Stand Out

[speaking: Tye Tribbett]

When the enemy comes in like a flood,

The spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him.

I see the enemy coming in like a flood in our houses, in our churches, in our families.

But what I don’t see is the standard. People of God where’s the standard at?

We in a war y’all. It’s time to stand OUT!


It’s about to go down. The battle has begun.

It’s time for you to choose, whose side you gonna be on.

The devil is recruiting, temptin’ every man.

But he’s already defeated, all we have to do is stand.

No time for mixing light with the darkness.

Be black or be white, no more shades of gray.

Be separated, be holy, no matter what you do, don’t bow.

And even if you stand alone, stand anyhow.


[Tye:] Rise up!


Rise up people, put on your strength.

There’s a war going on and we will win.

Stand up and fight, let the kingdom prevail.

With power and might, we will stand out.

Stand out!

[G.A.:] Stand out!

Be not conformed to this world.

[G.A.:] Stand out!

Be transformed, renew your mind.

[G.A.:] Stand out!

Just like the three Hebrew boys,

[G.A.:] Stand out!


God is playin’ it cool, don’t wanna rub nobody the wrong way.

Almost like we’re trying to fit in. Acting like we don’t know the name.

It’s time for us to stand out and go against the grain.

Forget tryin’ to be down, let the world know you’ve been changed.

How you gonna be the praise leader? But you listen to R & B?

And hip-hop is on your ringtone. I’m trynna tell you God ain’t pleased.

And since when did it become cool for you to live together unmarried?

Men with men?

Women with women?

I’m tellin you God ain’t gon’ have it.



It’s time to recognize.

The war it’s in disguise.

No time for compromise.

Wake up open your eyes.

[together:] The devil is a LIE!

You must be hot or cold.

You can’t blend in the crowd.

It’s time for God’s people ta –



Let me hear your war cry!


Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!


Let me hear your war cry!


Ooh! (Let’s Stand Out!) Ooh! (Let’s Stand Out!) Ooh!


Little bit louder.


Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!


One more time!


Ooh! (Cry out loud!) Ooh! (Stand out!) Ooh!


[Speaking: Tye Tribbett]

We in a war people of God.

You don’t have to fight, all you gotta do is stand.

Make some noise G.A.!

Having done all to stand…

Now stand people of God!

If you gonna stand out with us… SCREAM!

Stand Out Video

Stand Out Song Meaning

Stand Out by Tye Tribbett is a powerful song that speaks to the heart of every believer. The song is a call to action, a call to rise up and stand out in a world that is full of darkness and confusion. It is a reminder that we are called to be a light in the darkness, to be salt in a world that has lost its flavor.

The Meaning of Stand Out by Tye Tribbett

The song Stand Out is a call to action. It is a call to rise up and be different, to be set apart from the world. The song speaks to the heart of every believer, reminding us that we are called to be a light in the darkness. The lyrics of the song are powerful and inspiring, urging us to stand firm in our faith and not to be swayed by the world around us.

The inspiration behind Stand Out by Tye Tribbett

Tye Tribbett is a well-known Christian artist who has released several albums over the years. His music is known for its powerful lyrics and uplifting message. The inspiration behind Stand Out is rooted in Tye’s own personal experiences. As a Christian artist, Tye has faced many challenges and obstacles in his life and career. He has had to stand firm in his faith and not compromise his beliefs in order to succeed in the music industry.

Tye has said that the inspiration for the song came from a place of frustration. He was frustrated with the state of the world and the lack of faith he saw in many people. He felt that too many Christians were blending in with the world, rather than standing out and being the light that they were called to be. The song is a call to action, urging believers to stand up and be different, to be set apart from the world.

Bible Verses that support the message of Stand Out

The message of Stand Out is rooted in the Bible. Throughout the Bible, we are called to be a light in the darkness, to be set apart from the world. Here are a few Bible verses that support the message of the song:

– “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” – Matthew 5:14-16

– “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” – Romans 12:1-2

– “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” – 1 John 2:15-17

The practical application of Stand Out by Tye Tribbett to Christian living

The message of Stand Out is a powerful reminder to Christians that we are called to be different, to be set apart from the world. Here are a few practical applications of the song to Christian living:

1. Don’t blend in with the world.

As Christians, we are called to be different. We are called to stand out and be the light in the darkness. It can be easy to blend in with the world and to compromise our beliefs in order to fit in. However, we must resist this temptation and stand firm in our faith.

2. Be bold in your faith.

Standing out requires boldness. We must be willing to speak up for our faith and to share the Gospel with others. This can be challenging, but it is essential if we want to make a difference in the world.

3. Be an example to others.

When we stand out and live a life that is set apart from the world, we become an example to others. Our lives can be a testimony to the power of Christ and can inspire others to live for Him.

4. Seek God’s will for your life.

In order to stand out and be the light in the darkness, we must seek God’s will for our lives. We must spend time in prayer and in God’s Word, seeking His guidance and direction. When we are in line with God’s will, we can make a greater impact on the world around us.

In conclusion, Stand Out by Tye Tribbett is a powerful song that speaks to the heart of every believer. It is a call to action, urging us to stand up and be the light in the darkness. The song is rooted in the Bible and has practical applications to Christian living. As Christians, we are called to be different, to be set apart from the world. We must stand firm in our faith and seek God’s will for our lives if we want to make a difference in the world.

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