to alleviate the pain and sorrow that can be overwhelming. The line “mend broken dreams” speaks to the longing for restoration and healing.

The key message in this verse is the plea for hope and healing in the face of broken dreams. It acknowledges the pain and sorrow that can shatter and bend a person, but also expresses a yearning for restoration and the mending of what has been broken.

Verse 4: Sentimental hearts, hungry for the past, penniless at the wishing-well

This verse explores the human tendency to cling to the past and long for what has been lost. The use of the word “sentimental” suggests a deep emotional attachment to memories and the desire to hold onto what once was. The imagery of being penniless at the wishing-well conveys a sense of desperation and longing for something that may never be attained.

The main key message in this verse is the recognition of the human longing for what has been lost. It speaks to the pain of nostalgia and the yearning for a time when dreams were still intact.

Biblical Analysis:

When critically analyzing the song House of Broken Dreams from a biblical perspective, we can find several parallels and themes that resonate with biblical teachings.

1. The Human Condition: The song captures the universal human experience of brokenness and longing. In the book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon reflects on the futility of worldly pursuits and the emptiness that comes from chasing after dreams that ultimately fade away. He concludes that true fulfillment can only be found in God (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

2. God as Comforter: The plea for comfort and peace in the song aligns with the biblical understanding of God as our ultimate source of comfort. In Psalm 34:18, it is written, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” This verse reflects the idea that God is near to those who are hurting and provides solace in times of distress.

3. Hope in the Midst of Brokenness: The song’s central message of finding peace in a house of broken dreams echoes the biblical concept of finding hope in the midst of despair. In Romans 15:13, the apostle Paul writes, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” This verse reminds us that even in the midst of broken dreams, we can find hope and peace through our trust in God.


House of Broken Dreams by The Williams Brothers is a powerful song that delves into the depths of despair and the longing for hope and comfort. Through its heartfelt lyrics, it explores the universal human experience of brokenness and the yearning for solace. From a biblical perspective, the song aligns with themes of the human condition, God as the ultimate comforter, and finding hope in the midst of brokenness. It serves as a reminder that even in the face of shattered dreams, there is still the possibility of finding peace and restoration.

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